# Example configuration for OpenTox, please adjust to your settings # # Database setup: # # Example MySql: # :database: :adapter: mysql :database: production :username: root :password: opentox :host: localhost # # Example 1: Using external test services # # :services: # opentox-compound: "http://webservices.in-silico.ch/compound/" # opentox-dataset: "http://webservices.in-silico.ch/dataset/" # opentox-algorithm: "http://webservices.in-silico.ch/algorithm/" # opentox-model: "http://webservices.in-silico.ch/model/" # opentox-task: "http://webservices.in-silico.ch/task/" # opentox-validation: "http://opentox.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/validation/" # # Example 2: Using local services :base_dir: /home/ist/webservices :webserver: passenger :services: opentox-compound: "http://localhost/compound/" opentox-dataset: "http://localhost/dataset/" opentox-algorithm: "http://localhost/algorithm/" opentox-model: "http://localhost/model/" opentox-task: "http://localhost/task/" opentox-validation: "http://localhost/validation/" # # Yaml capable hosts (faster than OWL-DL) # :yaml_hosts: - "localhost" # Uncomment for verbose logging # :logger: debug # :backtrace: 1 # OpenSSO Authorization # set ":server: " to disable A&A :authorization: :server: "https://opensso.in-silico.ch" :free_request: #request-method not controlled by A&A - "GET" :authenticate_request: #only for authenticated user - "POST" :authorize_request: #only for authenticated and authorizeduser - "DELETE" - "PUT" # Exceptions: :free_uris: #request-method for uri not controlled by A&A ? - :GET : - !ruby/regexp /localhost\/algorithm/ - "http://localhost/dataset" - "http://localhost/model" - "http://localhost/validation" - "http://localhost/validation/crossvalidation" - "http://localhost/validation/reach_report" - "http://localhost/validation/reach_report/crossvalidation" - "http://localhost/validation/report" - "http://localhost/validation/report/crossvalidation" - "http://localhost/validation/reach_report/qmrf" ? - :GET - :POST : - !ruby/regexp /localhost\/toxcreate/ - !ruby/regexp /localhost\/task/ - !ruby/regexp /localhost\/compound/ ? - :PUT : - !ruby/regexp /localhost\/task/ :authorize_exceptions: #request-method for uri only authenticated, no authorization ? - :POST : - !ruby/regexp /localhost\/algorithm/ - "http://localhost/dataset" - "http://localhost/model" - "http://localhost/validation" - !ruby/regexp /localhost\/validation\/[a-z,A-Z,\/,_\-]*$/