module OpenTox class Feature include OpenTox def self.find(uri, subjectid=nil) return nil unless uri feature = uri if (CONFIG[:yaml_hosts].include?(URI.parse(uri).host)) feature.add_metadata YAML.load(RestClientWrapper.get(uri,{:accept => "application/x-yaml", :subjectid => subjectid})) else feature.add_metadata end feature end # provides domain (possible target values) of classification feature # @return [Array] list with possible target values def domain if metadata[OT.acceptValue] raise "accept value found, remove hack and implement correctly" else if @uri=~/feature\/26221/ || @uri=~/feature\/221726/ return ["mutagen" , "nonmutagen"] end return [true, false] end end # provides feature type, possible types are "regression" or "classification" # @return [String] feature type, unknown if OT.isA property is unknown/ not set def feature_type case metadata[OT.isA] when /NominalFeature/ "classification" when /NumericFeature/ "regression" else "unknown" end end end end