class String def underscore self.gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase end end module URI def self.compound? uri uri =~ /compound/ and URI.valid? uri end def self.task? uri #TODO remove localhost (uri =~ /task/ or uri =~ /localhost/) and URI.valid? uri end def self.dataset? uri, subjectid=nil uri =~ /dataset/ and URI.accessible? uri, subjectid=nil end def self.model? uri, subjectid=nil uri =~ /model/ and URI.accessible? uri, subjectid=nil end def self.ssl? uri, subjectid=nil URI.parse(uri).instance_of? URI::HTTPS end def self.accessible?(uri, subjectid=nil) if URI.task? uri or URI.compound? uri # just try to get a response, valid tasks may return codes > 400 Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(uri)) true else Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(uri + (subjectid ? "?subjectid=#{CGI.escape subjectid}" : ""))).code.to_i < 400 end rescue false end def self.valid? uri u = URI::parse(uri) u.scheme!=nil and!=nil rescue URI::InvalidURIError false end end class File def mime_type `file -ib #{self.path}`.chomp end end # overwrite backtick operator to catch system errors module Kernel # Override raises an error if _cmd_ returns a non-zero exit status. # Returns stdout if _cmd_ succeeds. Note that these are simply concatenated; STDERR is not inline. def ` cmd stdout, stderr = '' status = Open4::popen4(cmd) do |pid, stdin_stream, stdout_stream, stderr_stream| stdout = stderr = end internal_server_error "`" + cmd + "` failed.\n" + stdout + stderr if !status.success? return stdout rescue internal_server_error $!.message end end