require_relative '../lib/lazar.rb' include OpenTox #get list of bundle URIs bundles = JSON.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(''))["dataset"] bundles.each do |bundle| uri = bundle["URI"] nanoparticles = JSON.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(bundle["dataset"]+"?media=application%2Fjson"))["dataEntry"] features = JSON.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(bundle["property"]+"?media=application%2Fjson"))["feature"] nanoparticles.each do |np| nanoparticle = Nanoparticle.find_or_create_by( :name => np["values"][""], :source => np["compound"]["URI"], ) np["composition"].each do |comp| case comp["relation"] when "HAS_CORE" nanoparticle[:core] = comp["component"]["compound"]["URI"] when "HAS_COATING" nanoparticle[:coating] ||= [] nanoparticle[:coating] << comp["component"]["compound"]["URI"] end end if np["composition"] np["values"].each do |u,v| if u.match(/property/) name, unit = nil features.each do |uri,feat| if u.match(/#{uri}/) name = feat["title"] unit = feat["units"] end end feature = Feature.find_or_create_by( :name => name, :unit => unit, #:source => uri ) nanoparticle[:features] ||= {} if v.size == 1 and v.first.keys == ["loValue"] nanoparticle[:features][] = v.first["loValue"] else #TODO end end end p nanoparticle end end