module OpenTox # Ruby wrapper for OpenTox Dataset Webservices ( class Dataset include OpenTox attr_reader :features, :compounds, :data_entries, :metadata # Create dataset with optional URI. Does not load data into the dataset - you will need to execute one of the load_* methods to pull data from a service or to insert it from other representations. # @example Create an empty dataset # dataset = # @example Create an empty dataset with URI # dataset ="http:://") # @param [optional, String] uri Dataset URI # @return [OpenTox::Dataset] Dataset object def initialize(uri=nil) super uri @features = {} @compounds = [] @data_entries = {} end # Create an empty dataset and save it at the dataset service (assigns URI to dataset) # @example Create new dataset and save it to obtain a URI # dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.create # @param [optional, String] uri Dataset URI # @return [OpenTox::Dataset] Dataset object def self.create(uri=CONFIG[:services]["opentox-dataset"]) dataset = dataset end # Find a dataset and load all data. This can be time consuming, use together with one of the load_* methods for a fine grained control over data loading. # @param [String] uri Dataset URI # @return [OpenTox::Dataset] Dataset object with all data def self.find(uri) dataset = dataset.load_all dataset end # Get all datasets from a service # @param [optional,String] uri URI of the dataset service, defaults to service specified in configuration # @return [Array] Array of dataset object with all data def self.all(uri=CONFIG[:services]["opentox-dataset"]) RestClientWrapper.get(uri,:accept => "text/uri-list").to_s.each_line.collect{|u|} end # Load YAML representation into the dataset # @param [String] yaml YAML representation of the dataset # @return [OpenTox::Dataset] Dataset object with YAML data def load_yaml(yaml) copy YAML.load(yaml) end # Load RDF/XML representation from a file # @param [String] file File with RDF/XML representation of the dataset # @return [OpenTox::Dataset] Dataset object with RDF/XML data def load_rdfxml_file(file) parser = @uri parser.uri = file.path copy parser.load_uri end # Load CSV string (format specification: # - loads data_entries, compounds, features # - sets metadata (warnings) for parser errors # - you will have to set remaining metadata manually # @param [String] csv CSV representation of the dataset # @return [OpenTox::Dataset] Dataset object with CSV data def load_csv(csv) save unless @uri # get a uri for creating features parser = parser.dataset = self parser.load_csv(csv) end # Load Spreadsheet book (created with roo gem, excel format specification: # - loads data_entries, compounds, features # - sets metadata (warnings) for parser errors # - you will have to set remaining metadata manually # @param [Excel] book Excel workbook object (created with roo gem) # @return [OpenTox::Dataset] Dataset object with Excel data def load_spreadsheet(book) save unless @uri # get a uri for creating features parser = parser.dataset = self parser.load_excel(book) end # Load and return only metadata of a Dataset object # @return [Hash] Metadata of the dataset def load_metadata add_metadata self.uri = @uri if @uri # keep uri @metadata end # Load all data (metadata, data_entries, compounds and features) from URI def load_all if (CONFIG[:yaml_hosts].include?(URI.parse(@uri).host)) copy YAML.load(RestClientWrapper.get(@uri, :accept => "application/x-yaml")) else parser = copy parser.load_uri end end # Load and return only compound URIs from the dataset service # @return [Array] Compound URIs in the dataset def load_compounds RestClientWrapper.get(File.join(uri,"compounds"),:accept=> "text/uri-list").to_s.each_line do |compound_uri| @compounds << compound_uri.chomp end @compounds.uniq! end # Load and return only features from the dataset service # @return [Hash] Features of the dataset def load_features parser = @features = parser.load_features @features end # Detect feature type(s) in the dataset # @return [String] `classification", "regression", "mixed" or unknown` def feature_type feature_types = @features.collect{|f,metadata| metadata[OT.isA]}.uniq LOGGER.debug "FEATURES" LOGGER.debug feature_types.inspect if feature_types.size > 1 "mixed" else case feature_types.first when /NominalFeature/ "classification" when /NumericFeature/ "regression" else "unknown" end end end # Get Excel representation # @return [Spreadsheet::Workbook] Workbook which can be written with the spreadsheet gem (data_entries only, metadata will will be discarded)) def to_xls end # Get CSV string representation (data_entries only, metadata will be discarded) # @return [String] CSV representation def to_csv end # Get OWL-DL in ntriples format # @return [String] N-Triples representation def to_ntriples s = s.add_dataset(self) s.to_ntriples end # Get OWL-DL in RDF/XML format # @return [String] RDF/XML representation def to_rdfxml s = s.add_dataset(self) s.to_rdfxml end # Get name (DC.title) of a feature # @param [String] feature Feature URI # @return [String] Feture title def feature_name(feature) @features[feature][DC.title] end # Insert a statement (compound_uri,feature_uri,value) # @example Insert a statement (compound_uri,feature_uri,value) # dataset.add "", "", true # @param [String] compound Compound URI # @param [String] feature Compound URI # @param [Boolean,Float] value Feature value def add (compound,feature,value) @compounds << compound unless @compounds.include? compound @features[feature] = {} unless @features[feature] @data_entries[compound] = {} unless @data_entries[compound] @data_entries[compound][feature] = [] unless @data_entries[compound][feature] @data_entries[compound][feature] << value end # Add/modify metadata, existing entries will be overwritten # @example # dataset.add_metadata({DC.title => "any_title", DC.creator => "my_email"}) # @param [Hash] metadata Hash mapping predicate_uris to values def add_metadata(metadata) metadata.each { |k,v| @metadata[k] = v } end # Add a feature # @param [String] feature Feature URI # @param [Hash] metadata Hash with feature metadata def add_feature(feature,metadata={}) @features[feature] = metadata end # Add/modify metadata for a feature # @param [String] feature Feature URI # @param [Hash] metadata Hash with feature metadata def add_feature_metadata(feature,metadata) metadata.each { |k,v| @features[feature][k] = v } end # Save dataset at the dataset service # - creates a new dataset if uri is not set # - overwrites dataset if uri exists # @return [String] Dataset URI def save # TODO: rewrite feature URI's ?? @compounds.uniq! if @uri,{:content_type => "application/x-yaml"},self.to_yaml) else # create dataset if uri is empty self.uri =[:services]["opentox-dataset"],{}).to_s.chomp,{:content_type => "application/x-yaml"},self.to_yaml) end @uri end # Delete dataset at the dataset service def delete RestClientWrapper.delete @uri end private # Copy a dataset (rewrites URI) def copy(dataset) @metadata = dataset.metadata @data_entries = dataset.data_entries @compounds = dataset.compounds @features = dataset.features if @uri self.uri = @uri else @uri = dataset.metadata[XSD.anyURI] end end end end