require 'rubygems' require "bundler/setup" require "rest-client" require 'yaml' require 'json' require 'logger' require 'mongoid' require 'rserve' require "nokogiri" require "base64" require 'openbabel' # Environment setup ENV["LAZAR_ENV"] ||= "production" raise "Incorrect lazar environment variable LAZAR_ENV '#{ENV["LAZAR_ENV"]}', please set it to 'production' or 'development'." unless ENV["LAZAR_ENV"].match(/production|development/) ENV["MONGOID_ENV"] = ENV["LAZAR_ENV"] ENV["RACK_ENV"] = ENV["LAZAR_ENV"] # should set sinatra environment Mongoid.load_configuration({ :clients => { :default => { :database => ENV["LAZAR_ENV"], :hosts => ["localhost:27017"], } } }) Mongoid.raise_not_found_error = false # return nil if no document is found $mongo ="mongodb://{ENV['LAZAR_ENV']}") $gridfs = $mongo.database.fs # Logger setup STDOUT.sync = true # for redirection, etc see $logger = STDOUT # STDERR did not work on my development machine (CH) case ENV["LAZAR_ENV"] when "production" $logger.level = Logger::WARN Mongo::Logger.level = Logger::WARN when "development" $logger.level = Logger::DEBUG Mongo::Logger.level = Logger::WARN end # R setup rlib = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","R")) # should work on POSIX including os x # NR_CORES = `getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`.to_i R = R.eval " suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(iterators,lib=\"#{rlib}\") library(foreach,lib=\"#{rlib}\") library(ggplot2,lib=\"#{rlib}\") library(grid,lib=\"#{rlib}\") library(gridExtra,lib=\"#{rlib}\") library(pls,lib=\"#{rlib}\") library(caret,lib=\"#{rlib}\") library(doMC,lib=\"#{rlib}\") registerDoMC(#{NR_CORES}) }) " # OpenTox classes and includes CLASSES = ["Feature","Compound","Dataset","Validation","CrossValidation","LeaveOneOutValidation","RepeatedCrossValidation","Experiment","Nanoparticle"]# Algorithm and Models are modules [ # be aware of the require sequence as it affects class/method overwrites "overwrite.rb", "rest-client-wrapper.rb", "error.rb", "opentox.rb", "feature.rb", "physchem.rb", "compound.rb", "nanoparticle.rb", "dataset.rb", "algorithm.rb", "model.rb", "classification.rb", "regression.rb", "validation.rb", "crossvalidation.rb", "leave-one-out-validation.rb", "experiment.rb", "import.rb", ].each{ |f| require_relative f } OpenTox::PhysChem.descriptors # load descriptor features