require 'spreadsheet' require 'yajl' module OpenTox # Serialzer for various oputput formats module Serializer # OWL-DL Serializer, modelled according to to class Owl attr_accessor :object def initialize @object = { # this should come from opntox.owl OT.Compound => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } , OT.Feature => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } , OT.NominalFeature => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } , OT.NumericFeature => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } , OT.StringFeature => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } , OT.Dataset => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } , OT.DataEntry => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } , OT.FeatureValue => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } , OT.Algorithm => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } , OT.Parameter => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } , OT.compound => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } , OT.feature => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } , OT.dataEntry => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } , OT.acceptValue => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } , OT.values => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } , OT.algorithm => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } , OT.parameters => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } , DC.title => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.AnnotationProperty }] } , DC.identifier => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.AnnotationProperty }] } , DC.contributor => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.AnnotationProperty }] } , DC.creator => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.AnnotationProperty }] } , DC.description => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.AnnotationProperty }] } , OT.isA => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.AnnotationProperty }] } , OT.Warnings => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.AnnotationProperty }] } , XSD.anyURI => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.AnnotationProperty }] } , OT.hasSource => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.DatatypeProperty }] } , OT.value => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.DatatypeProperty }] } , OT.paramScope => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.DatatypeProperty }] } , OT.paramValue => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.DatatypeProperty }] } , } @data_entries = {} @values_id = 0 @parameter_id = 0 @classes = @object_properties = @annotation_properties = @datatype_properties = @objects = end # Add a compound # @param [String] uri Compound URI def add_compound(uri) @object[uri] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.Compound }] } end # Add a feature # @param [String] uri Feature URI def add_feature(uri,metadata) @object[uri] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.Feature }] } add_metadata uri, metadata end # Add a dataset # @param [String] uri Dataset URI def add_dataset(dataset) @dataset = dataset.uri @object[dataset.uri] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.Dataset }] } add_metadata dataset.uri, dataset.metadata dataset.compounds.each { |compound| add_compound compound } dataset.features.each { |feature,metadata| add_feature feature,metadata } dataset.data_entries.each do |compound,entry| entry.each do |feature,values| values.each { |value| add_data_entry compound,feature,value } end end end # Add a algorithm # @param [String] uri Algorithm URI def add_algorithm(uri,metadata) @object[uri] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.Algorithm }] } LOGGER.debug @object[uri] add_metadata uri, metadata LOGGER.debug @object[uri] end # Add a model # @param [String] uri Model URI def add_model(uri,metadata,parameters) @object[uri] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.Model }] } add_metadata uri, metadata add_parameters uri, parameters end # Add metadata # @param [Hash] metadata def add_metadata(uri,metadata) id = 0 metadata.each do |u,v| if v.is_a? String @object[uri] = {} unless @object[uri] @object[uri][u] = [{"type" => type(v), "value" => v }] elsif v.is_a? Array and u == OT.parameters @object[uri][u] = [] unless @object[uri][u] v.each do |value| id+=1 genid = "_:genid#{id}" @object[uri][u] << {"type" => "bnode", "value" => genid} @object[genid] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.Parameter}] } value.each do |name,entry| @object[genid][name] = [{"type" => type(entry), "value" => entry }] end end end end end # Add a data entry # @param [String] compound Compound URI # @param [String] feature Feature URI # @param [Boolead,Float] value Feature value def add_data_entry(compound,feature,value) add_compound(compound) unless @object[compound] add_feature(feature,{}) unless @object[feature] unless data_entry = @data_entries[compound] data_entry = "_:dataentry#{@data_entries.size}" @data_entries[compound] = data_entry @object[@dataset][OT.dataEntry] = [] unless @object[@dataset][OT.dataEntry] @object[@dataset][OT.dataEntry] << {"type" => "bnode", "value" => data_entry} @object[data_entry] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.DataEntry }], OT.compound => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => compound }], OT.values => [], } end values = "_:values#{@values_id}" @values_id += 1 @object[data_entry][OT.values] << {"type" => "bnode", "value" => values} case type(value) when "uri" v = [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => value}] when "literal" v = [{ "type" => "literal", "value" => value, "datatype" => datatype(value) }] else raise "Illegal type #{type(value)} for #{value}." end @object[values] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.FeatureValue }], OT.feature => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => feature }], OT.value => v } @object[feature][RDF["type"]] << { "type" => "uri", "value" => featuretype(value) } end # Serializers # Convert to N-Triples # @return [text/plain] Object OWL-DL in N-Triples format def to_ntriples @triples = @object.each do |s,entry| s = url(s) if type(s) == "uri" entry.each do |p,objects| p = url(p) objects.each do |o| case o["type"] when "uri" o = url(o["value"]) when "literal" o = literal(o["value"],datatype(o["value"])) when "bnode" o = o["value"] end @triples << [s,p,o] end end end @triples.sort.collect{ |s| s.join(' ').concat(" .") }.join("\n")+"\n" end # Convert to RDF/XML # @return [text/plain] Object OWL-DL in RDF/XML format def to_rdfxml"owl-serializer"){|f| f.write(self.to_ntriples); @path = f.path} `rapper -i ntriples -o rdfxml #{@path} 2>/dev/null` end # Convert to JSON as specified in # (Ambit services use a different JSON representation) # @return [text/plain] Object OWL-DL in JSON format def to_json #rdf_types Yajl::Encoder.encode(@object) end # Helpers for type detection private def datatype(value) if value.is_a? TrueClass or value.is_a? FalseClass XSD.boolean elsif value.is_a? Float XSD.float else XSD.string end end def featuretype(value) if value.is_a? TrueClass or value.is_a? FalseClass datatype = OT.NominalFeature elsif value.is_a? Float datatype = OT.NumericFeature else datatype = OT.StringFeature end end def type(value) begin uri = URI.parse(value) if uri.class == URI::HTTP or uri.class == URI::HTTPS "uri" elsif value.match(/^_/) "bnode" else "literal" end rescue "literal" end end def literal(value,type) # concat and << are faster string concatination operators than + '"'.concat(value.to_s).concat('"^^<').concat(type).concat('>') end def url(uri) # concat and << are faster string concatination operators than + '<'.concat(uri).concat('>') end def rdf_types @classes.each { |c| @object[c] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } } @object_properties.each { |p| @object[p] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['ObjectProperty'] }] } } @annotation_properties.each { |a| @object[a] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['AnnotationProperty'] }] } } @datatype_properties.each { |d| @object[d] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['DatatypeProperty'] }] } } end end # Serializer for spreadsheet formats class Spreadsheets # to avoid nameclash with Spreadsheet gem # Create a new spreadsheet serializer # @param [OpenTox::Dataset] dataset Dataset object def initialize(dataset) @rows = [] @rows << ["SMILES"] features = dataset.features.keys @rows.first << features @rows.first.flatten! dataset.data_entries.each do |compound,entries| smiles = row = row[0] = smiles entries.each do |feature, values| i = features.index(feature)+1 values.each do |value| row[i] = value #TODO overwrites duplicated values end end @rows << row end end # Convert to CSV string # @return [String] CSV string def to_csv @rows.collect{|r| r.join(", ")}.join("\n") end # Convert to spreadsheet workbook # @return [Spreadsheet::Workbook] Workbook object (use the spreadsheet gemc to write a file) def to_spreadsheet Spreadsheet.client_encoding = 'UTF-8' book = sheet = book.create_worksheet(:name => '') sheet.column(0).width = 100 i = 0 @rows.each do |row| row.each do |c| sheet.row(i).push c end i+=1 end book end end end end