module OpenTox class CrossValidation field :validation_ids, type: Array, default: [] field :folds, type: Integer field :nr_instances, type: Integer field :nr_unpredicted, type: Integer field :predictions, type: Array field :finished_at, type: Time end class ClassificationCrossValidation < CrossValidation field :accept_values, type: Array field :confusion_matrix, type: Array field :weighted_confusion_matrix, type: Array field :accuracy, type: Float field :weighted_accuracy, type: Float field :true_rate, type: Hash field :predictivity, type: Hash # TODO auc, f-measure (usability??) def self.create model, n=10 cv = validation_ids = [] nr_instances = 0 nr_unpredicted = 0 predictions = [] validation_class = Object.const_get(self.to_s.sub(/Cross/,'')) accept_values = Feature.find(model.prediction_feature_id).accept_values confusion_matrix =,0){,0)} weighted_confusion_matrix =,0){,0)} true_rate = {} predictivity = {} fold_nr = 1 training_dataset = Dataset.find model.training_dataset_id training_dataset.folds(n).each do |fold| t = $logger.debug "Fold #{fold_nr}" validation = validation_class.create(model, fold[0], fold[1]) validation_ids << nr_instances += validation.nr_instances nr_unpredicted += validation.nr_unpredicted predictions += validation.predictions validation.confusion_matrix.each_with_index do |r,i| r.each_with_index do |c,j| confusion_matrix[i][j] += c weighted_confusion_matrix[i][j] += validation.weighted_confusion_matrix[i][j] end end $logger.debug "Fold #{fold_nr}: #{} seconds" fold_nr +=1 end true_rate = {} predictivity = {} accept_values.each_with_index do |v,i| true_rate[v] = confusion_matrix[i][i]/confusion_matrix[i].reduce(:+).to_f predictivity[v] = confusion_matrix[i][i]/confusion_matrix.collect{|n| n[i]}.reduce(:+).to_f end confidence_sum = 0 weighted_confusion_matrix.each do |r| r.each do |c| confidence_sum += c end end cv.update_attributes( nr_instances: nr_instances, nr_unpredicted: nr_unpredicted, accept_values: accept_values, confusion_matrix: confusion_matrix, weighted_confusion_matrix: weighted_confusion_matrix, accuracy: (confusion_matrix[0][0]+confusion_matrix[1][1])/(nr_instances-nr_unpredicted).to_f, weighted_accuracy: (weighted_confusion_matrix[0][0]+weighted_confusion_matrix[1][1])/confidence_sum.to_f, true_rate: true_rate, predictivity: predictivity, predictions: predictions.sort{|a,b| b[3] <=> a[3]}, # sort according to confidence finished_at: ) cv end #Average area under roc 0.646 #Area under roc 0.646 #F measure carcinogen: 0.769, noncarcinogen: 0.348 end class RegressionCrossValidation < Validation field :validation_ids, type: Array, default: [] field :folds, type: Integer field :rmse, type: Float field :mae, type: Float field :weighted_rmse, type: Float field :weighted_mae, type: Float def self.create model, n=10 cv = validation_ids = [] nr_instances = 0 nr_unpredicted = 0 predictions = [] validation_class = Object.const_get(self.to_s.sub(/Cross/,'')) fold_nr = 1 training_dataset = Dataset.find model.training_dataset_id training_dataset.folds(n).each do |fold| t = $logger.debug "Predicting fold #{fold_nr}" validation = validation_class.create(model, fold[0], fold[1]) validation_ids << nr_instances += validation.nr_instances nr_unpredicted += validation.nr_unpredicted predictions += validation.predictions $logger.debug "Fold #{fold_nr}: #{} seconds" fold_nr +=1 end rmse = 0 weighted_rmse = 0 rse = 0 weighted_rse = 0 mae = 0 weighted_mae = 0 rae = 0 weighted_rae = 0 n = 0 confidence_sum = 0 predictions.each do |pred| compound_id,activity,prediction,confidence = pred if activity and prediction error = prediction-activity rmse += error**2 weighted_rmse += confidence*error**2 mae += error.abs weighted_mae += confidence*error.abs n += 1 confidence_sum += confidence else # TODO: create warnings p pred end end mae = mae/n weighted_mae = weighted_mae/confidence_sum rmse = Math.sqrt(rmse/n) weighted_rmse = Math.sqrt(weighted_rmse/confidence_sum) cv.update_attributes( folds: n, validation_ids: validation_ids, nr_instances: nr_instances, nr_unpredicted: nr_unpredicted, predictions: predictions.sort{|a,b| b[3] <=> a[3]}, mae: mae, rmse: rmse, weighted_mae: weighted_mae, weighted_rmse: weighted_rmse ) cv end def plot # RMSE x = predictions.collect{|p| p[1]} y = predictions.collect{|p| p[2]} R.assign "Measurement", x R.assign "Prediction", y R.eval "par(pty='s')" # sets the plot type to be square #R.eval "fitline <- lm(log(Prediction) ~ log(Measurement))" #R.eval "error <- log(Measurement)-log(Prediction)" R.eval "error <- Measurement-Prediction" R.eval "rmse <- sqrt(mean(error^2,na.rm=T))" R.eval "mae <- mean( abs(error), na.rm = TRUE)" R.eval "r <- cor(log(Prediction),log(Measurement))" R.eval "svg(filename='/tmp/#{id.to_s}.svg')" R.eval "plot(log(Prediction),log(Measurement),main='#{}', sub=paste('RMSE: ',rmse, 'MAE :',mae, 'r^2: ',r^2),asp=1)" #R.eval "plot(log(Prediction),log(Measurement),main='#{}', sub=paste('RMSE: ',rmse, 'MAE :',mae, 'r^2: '),asp=1)" #R.eval "plot(log(Prediction),log(Measurement),main='#{}', ,asp=1)" R.eval "abline(0,1,col='blue')" #R.eval "abline(fitline,col='red')" R.eval "" "/tmp/#{id.to_s}.svg" end end end