# TODO: check # *** Open Babel Error in ParseFile # Could not find contribution data file. # 3d creation?? CACTUS_URI="http://cactus.nci.nih.gov/chemical/structure/" require 'openbabel' require "base64" module OpenTox class Compound field :inchi, type: String attr_readonly :inchi field :smiles, type: String field :inchikey, type: String field :names, type: Array field :cid, type: String field :chemblid, type: String field :image_id, type: BSON::ObjectId field :sdf_id, type: BSON::ObjectId #belongs_to :dataset #belongs_to :data_entry #def == compound #self.inchi == compound.inchi #end # Create a compound from smiles string # @example # compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_smiles("c1ccccc1") # @param [String] smiles Smiles string # @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound def self.from_smiles smiles # do not store smiles because it might be noncanonical Compound.find_or_create_by :inchi => obconversion(smiles,"smi","inchi") end # Create a compound from inchi string # @param inchi [String] smiles InChI string # @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound def self.from_inchi inchi Compound.find_or_create_by :inchi => inchi end # Create a compound from sdf string # @param sdf [String] smiles SDF string # @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound def self.from_sdf sdf # do not store sdf because it might be 2D Compound.find_or_create_by :inchi => obconversion(sdf,"sdf","inchi") end # Create a compound from name. Relies on an external service for name lookups. # @example # compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_name("Benzene") # @param name [String] can be also an InChI/InChiKey, CAS number, etc # @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound def self.from_name name Compound.find_or_create_by :inchi => RestClientWrapper.get(File.join(CACTUS_URI,URI.escape(name),"stdinchi")) end # Get InChIKey # @return [String] InChI string def inchikey update(:inchikey => obconversion(inchi,"inchi","inchikey")) unless self["inchikey"] self["inchikey"] end # Get (canonical) smiles # @return [String] Smiles string def smiles update(:smiles => obconversion(inchi,"inchi","smi")) unless self["smiles"] # should give canonical smiles, "can" seems to give incorrect results self["smiles"] end # Get sdf # @return [String] SDF string def sdf if self.sdf_id.nil? sdf = obconversion(inchi,"inchi","sdf") file = Mongo::Grid::File.new(sdf, :filename => "#{id}.sdf",:content_type => "chemical/x-mdl-sdfile") sdf_id = $gridfs.insert_one file update :sdf_id => sdf_id end $gridfs.find_one(_id: self.sdf_id).data end # Get png image # @example # image = compound.png # @return [image/png] Image data def png if self.image_id.nil? png = obconversion(inchi,"inchi","_png2") file = Mongo::Grid::File.new(Base64.encode64(png), :filename => "#{id}.png", :content_type => "image/png") update(:image_id => $gridfs.insert_one(file)) end Base64.decode64($gridfs.find_one(_id: self.image_id).data) end # Get all known compound names. Relies on an external service for name lookups. # @example # names = compound.names # @return [String] Compound names def names update(:names => RestClientWrapper.get("#{CACTUS_URI}#{inchi}/names").split("\n")) unless self["names"] self["names"] end # @return [String] PubChem Compound Identifier (CID), derieved via restcall to pubchem def cid pug_uri = "http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/rest/pug/" update(:cid => RestClientWrapper.post(File.join(pug_uri, "compound", "inchi", "cids", "TXT"),{:inchi => inchi}).strip) unless self["cid"] self["cid"] end # @return [String] ChEMBL database compound id, derieved via restcall to chembl def chemblid # https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembldb/ws#individualCompoundByInChiKey uri = "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chemblws/compounds/smiles/#{smiles}.json" update(:chemblid => JSON.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(uri))["compounds"].first["chemblId"]) unless self["chemblid"] self["chemblid"] end private def self.obconversion(identifier,input_format,output_format,option=nil) obconversion = OpenBabel::OBConversion.new obconversion.set_options(option, OpenBabel::OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS) if option obmol = OpenBabel::OBMol.new obconversion.set_in_and_out_formats input_format, output_format obconversion.read_string obmol, identifier case output_format when /smi|can|inchi/ obconversion.write_string(obmol).gsub(/\s/,'').chomp when /sdf/ OpenBabel::OBOp.find_type("Gen3D").do(obmol) sdf = obconversion.write_string(obmol) if sdf.match(/.nan/) $logger.warn "3D generation failed for compound #{identifier}, trying to calculate 2D structure" OpenBabel::OBOp.find_type("Gen2D").do(obmol) sdf = obconversion.write_string(obmol) if sdf.match(/.nan/) $logger.warn "2D generation failed for compound #{identifier}" sdf = nil end end sdf else obconversion.write_string(obmol) end end def obconversion(identifier,input_format,output_format,option=nil) self.class.obconversion(identifier,input_format,output_format,option=nil) end end end