class Redland::Literal def self.create(value, datatype),nil, end # the literal node of the ruby swig api provdides the 'value' of a literal but not the 'datatype' # found solution in mailing list def datatype() uri = Redland.librdf_node_get_literal_value_datatype_uri(self.node) return Redland.librdf_uri_to_string(uri) if uri end end module OpenTox class Owl # ot_class is the class of the object, e.g. "Model","Dataset", ... # root_node is the root-object node in the rdf # uri the uri of the object attr_accessor :ot_class, :root_node, :uri, :model def initialize @model = end def self.create( ot_class, uri ) owl = owl.ot_class = ot_class owl.root_node = owl.set("type",owl.node(owl.ot_class)) owl end # loads owl from data def self.from_data(data, base_uri, ot_class) owl = parser = begin parser.parse_string_into_model(owl.model, data, base_uri) # now loading root_node and uri owl.model.find(nil, owl.node("type"), owl.node(ot_class)) do |s,p,o| #LOGGER.debug "about statements "+s.to_s+" . "+p.to_s+" -> "+o.to_s is_root = true owl.model.find(nil, nil, s) do |ss,pp,oo| is_root = false break end if is_root raise "cannot derieve root object from rdf, more than one object specified" if owl.uri raise "illegal root node type, no uri specified\n"+data.to_s if s.blank? owl.uri = s.uri.to_s owl.root_node = s end end # handle error if no root node was found unless owl.root_node types = [] owl.model.find(nil, owl.node("type"), nil){ |s,p,o| types << o.to_s } raise "root node for class '"+ot_class+"' not found (available type nodes: "+types.inspect+")" end raise "no uri in rdf: '"+owl.uri+"'" unless owl.uri and Utils.is_uri?(owl.uri) owl.ot_class = ot_class owl rescue => e RestClientWrapper.raise_uri_error(e.message, base_uri) end end def self.from_uri(uri, ot_class) return from_data(RestClient.get(uri,:accept => "application/rdf+xml").to_s, uri, ot_class) end def rdf @model.to_string end def get(name) #PENDING remove debug checks raise "get identifier deprecated, use uri instead" if name=="identifier" raise "uri is no prop, use owl.uri instead" if name=="uri" property_node = node(name.to_s) val = @model.object(@root_node, property_node) return nil unless val if val.is_a?(Redland::Literal) return val.value elsif val.blank? return nil else return val.uri.to_s end end def set(name, value, datatype=nil) #PENDING remove debug checks raise "set identifier deprecated, use uri instead" if name=="identifier" raise "uri is no prop, cannot set uri" if name=="uri" property_node = node(name.to_s) begin # delete existing entry t = @model.object(@root_node, property_node) @model.delete @root_node, property_node, t rescue end if value.is_a?(Redland::Node) raise "not nil datatype not allowed when setting redland node as value" if datatype @model.add @root_node, property_node, value elsif datatype @model.add @root_node, property_node, Redland::Literal.create(value.to_s, datatype) else @model.add @root_node, property_node, value.to_s end end def parameters=(params) params.each do |name, settings| parameter = @model.create_resource @model.add parameter, node('type'), node('Parameter') @model.add parameter, node('title'), name @model.add parameter, node('paramScope'), settings[:scope] @model.add parameter, node('paramValue'), settings[:value] @model.add @root_node, node('parameters'), parameter end end def add_data_entries(compound_uri,features) # add compound compound = @model.subject(DC["identifier"], compound_uri) if compound.nil? compound = @model.create_resource(compound_uri) @model.add compound, node('type'), node("Compound") @model.add compound, node("identifier"), compound_uri end features.each do |f| f.each do |feature_uri,value| # add feature feature = find_or_create_feature feature_uri if value.class.to_s == 'Hash' # create tuple tuple = @model.create_resource @model.add tuple, node('type'), node("Tuple") @model.add tuple, node('feature'), feature value.each do |uri,v| f = find_or_create_feature uri complex_value = @model.create_resource @model.add tuple, node('complexValue'), complex_value @model.add complex_value, node('type'), node("FeatureValue") @model.add complex_value, node('feature'), f @model.add complex_value, node('value'), v.to_s end # add data entry data_entry = @model.subject node('compound'), compound if data_entry.nil? data_entry = @model.create_resource @model.add @root_node, node('dataEntry'), data_entry @model.add data_entry, node('type'), node("DataEntry") @model.add data_entry, node('compound'), compound end @model.add data_entry, node('values'), tuple else data_entry = @model.subject node('compound'), compound if data_entry.nil? data_entry = @model.create_resource @model.add @root_node, node('dataEntry'), data_entry @model.add data_entry,node('type'), node("DataEntry") @model.add data_entry, node('compound'), compound end values = @model.create_resource @model.add data_entry, node('values'), values @model.add values, node('type'), node('FeatureValue') @model.add values, node('feature'), feature @model.add values, node('value'), value.to_s end end end end def find_or_create_feature(feature_uri) feature = @model.subject(node("identifier"), feature_uri) if feature.nil? feature = @model.create_resource(feature_uri) @model.add feature, node('type'), node("Feature") @model.add feature, node("identifier"), feature_uri @model.add feature, node("title"), File.basename(feature_uri).split(/#/)[1] @model.add feature, node('creator'), feature_uri end feature end # feature values are not loaded for performance reasons # loading compounds and features into arrays that are given as params def load_dataset( compounds, features ) @model.subjects(node('type'), node('DataEntry')).each do |data_entry| compound_node = @model.object(data_entry, node('compound')) compound_uri = @model.object(compound_node, node('identifier')).to_s compounds << compound_uri end @model.subjects(node('type'), node('Feature')).each do |feature| feature_literal = @model.object(feature, node('identifier')) raise "feature is no literal" unless feature_literal.is_a?(Redland::Literal) # PENDING: to be able to recreate literal nodes for features, the datatype is stored @@feature_datatype = feature_literal.datatype features << feature_literal.value end LOGGER.debug "loaded "+compounds.size.to_s+" compounds and "+features.size.to_s+" features" end # loading feature values for the specified feature # if feature is nil, all feature values are loaded # # general remark on the rdf loading (found out with some testing): # the search methods (subjects/find) are fast, the time consuming parts is creating resources, # which cannot be avoided in general (implemented some performance tweaks with uri storing when loading all features) def load_dataset_feature_values( compounds, data, feature_uri=nil ) LOGGER.debug("load feature values"+ ( (feature_uri!=nil)?(" for feature: "+feature_uri):"") ) # values are stored in the data-hash, hash has a key for each compound compounds.each{|c| data[c] = [] unless data[c]} load_all_features = feature_uri==nil feature_node = nil # create feature node for feature uri if specified unless load_all_features feature_literal =,nil, feature_node = @model.subject(node('identifier'), feature_literal) # remark: solution without creating the literal node: #@model.subjects(RDF['type'], OT['Feature']).each do |feature| # f_uri = @model.object(feature, node('identifier')).value # if feature_uri==f_uri # feature_node = feature # break # end #end raise "feature node not found" unless feature_node end count = 0 # preformance tweak: store uirs to save some resource init time compound_uri_store = {} feature_uri_store = {} # search for all feature_value_node with property 'ot_feature' # feature_node is either nil, i.e. a wildcard or specified @model.find(nil, node('feature'), feature_node) do |feature_value_node,p,o| # get compound_uri by "backtracking" to values node (property is 'values'), then get compound_node via 'compound' value_nodes = @model.subjects(node('values'),feature_value_node) raise "more than one value node "+value_nodes.size.to_s unless value_nodes.size==1 value_node = value_nodes[0] compound_node = @model.object(value_node, node('compound')) compound_uri = compound_uri_store[compound_node.to_s] unless compound_uri compound_uri = @model.object(compound_node, node('identifier')).to_s compound_uri_store[compound_node.to_s] = compound_uri end if load_all_features # if load all features, feautre_uri is not specified, derieve from feature_node feature_uri = feature_uri_store[o.to_s] unless feature_uri feature_literal = @model.object(o, node('identifier')) raise "feature is no literal" unless feature_literal.is_a?(Redland::Literal) feature_uri = feature_literal.value feature_uri_store[o.to_s] = feature_uri end end value_node_type = @model.object(feature_value_node, node('type')) if (value_node_type == node('FeatureValue')) value_literal = @model.object( feature_value_node, node('value')) raise "feature value no literal" unless value_literal.is_a?(Redland::Literal) case value_literal.datatype when /XMLSchema#double/ data[compound_uri] << {feature_uri => value_literal.value.to_f } when /XMLSchema#string/ data[compound_uri] << {feature_uri => value_literal.value } else raise "feature value datatype undefined: "+value_literal.datatype end else raise "feature value type not yet implemented "+value_node_type.to_s end count += 1 LOGGER.debug "loaded "+count.to_s+" feature values" if (count%500 == 0) end LOGGER.debug "loaded "+count.to_s+" feature values" end @@property_nodes = { "type" => RDF["type"], "about" => RDF["about"], "title" => DC["title"], "creator" => DC["creator"], "uri" => DC["identifier"], "identifier" => DC["identifier"], "date" => DC["date"], "format" => DC["format"]} # this method has to purposes: # * distinguishing ot-properties from dc- and rdf- properties # * caching nodes, as creating nodes is costly def node(name) n = @@property_nodes[name] unless n n = OT[name] @@property_nodes[name] = n end return n end =begin def data LOGGER.debug("getting data from model") data = {} @model.subjects(RDF['type'], OT['DataEntry']).each do |data_entry| compound_node = @model.object(data_entry, OT['compound']) compound_uri = @model.object(compound_node, DC['identifier']).to_s @model.find(data_entry, OT['values'], nil) do |s,p,values| feature_node = @model.object values, OT['feature'] feature_uri = @model.object(feature_node, DC['identifier']).to_s.sub(/\^\^.*$/,'') # remove XML datatype type = @model.object(values, RDF['type']) if type == OT['FeatureValue'] value = @model.object(values, OT['value']).to_s case value.to_s when TRUE_REGEXP # defined in environment.rb value = true when FALSE_REGEXP # defined in environment.rb value = false when /.*\^\^<.*XMLSchema#.*>/ #HACK for reading ambit datasets case value.to_s when /XMLSchema#string/ value = value.to_s[0..(value.to_s.index("^^")-1)] when /XMLSchema#double/ value = value.to_s[0..(value.to_s.index("^^")-1)].to_f else LOGGER.warn " ILLEGAL TYPE "+compound_uri + " has value '" + value.to_s + "' for feature " + feature_uri value = nil end else LOGGER.warn compound_uri + " has value '" + value.to_s + "' for feature " + feature_uri value = nil end LOGGER.debug "converting owl to yaml, #compounds: "+(data.keys.size+1).to_s if (data.keys.size+1)%10==0 && !data.has_key?(compound_uri) return data if (data.keys.size)>9 && !data.has_key?(compound_uri) #puts "c "+compound_uri.to_s #puts "f "+feature_uri.to_s #puts "v "+value.to_s #puts "" data[compound_uri] = [] unless data[compound_uri] data[compound_uri] << {feature_uri => value} unless value.nil? elsif type == OT['Tuple'] entry = {} data[compound_uri] = [] unless data[compound_uri] #data[compound_uri][feature_uri] = [] unless data[compound_uri][feature_uri] @model.find(values, OT['complexValue'],nil) do |s,p,complex_value| name_node = @model.object complex_value, OT['feature'] name = @model.object(name_node, DC['title']).to_s value = @model.object(complex_value, OT['value']).to_s v = value.sub(/\^\^.*$/,'') # remove XML datatype v = v.to_f if v.match(/^[\.|\d]+$/) # guess numeric datatype entry[name] = v end data[compound_uri] << {feature_uri => entry} unless entry.empty? end end end data end =end end end