module OpenTox class CrossValidation field :validation_ids, type: Array, default: [] field :model_id, type: BSON::ObjectId field :folds, type: Integer field :nr_instances, type: Integer field :nr_unpredicted, type: Integer field :predictions, type: Hash, default: {} field :finished_at, type: Time def time finished_at - created_at end def validations validation_ids.collect{|vid| Validation.find vid} end def model Model::Lazar.find model_id end def self.create model, n=10 klass = ClassificationCrossValidation if model.is_a? Model::LazarClassification klass = RegressionCrossValidation if model.is_a? Model::LazarRegression bad_request_error "Unknown model class #{model.class}." unless klass cv = name:, model_id:, folds: n ) # set created_at nr_instances = 0 nr_unpredicted = 0 predictions = {} training_dataset = Dataset.find model.training_dataset_id training_dataset.folds(n).each_with_index do |fold,fold_nr| #fork do # parallel execution of validations can lead to Rserve and memory problems $logger.debug "Dataset #{}: Fold #{fold_nr} started" t = validation = Validation.create(model, fold[0], fold[1],cv) $logger.debug "Dataset #{}, Fold #{fold_nr}: #{} seconds" #end end #Process.waitall cv.validation_ids = Validation.where(:crossvalidation_id => cv.validations.each do |validation| nr_instances += validation.nr_instances nr_unpredicted += validation.nr_unpredicted predictions.merge! validation.predictions end cv.update_attributes( nr_instances: nr_instances, nr_unpredicted: nr_unpredicted, predictions: predictions ) $logger.debug "Nr unpredicted: #{nr_unpredicted}" cv.statistics cv end end class ClassificationCrossValidation < CrossValidation field :accept_values, type: Array field :confusion_matrix, type: Array field :weighted_confusion_matrix, type: Array field :accuracy, type: Float field :weighted_accuracy, type: Float field :true_rate, type: Hash field :predictivity, type: Hash field :confidence_plot_id, type: BSON::ObjectId # TODO auc, f-measure (usability??) def statistics stat = ValidationStatistics.classification(predictions, Feature.find(model.prediction_feature_id).accept_values) update_attributes(stat) end def confidence_plot unless confidence_plot_id tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_confidence.png" accuracies = [] confidences = [] correct_predictions = 0 incorrect_predictions = 0 predictions.each do |p| if p[1] and p[2] p[1] == p[2] ? correct_predictions += 1 : incorrect_predictions += 1 accuracies << correct_predictions/(correct_predictions+incorrect_predictions).to_f confidences << p[3] end end R.assign "accuracy", accuracies R.assign "confidence", confidences R.eval "image = qplot(confidence,accuracy)+ylab('accumulated accuracy')+scale_x_reverse()" R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)" file =, :filename => "#{}_confidence_plot.png") plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file) update(:confidence_plot_id => plot_id) end $gridfs.find_one(_id: confidence_plot_id).data end #Average area under roc 0.646 #Area under roc 0.646 #F measure carcinogen: 0.769, noncarcinogen: 0.348 end class RegressionCrossValidation < CrossValidation field :rmse, type: Float field :mae, type: Float field :r_squared, type: Float field :correlation_plot_id, type: BSON::ObjectId def statistics stat = ValidationStatistics.regression predictions update_attributes(stat) end def misclassifications n=nil n ||= 10 model = Model::Lazar.find(self.model_id) training_dataset = Dataset.find(model.training_dataset_id) prediction_feature = training_dataset.features.first predictions.collect do |p| unless p.include? nil compound = Compound.find(p[0]) neighbors = compound.send(model.neighbor_algorithm,model.neighbor_algorithm_parameters) neighbors.collect! do |n| neighbor = Compound.find(n[0]) { :smiles => neighbor.smiles, :similarity => n[1], :measurements => neighbor.toxicities[]} end { :smiles => compound.smiles, #:fingerprint => compound.fp4.collect{|id| Smarts.find(id).name}, :measured => p[1], :predicted => p[2], #:relative_error => (Math.log10(p[1])-Math.log10(p[2])).abs/Math.log10(p[1]).to_f.abs, :error => (p[1]-p[2]).abs, :relative_error => (p[1]-p[2]).abs/p[1], :confidence => p[3], :neighbors => neighbors } end end.compact.sort{|a,b| b[:relative_error] <=> a[:relative_error]}[0..n-1] end def confidence_plot tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_confidence.png" sorted_predictions = predictions.collect{|p| [(p[1]-p[2]).abs,p[3]] if p[1] and p[2]}.compact R.assign "error", sorted_predictions.collect{|p| p[0]} R.assign "confidence", sorted_predictions.collect{|p| p[1]} # TODO fix axis names R.eval "image = qplot(confidence,error)" R.eval "image = image + stat_smooth(method='lm', se=FALSE)" R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)" file =, :filename => "#{}_confidence_plot.png") plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file) update(:confidence_plot_id => plot_id) $gridfs.find_one(_id: confidence_plot_id).data end def correlation_plot unless correlation_plot_id tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_correlation.png" x = predictions.collect{|p| p[1]} y = predictions.collect{|p| p[2]} attributes = Model::Lazar.find(self.model_id).attributes attributes.delete_if{|key,_| key.match(/_id|_at/) or ["_id","creator","name"].include? key} attributes = attributes.values.collect{|v| v.is_a?(String) ? v.sub(/OpenTox::/,'') : v}.join("\n") R.assign "measurement", x R.assign "prediction", y R.eval "all = c(-log(measurement),-log(prediction))" R.eval "range = c(min(all), max(all))" R.eval "image = qplot(-log(prediction),-log(measurement),main='#{}',asp=1,xlim=range, ylim=range)" R.eval "image = image + geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1)" R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)" file =, :filename => "#{}_correlation_plot.png") plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file) update(:correlation_plot_id => plot_id) end $gridfs.find_one(_id: correlation_plot_id).data end end class RepeatedCrossValidation field :crossvalidation_ids, type: Array, default: [] def self.create model, folds=10, repeats=3 repeated_cross_validation = repeats.times do |n| $logger.debug "Crossvalidation #{n+1} for #{}" repeated_cross_validation.crossvalidation_ids << CrossValidation.create(model, folds).id end repeated_cross_validation end def crossvalidations crossvalidation_ids.collect{|id| CrossValidation.find(id)} end end end