module OpenTox module Model class Generic MODEL_ATTRIBS = [:uri, :title, :creator, :date, :format, :predictedVariables, :independentVariables, :dependentVariables, :trainingDataset, :algorithm] MODEL_ATTRIBS.each{ |a| attr_accessor(a) } def self.find(uri) owl = OpenTox::Owl.from_uri(uri, "Model") return end def self.to_rdf(model) owl = OpenTox::Owl.create 'Model', model.uri (MODEL_ATTRIBS - [:uri]).each do |a| owl.set(a.to_s,model.send(a.to_s)) end owl.rdf end protected def initialize(owl) [:date, :creator, :title, :format, :algorithm, :dependentVariables, :independentVariables, :predictedVariables, :trainingDataset].each do |a| self.send("#{a.to_s}=".to_sym, owl.get(a.to_s)) end @uri = owl.uri if ENV['RACK_ENV'] =~ /test|debug/ begin raise "uri invalid" unless Utils.is_uri?(@uri) raise "no algorithm" unless @algorithm and @algorithm.size>0 raise "no dependent variables" unless @dependentVariables and @dependentVariables.size>0 raise "no indenpendent variables" unless @independentVariables raise "no predicted variables" unless @predictedVariables and @predictedVariables.size>0 rescue => ex RestClientWrapper.raise_uri_error "invalid model: '"+ex.message+"'\n"+self.to_yaml+"\n",@uri.to_s end end end end class PredictionModel < Generic def algorithm_uri, algorithm_params ) LOGGER.debug "Build model, algorithm_uri:"+algorithm_uri.to_s+", algorithm_parms: "+algorithm_params.inspect.to_s uri =,algorithm_params).to_s LOGGER.debug "Build model done: "+uri.to_s RestClientWrapper.raise_uri_error("Invalid build model result: '"+uri.to_s+"'", algorithm_uri, algorithm_params ) unless Utils.model_uri?(uri) return PredictionModel.find(uri) end def predict_dataset( dataset_uri ) LOGGER.debug "Predict dataset: "+dataset_uri.to_s+" with model "+@uri.to_s uri =, {:accept => "text/uri-list", :dataset_uri=>dataset_uri}) RestClientWrapper.raise_uri_error("Prediciton result no dataset uri: "+uri.to_s, @uri, {:dataset_uri=>dataset_uri} ) unless Utils.dataset_uri?(uri) uri end def classification? #HACK replace with request to ontology server if @title =~ /lazar classification/ return true elsif @uri =~/ntua/ and @title =~ /mlr/ return false elsif @uri =~/tu-muenchen/ and @title =~ /regression|M5P|GaussP/ return false elsif @uri =~/ambit2/ and @title =~ /pKa/ || @title =~ /Regression|Caco/ return false elsif @uri =~/majority/ return (@uri =~ /class/) != nil else raise "unknown model, uri:'"+@uri.to_s+"' title:'"+@title.to_s+"'" end end end class Lazar < Generic attr_accessor :feature_dataset_uri, :effects, :activities, :p_values, :fingerprints, :features def initialize @source = "" @algorithm = File.join(@@config[:services]["opentox-algorithm"],"lazar") #@independent_variables = File.join(@@config[:services]["opentox-algorithm"],"fminer#BBRC_representative") @features = [] @effects = {} @activities = {} @p_values = {} @fingerprints = {} end def save @features.uniq! resource =[:services]["opentox-model"], :user => @@users[:users].keys[0], :password => @@users[:users].values[0]), :content_type => "application/x-yaml").chomp.to_s end def self.find_all RestClientWrapper.get(@@config[:services]["opentox-model"]).chomp.split("\n") end end end end