AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-10-06Version bump to 1.0.0Christoph Helma
2009-10-06Version bump to 0.0.0Christoph Helma
2009-09-11InChI escaping fixedChristoph Helma
2009-09-10initial wrapper for new webservicesChristoph Helma
2009-09-10Version bump to 1.0.0Christoph Helma
2009-09-08api separated into individual components, adapted for new webservice versionsChristoph Helma
2009-08-25rake tasks to (re)start webservices addedChristoph Helma
2009-08-21environment.rb and templates addedChristoph Helma
2009-08-20Initial Rake tasks addedChristoph Helma
2009-08-17Regenerated gemspec for version 0.2.2Christoph Helma
2009-08-17Version bump to 0.2.2Christoph Helma
2009-08-17put parameter added for dataset.closeChristoph Helma
2009-08-17Regenerated gemspec for version 0.2.1Christoph Helma
2009-08-17Version bump to 0.2.1Christoph Helma
2009-08-17dataset creation from name fixedChristoph Helma
2009-08-17Regenerated gemspec for version 0.2.0Christoph Helma
2009-08-17Version bump to 0.2.0Christoph Helma
2009-08-17lazar prediction class added, tests finishedChristoph Helma
2009-08-16intermediary commitChristoph Helma
2009-08-15Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.5Christoph Helma
2009-08-15Version bump to 0.1.5Christoph Helma
2009-08-15XML support removed, YAML expected for object serialization.Christoph Helma
2009-08-15Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.4Christoph Helma
2009-08-15authentification helper added, lazar object addedChristoph Helma
2009-08-15Version bump to 0.1.4Christoph Helma
2009-08-14Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.3Christoph Helma
2009-08-14Version bump to 0.1.3Christoph Helma
2009-08-14Spork added from git:// Helma
2009-08-14Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.2Christoph Helma
2009-08-14Version bump to 0.1.2Christoph Helma
2009-08-14Default environments addedChristoph Helma
2009-08-14Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.1Christoph Helma
2009-08-14post instead of put to submit to datasetChristoph Helma
2009-08-14Version bump to 0.1.1Christoph Helma
2009-08-13Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.0Christoph Helma
2009-08-13description added, rdoc removedChristoph Helma
2009-08-13Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.0Christoph Helma
2009-08-13gemspec and rdoc documentation addedChristoph Helma
2009-08-13Version bump to 0.1.0Christoph Helma
2009-08-13Version bump to 0.0.0Christoph Helma
2009-08-13Initial commit to opentox-ruby-api-wrapper.Christoph Helma