module OpenTox # Wrapper for OpenTox Algorithms module Algorithm include OpenTox # Execute algorithm with parameters, please consult the OpenTox API and the webservice documentation for acceptable parameters # @param [optional,Hash] params Algorithm parameters # @param [optional,Boolean] wait set to false if method should return a task uri instead of the algorithm result # @return [String] URI of new resource (dataset, model, ...) def run params=nil, wait=true uri = @uri, params, { :content_type => "text/uri-list"} wait_for_task uri if wait end class Generic include OpenTox include Algorithm end class Descriptor include OpenTox include Algorithm [:smarts_match,:smarts_count,:physchem,:lookup].each do |descriptor| Descriptor.define_singleton_method(descriptor) do |compounds,descriptors=nil| descriptors = [descriptors] unless descriptors.is_a? Array case compounds.class.to_s when "Array" klasses = compounds.collect{|c| c.class}.uniq bad_request_error "First argument contains objects with a different class than OpenTox::Compound or OpenTox::Dataset #{klasses.inspect}" unless klasses.size == 1 and klasses.first == Compound JSON.parse(, "descriptor", descriptor.to_s)).run(:compound_uri => compounds.collect{|c| c.uri}, :descriptors => descriptors)) when "OpenTox::Compound" JSON.parse(, "descriptor", descriptor.to_s)).run(:compound_uri => compounds.uri, :descriptors => descriptors)) when "OpenTox::Dataset" task_uri =, "descriptor", descriptor.to_s)).run(:dataset_uri => compounds.uri, :descriptors => descriptors) task_uri) else bad_request_error "First argument contains objects with a different class than OpenTox::Compound or OpenTox::Dataset" end end end # returns a hash, keys: physchem descriptors, values: their description def self.physchem_descriptors Hash[ RestClientWrapper.get(File.join(service_uri, "descriptor", "physchem", "list")).to_s.split("\n").collect{|l| l.split("\t")} ] end # returns array of "descriptor-values", as CDK descriptors calculate serveral values, e.g., ALOGP produces ALOGP.ALogP, ALOGP.ALogp2, ALOGP.AMR def self.physchem_descriptor_values RestClientWrapper.get(File.join(service_uri, "descriptor", "physchem", "list_values")).to_s.split("\n") end end class Fminer include OpenTox include Algorithm def self.bbrc params, "fminer", "bbrc")).run params end def self.last params, "fminer", "last")).run params end end end end