module OpenTox module Algorithm # Feature selection algorithms class FeatureSelection # Select features correlated to the models prediction feature # @param [OpenTox::Model::Lazar] def self.correlation_filter model relevant_features = {} R.assign "dependent", model.dependent_variables.collect{|v| to_r(v)} model.descriptor_weights = [] selected_variables = [] selected_descriptor_ids = [] model.independent_variables.each_with_index do |v,i| v.collect!{|n| to_r(n)} R.assign "independent", v begin R.eval "cor <- cor.test(dependent,independent,method = 'pearson',use='pairwise')" pvalue = R.eval("cor$p.value").to_ruby if pvalue <= 0.05 model.descriptor_weights << R.eval("cor$estimate").to_ruby**2 selected_variables << v selected_descriptor_ids << model.descriptor_ids[i] end rescue warn "Correlation of '#{}' (#{model.dependent_variables}) with (#{v}) failed." end end model.independent_variables = selected_variables model.descriptor_ids = selected_descriptor_ids model end def self.to_r v return 0 if v == false return 1 if v == true v end end end end