require 'rubygems' require 'rack' require 'rack/contrib' require 'application.rb' # log at centralized place logfile = "#{LOG_DIR}/#{ENV["RACK_ENV"]}.log" log =, "a+") $stdout.reopen(log) $stderr.reopen(log) $stdout.sync = true $stderr.sync = true set :logging, false set :raise_errors, true set :lock, true ['public','tmp'].each do |dir| FileUtils.mkdir_p dir unless File.exists?(dir) end use Rack::ShowExceptions if defined?(MAIL) # monkeypatch with the original method # strangely enough my mailserver returns "Connection refused - connect(2)" errors without this patch module Rack class MailExceptions def send_notification(exception, env) mail = generate_mail(exception, env) smtp = config[:smtp] env['mail.sent'] = true return if smtp[:server] == '' Net::SMTP.start smtp[:server], smtp[:port], smtp[:domain], smtp[:user_name], smtp[:password], smtp[:authentication] do |server| do |recipient| server.send_message mail.to_s, mail.from, recipient end end end end end require "socket" use Rack::MailExceptions do |mail| MAIL[:user_name] mail.subject '[ERROR] %s' mail.from "#{Socket.gethostname}@#{MAIL[:domain]}" mail.smtp MAIL end end