#!/bin/bash #Installation is tested on Debian Ubuntu 9.10 #Update the system FAILED=0 STARTPATH=$PWD ERRLOG=$PWD/'install_err.log' INSTALLLOG=$PWD/'install_log.log' DATE=$(date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S) BRANCH=$1 GEMVERSION="1.3.5" GITVERSION="" RAPTORVERSION="1.4.20" RASQALVERSION="0.9.16" RASQALVERSION2="0.9.15" REDLANDVERSION="1.0.7" REDBINDVERSION="" if [ "$BRANCH" = '' ] then echo "Please enter: sudo ./[filename] [brunchtpy]" exit 1 fi echo "=================================================" echo "Selected branch is: $BRANCH" echo "=================================================" echo "Please enshure that the sudo package is installed" echo "on your system. " echo "On Ubuntu Linux sudo is installed by default." echo "If you are unsure check with it 'sudo ls'" echo "and installed it with 'apt-get install sudo'" echo "and add your username with visudo." echo "=================================================" echo "Some programs and the OpenTox webservices will be installed in the current folder." echo "=================================================" echo -n "To continue installation press y: " read answer if [ "$answer" != "y" ] then echo "exiting the script..." exit 1 fi echo "opentox webservice install log - " $DATE > $INSTALLLOG echo "opentox webservice install err log - " $DATE > $ERRLOG echo "Installing: build-essential" sudo apt-get install build-essential | tee -a $INSTALLLOG echo "Installing: ruby 1.8 with its dev files" sudo apt-get install ruby ruby1.8-dev | tee -a $INSTALLLOG echo "Installing: gems rdoc rubygems libxml-parser-ruby1.8 libxml++2.6-dev libyaml-ruby libzlib-ruby sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libsqlite3-ruby1.8 and rake" sudo apt-get install gems rdoc rubygems libxml-parser-ruby1.8 libxml++2.6-dev libyaml-ruby libzlib-ruby rake sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libsqlite3-ruby1.8 | tee -a $INSTALLLOG #RUBYGEMS echo "Installing rubygems from source. This may take some time" if [ ! -d $STARTPATH/rubygems-$GEMVERSION ]; then wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/60718/rubygems-$GEMVERSION.tgz >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG tar xzfv rubygems-$GEMVERSION.tgz >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd rubygems-$GEMVERSION sudo ruby setup.rb >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd .. sudo rm rubygems-$GEMVERSION.tgz CHECKGEM=`gem -v` if [ "$CHECKGEM" == "$GEMVERSION" ] then echo "Adding http://gems.github.com to ruby gem sources" sudo gem sources -a http://gems.github.com >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG echo "=================================================" echo "Rubygems version $GEMVERSION successfully installed." echo "=================================================" else echo "Rubygems version $GEMVERSION installation failed." FAILED=1 exit $FAILED fi else echo "rubygems-$GEMVERSION folder already exist. " fi echo "Installing packages: zlib1g-dev tcl curl perl ssh tcl tk8.5 libopenssl-ruby libgsl0-dev swig r-base rinruby" sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev tcl curl perl libopenssl-ruby libgsl0-dev r-base | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo apt-get install ssh tcl tk8.5 | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo apt-get install swig | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-8.4 | tee -a $INSTALLLOG #echo "Installing gems jeweler sinatra emk-sinatra-url-for dm-core cehoffman-sinatra-respond_to rest-client rack-contrib thin cucumber datamapper data_objects do_sqlite3 rinruby" sudo gem install jeweler | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo gem install sinatra | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo gem install emk-sinatra-url-for -s http://gems.github.com | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo gem install dm-core | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo gem install cehoffman-sinatra-respond_to -s http://gems.github.com | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo gem install rest-client | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo gem install rack-contrib | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo gem install thin | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo gem install cucumber | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo gem install datamapper | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo gem install data_objects | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo gem install do_sqlite3 | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo gem install rinruby | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo gem cleanup | tee -a $INSTALLLOG echo "Installing LibRDF-ruby" sudo apt-get install librdf0 librdf-ruby | tee -a $INSTALLLOG #GIT echo "Installing git from source" echo "This could take a while..." if [ ! -d $STARTPATH/git-$GITVERSION ]; then wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-$GITVERSION.tar.gz >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG tar xzfv git-$GITVERSION.tar.gz >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd git-$GITVERSION ./configure >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG make >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG sudo make install >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd .. sudo rm git-$GITVERSION.tar.gz CHECKGIT=`git --version` if [ "$CHECKGIT" == "git version $GITVERSION" ] then echo "=================================================" echo "Git version $GITVERSION successfully installed." echo "=================================================" else echo "Git version $GITVERSION installation failed." FAILED=1 exit $FAILED fi else echo "git-$GITVERSION folder exists." fi #REDLAND if [ ! -d $STARTPATH/redland ]; then echo "Making Redland folder." mkdir redland >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd redland echo "Installing Redland raptor" if [ ! -d $STARTPATH/redland/raptor-$RAPTORVERSION ]; then wget wget http://download.librdf.org/source/raptor-$RAPTORVERSION.tar.gz >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG tar xzfv raptor-$RAPTORVERSION.tar.gz >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd raptor-$RAPTORVERSION ./configure >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG sudo make >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG sudo make install >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd .. sudo rm raptor-$RAPTORVERSION.tar.gz CHECKRAPTOR=`raptor-config --version` if [ "$CHECKRAPTOR" == "$RAPTORVERSION" ] then echo "=================================================" echo "Raptor version $RAPTORVERSION successfully installed." echo "=================================================" else echo "Raptor version $RAPTORVERSION installation failed." FAILED=1 exit $FAILED fi else echo "raptor-$RAPTORVERSION folder exists." fi echo "Installing Redland rasqal" wget wget http://download.librdf.org/source/rasqal-$RASQALVERSION.tar.gz >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG tar xzfv rasqal-$RASQALVERSION.tar.gz >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd rasqal-$RASQALVERSION ./configure >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG sudo make >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG sudo make install >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd .. sudo rm rasqal-$RASQALVERSION.tar.gz CHECKRASQAL=`rasqal-config --version` if [ "$CHECKRASQAL" == "$RASQALVERSION2" -o "$CHECKRASQAL" == "$RASQALVERSION" ] then echo "=================================================" echo "Raptor version $RASQALVERSION2 or higher successfully installed." echo "=================================================" else echo "Raptor version $RASQALVERSION2 or higher installation failed." FAILED=1 exit $FAILED fi echo "Installing Redland redland" wget wget http://download.librdf.org/source/redland-$REDLANDVERSION.tar.gz >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG tar xzfv redland-$REDLANDVERSION.tar.gz >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd redland-$REDLANDVERSION ./configure >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG sudo make >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG sudo make install >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd .. sudo rm redland-$REDLANDVERSION.tar.gz CHECKREDLAND=`redland-config --version` if [ "$CHECKREDLAND" == "$REDLANDVERSION" ] then echo "=================================================" echo "Redland version $REDLANDVERSION successfully installed." echo "=================================================" else echo "Redland version $REDLANDVERSION installation failed." FAILED=1 exit $FAILED fi echo "Installing Redland Bindings with ruby" wget http://download.librdf.org/source/redland-bindings-$REDBINDVERSION.tar.gz >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG tar xzfv redland-bindings-$REDBINDVERSION.tar.gz >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd redland-bindings-$REDBINDVERSION ./configure --with-ruby >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG sudo make >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG sudo make install >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd .. sudo rm redland-bindings-$REDBINDVERSION.tar.gz cd .. #CHECKREDBIND=`??? --version` #if [ "$CHECKREDBIND" == "$REDBINDVERSION" ] #then # echo "=================================================" # echo "Redland Bindings version $REDBINDVERSION successfully installed." # echo "=================================================" #else # echo "Redland Bindings version $REDBINDVERSION installation failed." # FAILED=1 # exit $FAILED #fi else echo "Redland folder exists." fi echo "Installing the opentox webservices" mkdir webservices cd webservices echo "Install the opentox-ruby-api-wrapper" echo "This could take a while..." git clone git://github.com/helma/opentox-ruby-api-wrapper.git >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd opentox-ruby-api-wrapper git checkout -b $BRANCH origin/$BRANCH >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG OTAPIVERSION=`cat VERSION` sudo rake install | tee -a $INSTALLLOG cd .. CHECKOTAPI=`gem list | grep "opentox-ruby-api-wrapper" | grep "$OTAPIVERSION"` if [ ! "$CHECKOTAPI" = '' ] then echo "=================================================" echo "opentox-ruby-api-wrapper ($OTAPIVERSION) successfully installed." echo "=================================================" else echo "opentox-ruby-api-wrapper ($OTAPIVERSION) installation failed." FAILED=1 exit $FAILED fi echo "Installing the webservices: compound, dataset, algorithm, model, task, feature" git clone git://github.com/helma/opentox-compound.git >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG git clone git://github.com/helma/opentox-dataset.git >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG # opentox-algorithem only temporally from davor! git clone git://github.com/davor/opentox-algorithm.git >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG git clone git://github.com/helma/opentox-model.git >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG git clone git://github.com/helma/opentox-task.git >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG git clone git://github.com/helma/opentox-feature.git >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd opentox-compound git checkout -b $BRANCH origin/$BRANCH >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd ../opentox-dataset git checkout -b $BRANCH origin/$BRANCH >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd ../opentox-algorithm git checkout -b $BRANCH origin/$BRANCH >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd ../opentox-model git checkout -b $BRANCH origin/$BRANCH >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd ../opentox-task git checkout -b $BRANCH origin/$BRANCH >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd ../opentox-task git checkout -b development origin/development >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd .. #edit /home/[username]/.opentox/config/test.yaml set :base_dir: /home/[username]/webservices echo "Installing the tests" git clone git://github.com/helma/opentox-test.git >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG cd opentox-test git checkout -b $BRANCH origin/$BRANCH >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG echo "Installing openbabel" cd ../opentox-compound sudo rake openbabel:install | tee -a $INSTALLLOG sudo ldconfig >>$INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERRLOG ln -s /usr/local/lib/libopenbabel.so.3 /usr/lib/libopenbabel.so.3 >> $INSTALLLOG 2>>$ERR #VERSION=` --version` #if [ "$VERSION" == "$RAPTORVERSION" ] #then # echo "=================================================" # echo "Raptor version $RAPTORVERSION successfully installed." # echo "=================================================" #else # echo "Raptor version $RAPTORVERSION installation failed." # FAILED=1 # exit $FAILED #fi #check /webservices/opentox-algorithm/fminer.rb for 1,0/ture,false bug BUGCHECK1=`grep "@@fminer.AddActivity(true, id)" $STARTPATH/webservices/opentox-algorithm/fminer.rb` BUGCHECK2=`grep "@@fminer.AddActivity(false, id)" $STARTPATH/webservices/opentox-algorithm/fminer.rb` if [ -z "$BUGCHECK1$BUGCHECK2" ] then echo "fminer.rb is correct." else sed -i 's/@@fminer.AddActivity(true, id)/@@fminer.AddActivity(1, id)/g' $STARTPATH/webservices/opentox-algorithm/fminer.rb sed -i 's/@@fminer.AddActivity(false, id)/@@fminer.AddActivity(0, id)/g' $STARTPATH/webservices/opentox-algorithm/fminer.rb echo "fminer.rb updated." fi #todo: configure libfminer Makefile (location of ruby.h) #-> fixed by using davor's repository cd ../opentox-algorithm echo "Installing fminer" echo "This could take a while..." sudo updatedb sudo rake fminer:install | tee -a $INSTALLLOG cd .. FMINERVERSION=`ls $STARTPATH/webservices/opentox-algorithm/libfminer | grep "fminer.so"` if [ "$FMINERVERSION" == "fminer.so" ] then echo "=================================================" echo "Fminer successfully installed." echo "=================================================" else echo "Fminer installation failed." FAILED=1 exit $FAILED fi if [ $FAILED == 0 ] then #get username echo "Please enter username:" read USERNAME #change rights from root to user sudo chown -R $USERNAME: $STARTPATH/webservices/ sudo chown -R $USERNAME: ~/.opentox/ fi if [ "$FAILED" == "1" ] then echo "=================================================" echo "Installation script failed!" echo "=================================================" exit 1 else echo "=================================================" echo "opentox-install-script is completed." echo "=================================================" echo "Configuration:" echo "Edit the settings in $HOME/.opentox/config/{development|production|test}.yaml for your environment." echo "=================================================" echo "Start the webservices local:" echo "cd webservices/opentox-test/" echo "rake opentox:services:start" echo "=================================================" echo "Test local webservices:" echo "rake features" echo "=================================================" fi exit 0