module OpenTox module Owl attr_reader :uri def initialize @model = @parser = @serializer = Redland::Serializer.ntriples # read OT Ontology #@parser.parse_into_model(@model,"") #@parser.parse_string_into_model(@model,,"opentox.owl")),'/') # reate an anonymous resource for metadata # this has to be rewritten with an URI as soon as the resource has been saved at an definitive location tmp = @model.create_resource @model.add tmp, RDF['type'], OT[self.owl_class] end def uri=(uri) @uri = uri uri = # rewrite uri @model.subjects(RDF['type'],OT[self.owl_class]).each do |me| @model.delete(me,RDF['type'],OT[self.owl_class]) @model.add(uri,RDF['type'],OT[self.owl_class]) id = @model.object(me, DC['identifier']) @model.delete me, DC['identifier'], id # find/replace metadata @model.find(me, nil, nil) do |s,p,o| @model.delete s,p,o @model.add uri,p,o end @model.add uri, DC['identifier'], @uri end end def title # I have no idea, why 2 subjects are returned # iterating over all subjects leads to memory allocation problems # SPARQL queries also do not work #me = @model.subjects(RDF['type'],OT[self.owl_class])[1] me = @model.subject(RDF['type'],OT[self.owl_class]) @model.object(me, DC['title']).to_s end def title=(title) me = @model.subject(RDF['type'],OT[self.owl_class]) begin t = @model.object(me, DC['title']) @model.delete me, DC['title'], t rescue end @model.add me, DC['title'], title end def source me = @model.subject(RDF['type'],OT[self.owl_class]) @model.object(me, DC['source']).to_s unless me.nil? end def source=(source) me = @model.subject(RDF['type'],OT[self.owl_class]) begin t = @model.object(me, DC['source']) @model.delete me, DC['source'], t rescue end @model.add me, DC['source'], source end def identifier me = @model.subject(RDF['type'],OT[self.owl_class]) @model.object(me, DC['identifier']).to_s unless me.nil? end def owl_class self.class.to_s.sub(/^OpenTox::/,'').sub(/::.*$/,'') end def read(uri) @parser.parse_into_model(@model,uri) @uri = uri end def rdf=(rdf) @uri = '/' unless @uri @parser.parse_string_into_model(@model,rdf,@uri) end def rdf @model.to_string end def to_ntriples @serializer.model_to_string(, @model) end def parameters=(params) params.each do |name, settings| parameter = @model.create_resource @model.add parameter, RDF['type'], OT['Parameter'] @model.add parameter, DC['title'], name @model.add parameter, OT['paramScope'], settings[:scope] @model.add parameter, OT['paramValue'], settings[:value] end end =begin def create_owl_statement(name,value) r = @model.create_resource dc_class = DC[name.gsub(/^[a-z]/) { |a| a.upcase }] # capitalize only the first letter #puts "DC:" + name.gsub(/^[a-z]/) { |a| a.upcase } @model.add dc_class, RDF['type'], OWL["Class"] @model.add r, RDF['type'], dc_class @model.add r, DC[name], value end def method_missing(name, *args) # create magic setter methods if /=/ =~ name.to_s create_owl_statement name.to_s.sub(/=/,''), args.first else raise "No method #{name}" end end =end end end