module OpenTox # Nanoparticles class Nanoparticle < Substance include OpenTox field :core_id, type: String, default: nil field :coating_ids, type: Array, default: [] # Get core compound # @return [OpenTox::Compound] def core Compound.find core_id end # Get coatings # @return [Array] def coating coating_ids.collect{|i| Compound.find i } end # Get nanoparticle fingerprint (union of core and coating fingerprints) # @param [String] fingerprint type # @return [Array] def fingerprint type=DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT core_fp = core.fingerprint type coating_fp = coating.collect{|c| c.fingerprint type}.flatten.uniq.compact (core_fp.empty? or coating_fp.empty?) ? [] : (core_fp+coating_fp).uniq.compact end # Calculate physchem properties # @param [Array] list of descriptors # @return [Array] def calculate_properties descriptors=PhysChem::OPENBABEL if core.smiles and !coating.collect{|c| c.smiles}.compact.empty? core_prop = core.calculate_properties descriptors coating_prop = coating.collect{|c| c.calculate_properties descriptors if c.smiles} descriptors.collect_with_index{|d,i| [core_prop[i],coating_prop.collect{|c| c[i] if c}]} end end # Add (measured) feature values # @param [OpenTox::Feature] # @param [TrueClass,FalseClass,Float] # @param [OpenTox::Dataset] def add_feature feature, value, dataset unless == "ATOMIC COMPOSITION" or == "FUNCTIONAL GROUP" # redundand case feature.category when "P-CHEM" properties[] ||= [] properties[] << value properties[].uniq! when "Proteomics" properties[] ||= [] properties[] << value properties[].uniq! when "TOX" if"Cell Viability Assay") and !"SLOPE") # -log10 transformation value = -Math.log10(value) feature.unit = "-log10(#{feature.unit})" unless feature.unit.match "log10" feature.warnings += ["-log10 transformed values"] unless feature.warnings.include? "-log10 transformed values" end dataset.add self, feature, value else warn "Unknown feature type '#{feature.category}'. Value '#{value}' not inserted." end dataset_ids << dataset_ids.uniq! end end # Parse values from Ambit database # @param [OpenTox::Feature] # @param [TrueClass,FalseClass,Float] # @param [OpenTox::Dataset] def parse_ambit_value feature, v, dataset # TODO add study id to warnings v.delete "unit" # TODO: ppm instead of weights if v.keys == ["textValue"] add_feature feature, v["textValue"], dataset elsif v.keys == ["loValue"] add_feature feature, v["loValue"], dataset elsif v.keys.size == 2 and v["errorValue"] add_feature feature, v["loValue"], dataset #warn "Ignoring errorValue '#{v["errorValue"]}' for '#{}'." elsif v.keys.size == 2 and v["loQualifier"] == "mean" add_feature feature, v["loValue"], dataset #warn "'#{}' is a mean value. Original data is not available." elsif v.keys.size == 2 and v["loQualifier"] #== ">=" #warn "Only min value available for '#{}', entry ignored" elsif v.keys.size == 2 and v["upQualifier"] #== ">=" #warn "Only max value available for '#{}', entry ignored" elsif v.keys.size == 3 and v["loValue"] and v["loQualifier"].nil? and v["upQualifier"].nil? add_feature feature, v["loValue"], dataset #warn "loQualifier and upQualifier are empty." elsif v.keys.size == 3 and v["loValue"] and v["loQualifier"] == "" and v["upQualifier"] == "" add_feature feature, v["loValue"], dataset #warn "loQualifier and upQualifier are empty." elsif v.keys.size == 4 and v["loValue"] and v["loQualifier"].nil? and v["upQualifier"].nil? add_feature feature, v["loValue"], dataset #warn "loQualifier and upQualifier are empty." elsif v.size == 4 and v["loQualifier"] and v["upQualifier"] and v["loValue"] and v["upValue"] #add_feature feature, [v["loValue"],v["upValue"]].mean, dataset #warn "Using mean value of range #{v["loValue"]} - #{v["upValue"]} for '#{}'. Original data is not available." elsif v.size == 4 and v["loQualifier"] == "mean" and v["errorValue"] #warn "'#{}' is a mean value. Original data is not available. Ignoring errorValue '#{v["errorValue"]}' for '#{}'." add_feature feature, v["loValue"], dataset elsif v == {} # do nothing else warn "Cannot parse Ambit eNanoMapper value '#{v}' for feature '#{}'." end end end end