module OpenTox module Algorithm # Generic method to execute algorithms # Algorithms should: # - accept a Compound, an Array of Compounds or a Dataset as first argument # - optional parameters as second argument # - return an object corresponding to the input type as result (eg. Compound -> value, Array of Compounds -> Array of values, Dataset -> Dataset with values # @param [OpenTox::Compound,Array,OpenTox::Dataset] Input object # @param [Hash] Algorithm parameters # @return Algorithm result def algorithm, object, parameters=nil bad_request_error "Cannot run '#{algorithm}' algorithm. Please provide an OpenTox::Algorithm." unless algorithm =~ /^OpenTox::Algorithm/ klass,method = algorithm.split('.') parameters.nil? ? Object.const_get(klass).send(method,object) : Object.const_get(klass).send(method,object, parameters) end end end