require 'csv' require 'tempfile' module OpenTox class LazarPrediction < Dataset field :creator, type: String end class FminerDataset < Dataset field :training_algorithm, type: String field :training_dataset_id, type: BSON::ObjectId field :training_feature_id, type: BSON::ObjectId field :training_parameters, type: Hash end class Dataset include Mongoid::Document attr_accessor :bulk # associations like has_many, belongs_to deteriorate performance field :feature_ids, type: Array, default: [] field :compound_ids, type: Array, default: [] field :source, type: String field :warnings, type: Array, default: [] def initialize params=nil super params @bulk = [] end # Readers def compounds self.compound_ids.collect{|id| OpenTox::Compound.find id} end def features self.feature_ids.collect{|id| OpenTox::Feature.find(id)} end def [](compound,feature) bad_request_error "Incorrect parameter type. The first argument is a OpenTox::Compound the second a OpenTox::Feature." unless compound.is_a? Compound and feature.is_a? Feature DataEntry.where(dataset_id:, compound_id:, feature_id: end def fingerprint(compound) data_entries[] end def data_entries unless @data_entries entries = {} t = DataEntry.where(dataset_id: do |de| entries[de.compound_id] ||= {} entries[de.compound_id][de.feature_id] = de.value.first end $logger.debug "Retrieving data: #{}" t = @data_entries = {} # TODO: check performance overhead compound_ids.each do |cid| @data_entries[cid] = [] feature_ids.each_with_index do |fid,i| @data_entries[cid][i] = entries[cid][fid] end end $logger.debug "Create @data_entries: #{}" end @data_entries end # Find data entry values for a given compound and feature # @param compound [OpenTox::Compound] OpenTox Compound object # @param feature [OpenTox::Feature] OpenTox Feature object # @return [Array] Data entry values def values(compound, feature) data_entries.where(:compound_id =>, :feature_id => #rows = (0 ... compound_ids.length).select { |r| compound_ids[r] == } #col = feature_ids.index #rows.collect{|row| data_entries[row][col]} end # Writers def compounds=(compounds) self.compound_ids = compounds.collect{|c|} end def add_compound compound self.compound_ids << end def features=(features) self.feature_ids = features.collect{|f|} end def add_feature feature self.feature_ids << end def self.create compounds, features, warnings=[], source=nil dataset = => warnings) dataset.compounds = compounds dataset.features = features dataset end # for prediction result datasets # assumes that there are feature_ids with title prediction and confidence # @return [Array] of Hashes with keys { :compound, :value ,:confidence } (compound value is object not uri) # TODO #def predictions #end # Serialisation # converts dataset to csv format including compound smiles as first column, other column headers are feature titles # @return [String] def to_csv(inchi=false) CSV.generate() do |csv| #{:force_quotes=>true} csv << [inchi ? "InChI" : "SMILES"] + features.collect{|f| f.title} compounds.each_with_index do |c,i| csv << [inchi ? c.inchi : c.smiles] + data_entries[i] end end end # Methods for for validation service # create a new dataset with the specified compounds and features # @param compound_indices [Array] compound indices (integers) # @param feats [Array] features objects # @param metadata [Hash] # @return [OpenTox::Dataset] # TODO def split( compound_indices, feats, metadata) bad_request_error "Dataset.split : Please give compounds as indices" if compound_indices.size==0 or !compound_indices[0].is_a?(Fixnum) bad_request_error "Dataset.split : Please give features as feature objects (given: #{feats})" if feats!=nil and feats.size>0 and !feats[0].is_a?(OpenTox::Feature) dataset = dataset.metadata = metadata dataset.features = (feats ? feats : self.features) compound_indices.each do |c_idx| d = [ self.compounds[c_idx] ] dataset.features.each_with_index.each do |f,f_idx| d << (self.data_entries[c_idx] ? self.data_entries[c_idx][f_idx] : nil) end dataset << d end dataset.put dataset end # maps a compound-index from another dataset to a compound-index from this dataset # mapping works as follows: # (compound c is the compound identified by the compound-index of the other dataset) # * c occurs only once in this dataset? map compound-index of other dataset to index in this dataset # * c occurs >1 in this dataset? # ** number of occurences is equal in both datasets? assume order is preserved(!) and map accordingly # ** number of occurences is not equal in both datasets? cannot map, raise error # @param dataset [OpenTox::Dataset] dataset that should be mapped to this dataset (fully loaded) # @param compound_index [Fixnum], corresponding to dataset # TODO def compound_index( dataset, compound_index ) compound_inchi = dataset.compounds[compound_index].inchi self_indices = compound_indices(compound_inchi) if self_indices==nil nil else dataset_indices = dataset.compound_indices(compound_inchi) if self_indices.size==1 self_indices.first elsif self_indices.size==dataset_indices.size # we do assume that the order is preseverd (i.e., the nth occurences in both datasets are mapped to each other)! self_indices[dataset_indices.index(compound_index)] else raise "cannot map compound #{compound_inchi} from dataset #{} to dataset #{}, "+ "compound occurs #{dataset_indices.size} times and #{self_indices.size} times" end end end # returns the inidices of the compound in the dataset # @param compound_inchi [String] # @return [Array] compound index (position) of the compound in the dataset, array-size is 1 unless multiple occurences # TODO def compound_indices( compound_inchi ) unless defined?(@cmp_indices) and @cmp_indices.has_key?(compound_inchi) @cmp_indices = {} compounds().size.times do |i| c = self.compounds[i].inchi if @cmp_indices[c]==nil @cmp_indices[c] = [i] else @cmp_indices[c] = @cmp_indices[c]+[i] end end end @cmp_indices[compound_inchi] end # Adding data methods # (Alternatively, you can directly change @data["feature_ids"] and @data["compounds"]) # Create a dataset from file (csv,sdf,...) # @param filename [String] # @return [String] dataset uri # TODO #def self.from_sdf_file #end def bulk_write time = # Workaround for mongo bulk insertions (insertion of single data_entries is far too slow) # Skip ruby JSON serialisation: # - to_json is too slow to write to file # - json (or bson) serialisation is probably causing very long parse times of Mongo::BulkWrite, or any other ruby insert operation # this method causes a noticeable overhead compared to direct string serialisation (e.g. total processing time 16" instead of 12" for rat fminer dataset), but it can be reused at different places dataset_id = f ="#{dataset_id}.json","/tmp") f.puts @bulk.collect{|row| "{'dataset_id': {'$oid': '#{dataset_id}'},'compound_id': {'$oid': '#{row[0]}'}, 'feature_id': {'$oid': '#{row[1]}'}, 'value': #{row[2]}}"}.join("\n") f.close $logger.debug "Write JSON file: #{}" # TODO DB name from config puts `mongoimport --db opentox --collection data_entries --type json --file #{f.path} 2>&1` $logger.debug "Bulk import: #{}" @bulk = [] end def self.from_csv_file file, source=nil, bioassay=true source ||= file table = file, :skip_blanks => true parse_table table, source, bioassay end # parse data in tabular format (e.g. from csv) # does a lot of guesswork in order to determine feature types def self.parse_table table, source, bioassay=true time = # features feature_names = table.shift.collect{|f| f.strip} dataset = => source) dataset_id = dataset.warnings << "Duplicate features in table header." unless feature_names.size == feature_names.uniq.size compound_format = feature_names.shift.strip bad_request_error "#{compound_format} is not a supported compound format. Accepted formats: SMILES, InChI." unless compound_format =~ /SMILES|InChI/i numeric = [] # guess feature types feature_names.each_with_index do |f,i| values = table.collect{|row| val=row[i+1].to_s.strip; val.blank? ? nil : val }.uniq.compact types = values.collect{|v| v.numeric? ? true : false}.uniq metadata = {"name" => File.basename(f), "source" => source} if values.size == 0 # empty feature elsif values.size > 5 and types.size == 1 and types.first == true # 5 max classes metadata["numeric"] = true numeric[i] = true else metadata["nominal"] = true metadata["accept_values"] = values numeric[i] = false end if bioassay if metadata["numeric"] feature = NumericBioAssay.find_or_create_by(metadata) elsif metadata["nominal"] feature = NominalBioAssay.find_or_create_by(metadata) end else metadata.merge({:measured => false, :calculated => true}) if metadata["numeric"] feature = NumericFeature.find_or_create_by(metadata) elsif metadata["nominal"] feature = NominalFeature.find_or_create_by(metadata) end end dataset.feature_ids << OpenTox::Feature.find_or_create_by(metadata).id end feature_ids = dataset.features.collect{|f|} $logger.debug "Feature values: #{}" time = # compounds and values r = -1 compound_time = 0 value_time = 0 table.each_with_index do |vals,j| ct = identifier = vals.shift begin case compound_format when /SMILES/i compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_smiles(identifier) if compound.inchi.empty? dataset.warnings << "Cannot parse #{compound_format} compound '#{compound.strip}' at position #{j+2}, all entries are ignored." next end when /InChI/i compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_inchi(identifier) end rescue dataset.warnings << "Cannot parse #{compound_format} compound '#{compound}' at position #{j+2}, all entries are ignored." next end compound_time += dataset.compound_ids << r += 1 unless vals.size == feature_ids.size # way cheaper than accessing dataset.features dataset.warnings << "Number of values at position #{j+2} is different than header size (#{vals.size} vs. #{features.size}), all entries are ignored." next end cid = vals.each_with_index do |v,i| if v.blank? dataset.warnings << "Empty value for compound '#{identifier}' (row #{r+2}) and feature '#{feature_names[i]}' (column #{i+2})." next elsif numeric[i] dataset.bulk << [cid,feature_ids[i],v.to_f] else dataset.bulk << [cid,feature_ids[i],v.split] end end end dataset.compounds.duplicates.each do |compound| positions = [] dataset.compounds.each_with_index{|c,i| positions << i+1 if !c.blank? and c.inchi == compound.inchi} dataset.warnings << "Duplicate compound #{compound.inchi} at rows #{positions.join(', ')}. Entries are accepted, assuming that measurements come from independent experiments." end $logger.debug "Value parsing: #{} (Compound creation: #{compound_time})" time = dataset.bulk_write dataset end end end