module OpenTox # Basic feature class class Feature field :name, type: String field :nominal, type: Boolean field :numeric, type: Boolean field :measured, type: Boolean end # Feature for categorical variables class NominalFeature < Feature # TODO check if accept_values are still needed field :accept_values, type: Array def initialize params super params nominal = true end end # Feature for quantitative variables class NumericFeature < Feature def initialize params super params numeric = true end end # Feature for SMARTS fragments class Smarts < NominalFeature field :smarts, type: String index "smarts" => 1 def self.from_smarts smarts self.find_or_create_by :smarts => smarts end end # Feature for supervised fragments from Fminer algorithm class FminerSmarts < Smarts field :p_value, type: Float # TODO check if effect is used field :effect, type: String field :dataset_id end # Feature for database fingerprints # needs count for efficient retrieval (see compound.rb) class FingerprintSmarts < Smarts field :count, type: Integer def self.fingerprint @@fp4 ||= OpenTox::FingerprintSmarts.all unless @@fp4.size == 306 @@fp4 = [] # OpenBabel FP4 fingerprints # OpenBabel # TODO investigate other types of fingerprints (MACCS) # OpenBabel # # OpenBabel MNA # Morgan ECFP, FCFP # # # Chemfp # # CACTVS/PubChem,"SMARTS_InteLigand.txt")).each do |l| l.strip! unless l.empty? or l.match /^#/ name,smarts = l.split(': ') @@fp4 << OpenTox::FingerprintSmarts.find_or_create_by(:name => name, :smarts => smarts) unless smarts.nil? end end end @@fp4 end end # Feature for physico-chemical descriptors class PhysChemDescriptor < NumericFeature field :algorithm, type: String, default: "OpenTox::Algorithm::Descriptor.physchem" field :parameters, type: Hash field :creator, type: String end # Feature for categorical bioassay results class NominalBioAssay < NominalFeature # TODO: needed? move to dataset? field :description, type: String end # Feature for quantitative bioassay results class NumericBioAssay < NumericFeature # TODO: needed? move to dataset? field :description, type: String end end