$self_task=nil module OpenTox class Task attr_accessor :uri, :date, :title, :creator, :description, :hasStatus, :percentageCompleted, :resultURI, :due_to_time, :http_code # due_to_time is only set in local tasks TASK_ATTRIBS = [ :uri, :date, :title, :creator, :description, :hasStatus, :percentageCompleted, :resultURI, :due_to_time ] TASK_ATTRIBS.each{ |a| attr_accessor(a) } attr_accessor :http_code private def initialize(uri) @uri = uri.to_s.strip end # create is private now, use OpenTox::Task.as_task def self.create( params ) task_uri = RestClientWrapper.post(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-task"], params, nil, false).to_s Task.find(task_uri.chomp) end public def self.find( uri, accept_header=nil ) task = Task.new(uri) task.reload( accept_header ) return task end def self.from_data(data, content_type, code, base_uri) task = Task.new(nil) task.http_code = code task.reload_from_data(data, content_type, base_uri) return task end def reload( accept_header=nil ) unless accept_header if (CONFIG[:yaml_hosts].include?(URI.parse(uri).host)) accept_header = "application/x-yaml" else accept_header = 'application/rdf+xml' end end result = RestClientWrapper.get(uri, {:accept => accept_header}, false)#'application/x-yaml'}) @http_code = result.code reload_from_data(result, result.content_type, uri) end def reload_from_data( data, content_type, base_uri ) case content_type when /yaml/ task = YAML.load data TASK_ATTRIBS.each do |a| raise "task yaml data invalid, key missing: "+a.to_s unless task.has_key?(a) send("#{a.to_s}=".to_sym,task[a]) end when /application\/rdf\+xml/ owl = OpenTox::Owl.from_data(data,base_uri,"Task") self.uri = owl.uri (TASK_ATTRIBS-[:uri]).each{|a| self.send("#{a.to_s}=".to_sym, owl.get(a.to_s))} else raise "content type for tasks not supported: "+content_type.to_s end raise "uri is null after loading" unless @uri and @uri.to_s.strip.size>0 end def cancel RestClientWrapper.put(File.join(@uri,'Cancelled')) reload end def completed(uri) RestClientWrapper.put(File.join(@uri,'Completed'),{:resultURI => uri}) reload end def error(description) RestClientWrapper.put(File.join(@uri,'Error'),{:description => description.to_s[0..2000]}) reload end def pid=(pid) RestClientWrapper.put(File.join(@uri,'pid'), {:pid => pid}) end def running? @hasStatus.to_s == 'Running' end def completed? @hasStatus.to_s == 'Completed' end def error? @hasStatus.to_s == 'Error' end # waits for a task, unless time exceeds or state is no longer running def wait_for_completion(dur=0.3) if (@uri.match(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-task"])) due_to_time = (@due_to_time.is_a?(Time) ? @due_to_time : Time.parse(@due_to_time)) running_time = due_to_time - (@date.is_a?(Time) ? @date : Time.parse(@date)) else # the date of the external task cannot be trusted, offest to local time might be to big due_to_time = Time.new + EXTERNAL_TASK_MAX_DURATION running_time = EXTERNAL_TASK_MAX_DURATION end LOGGER.debug "start waiting for task "+@uri.to_s+" at: "+Time.new.to_s+", waiting at least until "+due_to_time.to_s while self.running? sleep dur reload check_state if (Time.new > due_to_time) raise "max wait time exceeded ("+running_time.to_s+"sec), task: '"+@uri.to_s+"'" end end LOGGER.debug "Task '"+@hasStatus+"': "+@uri.to_s+", Result: "+@resultURI.to_s end def check_state begin raise "illegal task state, task is completed, resultURI is no URI: '"+@resultURI.to_s+ "'" unless @resultURI and @resultURI.to_s.uri? if completed? if @http_code == 202 raise "illegal task state, code is 202, but hasStatus is not Running: '"+@hasStatus+"'" unless running? elsif @http_code == 201 raise "illegal task state, code is 201, but hasStatus is not Completed: '"+@hasStatus+"'" unless completed? raise "illegal task state, code is 201, resultURI is no task-URI: '"+@resultURI.to_s+ "'" unless @resultURI and @resultURI.to_s.uri? end rescue => ex RestClientWrapper.raise_uri_error(ex.message, @uri) end end # returns the task uri # catches halts and exceptions, task state is set to error then def self.as_task( title, creator, max_duration=DEFAULT_TASK_MAX_DURATION, description=nil ) #return yield nil params = {:title=>title, :creator=>creator, :max_duration=>max_duration, :description=>description } task = ::OpenTox::Task.create(params) task_pid = Spork.spork(:logger => LOGGER) do LOGGER.debug "Task #{task.uri} started #{Time.now}" $self_task = task begin result = catch(:halt) do yield task end # catching halt, set task state to error if result && result.is_a?(Array) && result.size==2 && result[0]>202 LOGGER.error "task was halted: "+result.inspect task.error(result[1]) return end LOGGER.debug "Task #{task.uri} done #{Time.now} -> "+result.to_s task.completed(result) rescue => ex LOGGER.error "task failed: "+ex.message LOGGER.error ": "+ex.backtrace.join("\n") task.error(ex.message) end end task.pid = task_pid LOGGER.debug "Started task: "+task.uri.to_s task.uri end end end