require 'csv' module OpenTox # Ruby wrapper for OpenTox Dataset Webservices ( class Dataset attr_writer :features, :compounds, :data_entries def initialize uri=nil, subjectid=nil super uri, subjectid @features = [] @compounds = [] @data_entries = [] end # Get data (lazy loading from dataset service) # overrides {OpenTox#metadata} to only load the metadata instead of the whole dataset # @return [Hash] the metadata def metadata force_update=false if @metadata.empty? or force_update uri = File.join(@uri,"metadata") begin parse_ntriples RestClientWrapper.get(uri,{},{:accept => "text/plain", :subjectid => @subjectid}) rescue # fall back to rdfxml parse_rdfxml RestClientWrapper.get(uri,{},{:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => @subjectid}) end @metadata = @rdf.to_hash[].inject({}) { |h, (predicate, values)| h[predicate] = values.collect{|v| v.to_s}; h } end @metadata end # @return [Array] feature objects (NOT uris) def features force_update=false if @features.empty? or force_update uri = File.join(@uri,"features") uris = RestClientWrapper.get(uri,{},{:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => @subjectid}).split("\n") # ordered datasets return ordered features @features = uris.collect{|uri|,@subjectid)} end @features end # @return [Array] compound objects (NOT uris) def compounds force_update=false if @compounds.empty? or force_update uri = File.join(@uri,"compounds") uris = RestClientWrapper.get(uri,{},{:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => @subjectid}).split("\n") # ordered datasets return ordered compounds @compounds = uris.collect{|uri|,@subjectid)} end @compounds end # @return [Array] with two dimensions, # first index: compounds, second index: features, values: compound feature values def data_entries force_update=false if @data_entries.empty? or force_update sparql = "SELECT ?cidx ?fidx ?value FROM <#{uri}> WHERE { ?data_entry <#{RDF::OLO.index}> ?cidx ; <#{RDF::OT.values}> ?v . ?v <#{RDF::OT.feature}> ?f; <#{RDF::OT.value}> ?value . ?f <#{RDF::OLO.index}> ?fidx. } ORDER BY ?fidx ?cidx" RestClientWrapper.get(service_uri,{:query => sparql},{:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => @subjectid}).split("\n").each do |row| r,c,v = row.split("\t") @data_entries[r.to_i] ||= [] @data_entries[r.to_i][c.to_i] = v end # TODO: fallbacks for external and unordered datasets features.each_with_index do |feature,i| if feature[RDF.type].include? RDF::OT.NumericFeature if feature[RDF.type].include? RDF::OT.NominalFeature if feature[RDF.type].include? RDF::OT.StringFeature @data_entries.each { |row| row[i] = row[i].to_s if row[i] } else @data_entries.each { |row| row[i] = row[i] if row[i] } end else @data_entries.each { |row| row[i] = row[i].to_f if row[i] } end end end end @data_entries end # Find data entry values for a given compound and feature # @param compound [OpenTox::Compound] OpenTox Compound object # @param feature [OpenTox::Feature] OpenTox Feature object # @return [Array] Data entry values def values(compound, feature) rows = (0 ... compounds.length).select { |r| compounds[r].uri == compound.uri } col = features.collect{|f| f.uri}.index feature.uri rows.collect{|row| data_entries[row][col]} end # Convenience methods to search by compound/feature URIs # Search a dataset for a feature given its URI # @param uri [String] Feature URI # @return [OpenTox::Feature] Feature object, or nil if not present def find_feature_uri(uri){|f| f.uri == uri}.first end # Search a dataset for a compound given its URI # @param uri [String] Compound URI # @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound object, or nil if not present def find_compound_uri(uri){|f| f.uri == uri}.first end # for prediction result datasets # assumes that there are features with title prediction and confidence # @return [Array] of Hashes with keys { :compound, :value ,:confidence } (compound value is object not uri) def predictions predictions = [] prediction_feature = nil confidence_feature = nil metadata[RDF::OT.predictedVariables].each do |uri| feature = uri, @subjectid case feature.title when /prediction$/ prediction_feature = feature when /confidence$/ confidence_feature = feature end end if prediction_feature and confidence_feature compounds.each do |compound| value = values(compound,prediction_feature).first confidence = values(compound,confidence_feature).first predictions << {:compound => compound, :value => value, :confidence => confidence} if value and confidence end end predictions end # Adding data methods # (Alternatively, you can directly change @features and @compounds) # Create a dataset from file (csv,sdf,...) # @param filename [String] # @return [String] dataset uri def upload filename, wait=true uri = RestClientWrapper.put(@uri, {:file =>}, {:subjectid => @subjectid}) wait_for_task uri if URI.task?(uri) and wait metadata true @uri end # @param compound [OpenTox::Compound] # @param feature [OpenTox::Feature] # @param value [Object] (will be converted to String) # @return [Array] data_entries def add_data_entry compound, feature, value @compounds << compound unless @compounds.collect{|c| c.uri}.include?(compound.uri) row = @compounds.collect{|c| c.uri}.index(compound.uri) @features << feature unless @features.collect{|f| f.uri}.include?(feature.uri) col = @features.collect{|f| f.uri}.index(feature.uri) @data_entries[row] ||= [] if @data_entries[row][col] # duplicated values #row = @compounds.size @compounds << compound row = @compounds.collect{|c| c.uri}.rindex(compound.uri) end @data_entries[row][col] = value end # TODO: remove? might be dangerous if feature ordering is incorrect # MG: I would not remove this because add_data_entry is very slow (4 times searching in arrays) # @param row [Array] # @example # d = # d.features << # d.features << # d << ["c1ccccc1"), feature-value-a, feature-value-b ] def << row compound = row.shift # removes the compound from the array bad_request_error "Dataset features are empty." unless @features bad_request_error "Row size '#{row.size}' does not match features size '#{@features.size}'." unless row.size == @features.size bad_request_error "First column is not a OpenTox::Compound" unless compound.class == OpenTox::Compound @compounds << compound @data_entries << row end # Serialisation # converts dataset to csv format including compound smiles as first column, other column headers are feature titles # @return [String] def to_csv CSV.generate do |csv| csv << ["SMILES"] + features.collect{|f| f.title} compounds.each_with_index do |c,i| csv << [c.smiles] + data_entries[i] end end end RDF_FORMATS.each do |format| # redefine rdf parse methods for all formats e.g. parse_rdfxml send :define_method, "parse_#{format}".to_sym do |rdf| # TODO: parse ordered dataset # TODO: parse data entries # TODO: parse metadata @rdf = RDF::Reader.for(format).new(rdf) do |reader| reader.each_statement{ |statement| @rdf << statement } end query ={ :uri => { RDF.type => RDF::OT.Compound } }) @compounds = query.execute(@rdf).collect { |solution| solution.uri } query ={ :uri => { RDF.type => RDF::OT.Feature } }) @features = query.execute(@rdf).collect { |solution| solution.uri, @subjectid } @compounds.each_with_index do |c,i| @features.each_with_index do |f,j| end end end # redefine rdf serialization methods send :define_method, "to_#{format}".to_sym do @metadata[RDF.type] = RDF::OT.OrderedDataset create_rdf @features.each_with_index do |feature,i| @rdf << [,,] @rdf << [,,] end @compounds.each_with_index do |compound,i| @rdf << [,,] if defined? @neighbors and neighbors.include? compound @rdf << [,,] end @rdf << [,,] data_entry_node = @rdf << [,, data_entry_node] @rdf << [data_entry_node,,] @rdf << [data_entry_node,,] @rdf << [data_entry_node,,] @data_entries[i].each_with_index do |value,j| value_node = @rdf << [data_entry_node,, value_node] @rdf << [value_node,,[j].uri)] @rdf << [value_node,,] end end RDF::Writer.for(format).buffer do |writer| @rdf.each{|statement| writer << statement} end end end # TODO: fix bug that affects data_entry positions =begin def to_ntriples # redefined string version for better performance ntriples = "" @metadata[RDF.type] = [ RDF::OT.Dataset, RDF::OT.OrderedDataset ] @metadata[RDF.type] ||= eval("RDF::OT."+self.class.to_s.split('::').last) @metadata[] ||= @metadata.each do |predicate,values| [values].flatten.each { |value| ntriples << "<#{@uri}> <#{predicate}> '#{value}' .\n" } end @parameters.each do |parameter| p_node = ntriples << "<#{@uri}> <#{RDF::OT.parameters}> #{p_node} .\n" ntriples << "#{p_node} <#{RDF.type}> <#{RDF::OT.Parameter}> .\n" parameter.each { |k,v| ntriples << "#{p_node} <#{k}> '#{v}' .\n" } end @features.each_with_index do |feature,i| ntriples << "<#{feature.uri}> <#{RDF.type}> <#{RDF::OT.Feature}> .\n" ntriples << "<#{feature.uri}> <#{RDF::OLO.index}> '#{i}' .\n" end @compounds.each_with_index do |compound,i| ntriples << "<#{compound.uri}> <#{RDF.type}> <#{RDF::OT.Compound}> .\n" if defined? @neighbors and neighbors.include? compound ntriples << "<#{compound.uri}> <#{RDF.type}> <#{RDF::OT.Neighbor}> .\n" end ntriples << "<#{compound.uri}> <#{RDF::OLO.index}> '#{i}' .\n" #data_entry_node = data_entry_node = "_:dataentry"+ i.to_s ntriples << "<#{@uri}> <#{RDF::OT.dataEntry}> #{data_entry_node} .\n" ntriples << "#{data_entry_node} <#{RDF.type}> <#{RDF::OT.DataEntry}> .\n" ntriples << "#{data_entry_node} <#{RDF::OLO.index}> '#{i}' .\n" ntriples << "#{data_entry_node} <#{RDF::OT.compound}> <#{compound.uri}> .\n" @data_entries[i].each_with_index do |value,j| value_node = data_entry_node+ "_value"+ j.to_s #value_node = ntriples << "#{data_entry_node} <#{RDF::OT.values}> #{value_node} .\n" ntriples << "#{value_node} <#{RDF::OT.feature}> <#{@features[j].uri}> .\n" ntriples << "#{value_node} <#{RDF::OT.value}> '#{value}' .\n" end end ntriples end =end # Methods for for validation service # create a new dataset with the specified compounds and features # @param compound_indices [Array] compound indices (integers) # @param feats [Array] features objects # @param metadata [Hash] # @return [OpenTox::Dataset] def split( compound_indices, feats, metadata, subjectid=nil) bad_request_error "Dataset.split : Please give compounds as indices" if compound_indices.size==0 or !compound_indices[0].is_a?(Fixnum) bad_request_error "Dataset.split : Please give features as feature objects (given: #{feats})" if feats!=nil and feats.size>0 and !feats[0].is_a?(OpenTox::Feature) dataset =, subjectid) dataset.metadata = metadata dataset.features = (feats ? feats : self.features) compound_indices.each do |c_idx| dataset << [ self.compounds[c_idx] ] + dataset.features.each_with_index.collect{|f,f_idx| self.data_entries[c_idx][f_idx]} end dataset.put dataset end # maps a compound-index from another dataset to a compound-index from this dataset # mapping works as follows: # (compound c is the compound identified by the compound-index of the other dataset) # * c occurs only once in this dataset? map compound-index of other dataset to index in this dataset # * c occurs >1 in this dataset? # ** number of occurences is equal in both datasets? assume order is preserved(!) and map accordingly # ** number of occurences is not equal in both datasets? cannot map, raise error # @param dataset [OpenTox::Dataset] dataset that should be mapped to this dataset (fully loaded) # @param compound_index [Fixnum], corresponding to dataset def compound_index( dataset, compound_index ) unless defined?(@index_map) and @index_map[dataset.uri] map = {} dataset.compounds.collect{|c| c.uri}.uniq.each do |compound| self_indices = compound_indices(compound) next unless self_indices dataset_indices = dataset.compound_indices(compound) if self_indices.size==1 dataset_indices.size.times do |i| map[dataset_indices[i]] = self_indices[0] end elsif self_indices.size==dataset_indices.size # we do assume that the order is preseverd! dataset_indices.size.times do |i| map[dataset_indices[i]] = self_indices[i] end else raise "cannot map compound #{compound} from dataset #{dataset.uri} to dataset #{uri}, "+ "compound occurs #{dataset_indices.size} times and #{self_indices.size} times" end end @index_map = {} unless defined?(@index_map) @index_map[dataset.uri] = map end @index_map[dataset.uri][compound_index] end # returns the inidices of the compound in the dataset # @param compound [OpenTox::Compound] # @return [Array] compound index (position) of the compound in the dataset, array-size is 1 unless multiple occurences def compound_indices( compound ) unless defined?(@cmp_indices) and @cmp_indices.has_key?(compound) @cmp_indices = {} @compounds.size.times do |i| c = @compounds[i].uri if @cmp_indices[c]==nil @cmp_indices[c] = [i] else @cmp_indices[c] = @cmp_indices[c]+[i] end end end @cmp_indices[compound] end # returns compound feature value using the compound-index and the feature_uri def data_entry_value(compound_index, feature_uri) data_entries(true) if @data_entries.empty? col = @features.collect{|f| f.uri}.index feature_uri @data_entries[compound_index] ? @data_entries[compound_index][col] : nil end end end