require 'rdf' require 'rdf/raptor' #require "parser.rb" require "rest_client_wrapper.rb" require "overwrite.rb" require "error.rb" RDF::OT = '' RDF::OTA = '' SERVICES = ["Compound", "Feature", "Dataset", "Algorithm", "Model", "Validation", "Task"] module OpenTox attr_accessor :subjectid, :uri #, :service_uri #attr_writer :metadata # Initialize OpenTox object with optional subjectid # @param [optional, String] subjectid def initialize uri=nil, subjectid=nil @uri = uri @subjectid = subjectid end def metadata metadata = {} do |reader| reader.each_statement do |statement| metadata[statement.predicate] = statement.object if statement.subject == @uri end end metadata end # REST API # returns OpenTox::WrapperResult, not OpenTox objects # perfoms a GET REST call # raises OpenTox::Error if call fails (rescued in overwrite.rb -> halt 502) # per default: waits for Task to finish and returns result URI of Task # @param [optional,Hash] headers contains params like accept-header # @param [wait,Boolean] wait set to false to NOT wait for task if result is task # @return [OpenTox::WrapperResult] a String containing the result-body of the REST call def get headers={}, wait=true headers[:subjectid] = @subjectid RestClientWrapper.get(@uri.to_s, headers, nil, wait).chomp end # performs a POST REST call # raises OpenTox::Error if call fails (rescued in overwrite.rb -> halt 502) # per default: waits for Task to finish and returns result URI of Task # @param [optional,String] payload data posted to the service # @param [optional,Hash] headers contains params like accept-header # @param [wait,Boolean] wait set to false to NOT wait for task if result is task # @return [OpenTox::WrapperResult] a String containing the result-body of the REST call def post payload={}, headers={}, wait=true headers[:subjectid] = @subjectid, payload, headers, nil, wait).chomp end # performs a PUT REST call # raises OpenTox::Error if call fails (rescued in overwrite.rb -> halt 502) # @param [optional,String] payload data put to the service # @param [optional,Hash] headers contains params like accept-header # @return [OpenTox::WrapperResult] a String containing the result-body of the REST call def put payload={}, headers={} headers[:subjectid] = @subjectid RestClientWrapper.put(@uri.to_s, payload, headers).chomp end # performs a DELETE REST call # raises OpenTox::Error if call fails (rescued in overwrite.rb -> halt 502) # @return [OpenTox::WrapperResult] a String containing the result-body of the REST call def delete RestClientWrapper.delete(@uri.to_s,:subjectid => @subjectid) end # create default classes SERVICES.each { |s| eval "class #{s}; include OpenTox; end" } =begin # Tools def uri_available? url = URI.parse(@uri) req =,url.port) req['subjectid'] = @subjectid if @subjectid req.start(, url.port) do |http| return http.head("#{url.request_uri}#{subjectidstr}").code == "200" end end module Collection include OpenTox def find uri_available? ?, @subjectid) : nil end def create metadata post(service_uri, metadata.to_rdfxml, { :content_type => 'application/rdf+xml', :subjectid => subjectid}).to_s.chomp, @subject_id end # Get all objects from a service # @return [Array] List of available Objects def all get(:accept => "text/uri-list").to_s.split(/\n/).collect{|uri| uri,@subjectid} end def save object post(object.to_rdfxml, :content_type => 'application/rdf+xml').to_s, @subjectid end def object_class eval self.class.to_s.sub(/::Collection/,'') end # create collection classes SERVICES.each { |s| eval "class #{s}; include Collection; end" } end =end end