#!/bin/sh # Installs Opentox Webservice. # Author: Christoph Helma, Andreas Maunz. SELF=$(basename $0 -install) [ "`id -u`" = "0" ] && echo "This script must be run as non-root." 1>&2 && exit 1 # Adjust ruby version here! RUBY_NUM_VER="1.9.3-p194" echo echo "Welcome to service installation ( to continue)." read delete_me # check wd is root of service DIR=`pwd` if echo $DIR | grep "$SELF/bin" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then cd ..; fi # # # Boot the script # load base config, helper funs, environment OT_CONFIG_DIR="$HOME/.opentox" ! [ -f "$OT_CONFIG_DIR/config/install/config.sh" ] && echo "config.sh not found." 1>&2 && exit 1 || . $OT_CONFIG_DIR/config/install/config.sh ! [ -f "$OT_PREFIX/install/utils.sh" ] && echo "utils.sh not found." 1>&2 && exit 1 || . $OT_PREFIX/install/utils.sh [ -f $OT_CONFIG_DIR/opentox-ui.sh ] && . $OT_CONFIG_DIR/opentox-ui.sh # should have been done by user already RUBY_DIR="$HOME/.rbenv/versions/$RUBY_NUM_VER" # # # Install LOG="$OT_PREFIX/tmp/`basename $0`.log" check_utils "rbenv find" echo echo "Installation ('$LOG'):" echo # ruby [ "`$RBENV local 2>/dev/null`" = "$RUBY_NUM_VER" ] || install_ruby # self echo install_with_bundler echo echo "Installation finished." echo echo "IMPORTANT: How to configure your system:" echo "IMPORTANT: a) Include '$OT_UI_CONF' in shell startup (e.g. ~/.bashrc)." echo "IMPORTANT: b) Manually source '$OT_UI_CONF' every time." echo "IMPORTANT: The command in both cases: '. $OT_UI_CONF'" echo "IMPORTANT: NOW would be the best time to configure!" echo echo "Thank you for your attention." echo # return to wd cd "$DIR"