module OpenTox module Backend class FourStore @@accept_formats = [ "application/rdf+xml", "text/turtle", "text/plain", "text/uri-list", "text/html", 'application/sparql-results+xml' ] @@content_type_formats = [ "application/rdf+xml", "text/turtle", "text/plain" ] def self.list mime_type bad_request_error "'#{mime_type}' is not a supported mime type. Please specify one of #{@@accept_formats.join(", ")} in the Accept Header." unless @@accept_formats.include? mime_type if mime_type =~ /(uri-list|html)/ sparql = "SELECT DISTINCT ?g WHERE {GRAPH ?g {?s <#{RDF.type}> <#{klass}>; ?p ?o. } }" else sparql = "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o.} WHERE {?s <#{RDF.type}> <#{klass}>; ?p ?o. }" end query sparql, mime_type end def self.get uri, mime_type bad_request_error "'#{mime_type}' is not a supported mime type. Please specify one of #{@@accept_formats.join(", ")} in the Accept Header." unless @@accept_formats.include? mime_type sparql = "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o.} FROM <#{uri}> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o. }" rdf = query sparql, mime_type resource_not_found_error "#{uri} not found." if rdf.empty? rdf end def uri, rdf, mime_type bad_request_error "'#{mime_type}' is not a supported content type. Please use one of #{@@content_type_formats.join(", ")}." unless @@content_type_formats.include? mime_type or mime_type == "multipart/form-data" bad_request_error "Reqest body empty." unless rdf mime_type = "application/x-turtle" if mime_type == "text/plain" # ntriples is turtle in 4store begin File.join(four_store_uri,"data")+"/", :data => rdf, :graph => uri, "mime-type" => mime_type rescue bad_request_error $!.message, File.join(four_store_uri,"data")+"/" end end def self.put uri, rdf, mime_type bad_request_error "'#{mime_type}' is not a supported content type. Please use one of #{@@content_type_formats.join(", ")}." unless @@content_type_formats.include? mime_type bad_request_error "Reqest body empty." unless rdf mime_type = "application/x-turtle" if mime_type == "text/plain" #begin RestClientWrapper.put File.join(four_store_uri,"data",uri), rdf, :content_type => mime_type #rescue #bad_request_error $!.message, File.join(four_store_uri,"data",uri) #end end def self.delete uri RestClientWrapper.delete data_uri(uri) end def self.update sparql, :update => sparql ) end def self.query sparql, mime_type if sparql =~ /SELECT/i # return list unless mime_type case mime_type when 'application/sparql-results+xml' RestClient.get(sparql_uri, :params => { :query => sparql }, :accept => mime_type).body when /(uri-list|html)/ uri_list = RestClient.get(sparql_uri, :params => { :query => sparql }, :accept => "text/plain").body.gsub(/"|<|>/,'').split("\n").drop(1).join("\n") uri_list = OpenTox.text_to_html(uri_list) if mime_type=~/html/ return uri_list else bad_request_error "#{mime_type} is not a supported mime type for SELECT statements." end elsif sparql =~ /CONSTRUCT/i case mime_type when "text/plain", "application/rdf+xml" RestClient.get(sparql_uri, :params => { :query => sparql }, :accept => mime_type).body when /html|turtle/ # TODO: fix and improve nt = RestClient.get(sparql_uri, :params => { :query => sparql }, :accept => "text/plain").body # 4store returns ntriples for turtle rdf = RDF::Reader.for(:ntriples).new(nt) do |reader| reader.each_statement { |statement| rdf << statement } end prefixes = {:rdf => ""} ['OT', 'DC', 'XSD', 'OLO'].each{|p| prefixes[p.downcase.to_sym] = eval("RDF::#{p}.to_s") } # TODO: fails for large datasets?? multi_cell_call turtle = RDF::N3::Writer.for(:turtle).buffer(:prefixes => prefixes) do |writer| rdf.each{|statement| writer << statement} end regex = '(https?:\/\/[\S]+)([>"])' turtle = "" + turtle.gsub( regex, '\1\2' ).gsub(/\n/,'
') + "" if mime_type =~ /html/ and !turtle.empty? turtle end else # TODO: check if this prevents SPARQL injections bad_request_error "Only SELECT and CONSTRUCT are accepted SPARQL statements." end rescue bad_request_error $!.message, sparql_uri end def self.klass RDF::OT[SERVICE.capitalize] end def self.four_store_uri # credentials are removed from uri in error.rb $four_store[:uri].sub(%r{//},"//#{$four_store[:user]}:#{$four_store[:password]}@") end def self.sparql_uri File.join(four_store_uri, "sparql") + '/' end def self.update_uri File.join(four_store_uri, "update") + '/' end def self.data_uri uri File.join(four_store_uri, "data","?graph=#{uri}") end end end end