# set default environment ENV['RACK_ENV'] = 'production' unless ENV['RACK_ENV'] # load/setup configuration basedir = File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".opentox") config_dir = File.join(basedir, "config") config_file = File.join(config_dir, "#{ENV['RACK_ENV']}.yaml") user_file = File.join(config_dir, "users.yaml") TMP_DIR = File.join(basedir, "tmp") LOG_DIR = File.join(basedir, "log") if File.exist?(config_file) CONFIG = YAML.load_file(config_file) raise "could not load config, config file: "+config_file.to_s unless CONFIG else FileUtils.mkdir_p TMP_DIR FileUtils.mkdir_p LOG_DIR FileUtils.mkdir_p config_dir FileUtils.cp(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates/config.yaml'), config_file) puts "Please edit #{config_file} and restart your application." exit end # database #`redis-server /opt/redis/redis.conf` unless File.exists? "/var/run/redis.pid" # removed by AM Ohm.connect :thread_safe => true # load mail settings for error messages #load File.join config_dir,"mail.rb" if File.exists?(File.join config_dir,"mail.rb") logfile = "#{LOG_DIR}/#{ENV["RACK_ENV"]}.log" #LOGGER = OTLogger.new(logfile,'daily') # daily rotation LOGGER = OTLogger.new(logfile) # no rotation LOGGER.formatter = Logger::Formatter.new #this is neccessary to restore the formating in case active-record is loaded if CONFIG[:logger] and CONFIG[:logger] == "debug" LOGGER.level = Logger::DEBUG else LOGGER.level = Logger::WARN end # Regular expressions for parsing classification data TRUE_REGEXP = /^(true|active|1|1.0|tox)$/i FALSE_REGEXP = /^(false|inactive|0|0.0|low tox)$/i # Task durations DEFAULT_TASK_MAX_DURATION = 36000 #EXTERNAL_TASK_MAX_DURATION = 36000 # OWL Namespaces class OwlNamespace attr_accessor :uri def initialize(uri) @uri = uri end def [](property) @uri+property.to_s end def type # for RDF.type "#{@uri}type" end def method_missing(property) @uri+property.to_s end end AA_SERVER = CONFIG[:authorization] ? (CONFIG[:authorization][:server] ? CONFIG[:authorization][:server] : nil) : nil CONFIG[:authorization][:authenticate_request] = [""] unless CONFIG[:authorization][:authenticate_request] CONFIG[:authorization][:authorize_request] = [""] unless CONFIG[:authorization][:authorize_request] CONFIG[:authorization][:free_request] = [""] unless CONFIG[:authorization][:free_request] RDF = OwlNamespace.new 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#' OWL = OwlNamespace.new 'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#' DC = OwlNamespace.new 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/' OT = OwlNamespace.new 'http://www.opentox.org/api/1.1#' OTA = OwlNamespace.new 'http://www.opentox.org/algorithmTypes.owl#' XSD = OwlNamespace.new 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#'