module OpenTox module Validation # Statistical evaluation of classification validations module ClassificationStatistics # Get statistics # @return [Hash] def statistics self.accept_values = model.prediction_feature.accept_values self.confusion_matrix = {:all =>{,0)}, :confidence_high =>{,0)}, :confidence_low =>{,0)}} self.nr_predictions = {:all => 0,:confidence_high => 0,:confidence_low => 0} predictions.each do |cid,pred| # TODO: use measured majority class or all measurements?? if pred[:measurements].uniq.size == 1 and pred[:probabilities] m = pred[:measurements].first if pred[:value] == m accept_values.each_with_index do |v,i| if pred[:value] == v confusion_matrix[:all][i][i] += 1 self.nr_predictions[:all] += 1 if pred[:confidence].match(/Similar/i) confusion_matrix[:confidence_high][i][i] += 1 self.nr_predictions[:confidence_high] += 1 elsif pred[:confidence].match(/Low/i) confusion_matrix[:confidence_low][i][i] += 1 self.nr_predictions[:confidence_low] += 1 end end end elsif pred[:value] != m accept_values.each_with_index do |v,i| if pred[:value] == v confusion_matrix[:all][i][(i+1)%2] += 1 self.nr_predictions[:all] += 1 if pred[:confidence].match(/Similar/i) confusion_matrix[:confidence_high][i][(i+1)%2] += 1 self.nr_predictions[:confidence_high] += 1 elsif pred[:confidence].match(/Low/i) confusion_matrix[:confidence_low][i][(i+1)%2] += 1 self.nr_predictions[:confidence_low] += 1 end end end end end end self.true_rate = {:all => {}, :confidence_high => {}, :confidence_low => {}} self.predictivity = {:all => {}, :confidence_high => {}, :confidence_low => {}} accept_values.each_with_index do |v,i| [:all,:confidence_high,:confidence_low].each do |a| self.true_rate[a][v] = confusion_matrix[a][i][i]/confusion_matrix[a][i].reduce(:+).to_f self.predictivity[a][v] = confusion_matrix[a][i][i]/confusion_matrix[a].collect{|n| n[i]}.reduce(:+).to_f end end self.accuracy = {} [:all,:confidence_high,:confidence_low].each do |a| self.accuracy[a] = (confusion_matrix[a][0][0]+confusion_matrix[a][1][1])/nr_predictions[a].to_f end $logger.debug "Accuracy #{accuracy}" $logger.debug "Nr Predictions #{nr_predictions}" save { :accept_values => accept_values, :confusion_matrix => confusion_matrix, :accuracy => accuracy, :true_rate => self.true_rate, :predictivity => self.predictivity, :nr_predictions => nr_predictions, } end # Plot accuracy vs prediction probability # @param [String,nil] format # @return [Blob] def probability_plot format: "pdf" #unless probability_plot_id #tmpdir = File.join(ENV["HOME"], "tmp") tmpdir = "/tmp" #p tmpdir FileUtils.mkdir_p tmpdir tmpfile = File.join(tmpdir,"#{id.to_s}_probability.#{format}") accuracies = [] probabilities = [] correct_predictions = 0 incorrect_predictions = 0 pp = []{|p| p["probabilities"]}.compact.each do |p| p["measurements"].each do |m| pp << [ p["probabilities"][p["value"]], p["value"] == m ] end end pp.sort_by!{|p| 1-p.first} pp.each do |p| p[1] ? correct_predictions += 1 : incorrect_predictions += 1 accuracies << correct_predictions/(correct_predictions+incorrect_predictions).to_f probabilities << p[0] end R.assign "accuracy", accuracies R.assign "probability", probabilities R.eval "image = qplot(probability,accuracy)+ylab('Accumulated accuracy')+xlab('Prediction probability')+ylim(c(0,1))+scale_x_reverse()+geom_line()" R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)" file =, :filename => "#{}_probability_plot.#{format}") plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file) update(:probability_plot_id => plot_id) #end $gridfs.find_one(_id: probability_plot_id).data end end # Statistical evaluation of regression validations module RegressionStatistics attr_accessor :x, :y # Get statistics # @return [Hash] def statistics self.warnings = [] self.rmse = {:all =>0,:confidence_high => 0,:confidence_low => 0} self.r_squared = {:all =>0,:confidence_high => 0,:confidence_low => 0} self.mae = {:all =>0,:confidence_high => 0,:confidence_low => 0} self.within_prediction_interval = {:all =>0,:confidence_high => 0,:confidence_low => 0} self.out_of_prediction_interval = {:all =>0,:confidence_high => 0,:confidence_low => 0} @x = {:all => [],:confidence_high => [],:confidence_low => []} @y = {:all => [],:confidence_high => [],:confidence_low => []} self.nr_predictions = {:all =>0,:confidence_high => 0,:confidence_low => 0} predictions.each do |cid,pred| !if pred[:value] and pred[:measurements] and !pred[:measurements].empty? insert_prediction pred, :all if pred[:confidence].match(/Similar/i) insert_prediction pred, :confidence_high elsif pred[:confidence].match(/Low/i) insert_prediction pred, :confidence_low end else trd_id = model.training_dataset_id smiles = Compound.find(cid).smiles self.warnings << "No training activities for #{smiles} in training dataset #{trd_id}." $logger.debug "No training activities for #{smiles} in training dataset #{trd_id}." end end [:all,:confidence_high,:confidence_low].each do |a| if @x[a].size > 2 R.assign "measurement", @x[a] R.assign "prediction", @y[a] R.eval "r <- cor(measurement,prediction,use='pairwise')" self.r_squared[a] = R.eval("r").to_ruby**2 else self.r_squared[a] = 0 end if self.nr_predictions[a] > 0 self.mae[a] = self.mae[a]/self.nr_predictions[a] self.rmse[a] = Math.sqrt(self.rmse[a]/self.nr_predictions[a]) else self.mae[a] = nil self.rmse[a] = nil end end $logger.debug "R^2 #{r_squared}" $logger.debug "RMSE #{rmse}" $logger.debug "MAE #{mae}" $logger.debug "Nr predictions #{nr_predictions}" $logger.debug "#{within_prediction_interval} measurements within prediction interval" save { :mae => mae, :rmse => rmse, :r_squared => r_squared, :within_prediction_interval => self.within_prediction_interval, :out_of_prediction_interval => out_of_prediction_interval, :nr_predictions => nr_predictions, } end # Plot predicted vs measured values # @param [String,nil] format # @return [Blob] def correlation_plot format: "png" #unless correlation_plot_id #tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_correlation.#{format}" tmpdir = "/tmp" #p tmpdir FileUtils.mkdir_p tmpdir tmpfile = File.join(tmpdir,"#{id.to_s}_correlation.#{format}") x = [] y = [] feature = Feature.find(predictions.first.last["prediction_feature_id"]) predictions.each do |sid,p| x << p["measurements"].median y << p["value"] end R.assign "measurement", x R.assign "prediction", y R.eval "all = c(measurement,prediction)" R.eval "range = c(min(all), max(all))" if /Net cell association/ # ad hoc fix for awkward units title = "log2(Net cell association [mL/ug(Mg)])" else title = title += "-log10(#{feature.unit})" if feature.unit and !feature.unit.blank? end R.eval "image = qplot(prediction,measurement,main='#{title}',xlab='Prediction',ylab='Measurement',asp=1,xlim=range, ylim=range)" R.eval "image = image + geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1)" R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)" file =, :filename => "#{id.to_s}_correlation_plot.#{format}") plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file) update(:correlation_plot_id => plot_id) #end $gridfs.find_one(_id: correlation_plot_id).data end # Get predictions with measurements outside of the prediction interval # @return [Hash] def worst_predictions worst_predictions = do |sid,p| p["prediction_interval"] and p["value"] and (p["measurements"].max < p["prediction_interval"][0] or p["measurements"].min > p["prediction_interval"][1]) end.compact.to_h worst_predictions.each do |sid,p| p["error"] = (p["value"] - p["measurements"].median).abs if p["measurements"].max < p["prediction_interval"][0] p["distance_prediction_interval"] = (p["measurements"].max - p["prediction_interval"][0]).abs elsif p["measurements"].min > p["prediction_interval"][1] p["distance_prediction_interval"] = (p["measurements"].min - p["prediction_interval"][1]).abs end end worst_predictions.sort_by{|sid,p| p["distance_prediction_interval"] }.to_h end private def insert_prediction prediction, type self.nr_predictions[type] +=1 @x[type] << prediction[:measurements].median @y[type] << prediction[:value] error = prediction[:value]-prediction[:measurements].median self.rmse[type] += error**2 self.mae[type] += error.abs if prediction[:prediction_interval] if prediction[:measurements].median >= prediction[:prediction_interval][0] and prediction[:measurements].median <= prediction[:prediction_interval][1] self.within_prediction_interval[type] += 1 else self.out_of_prediction_interval[type] += 1 end end end end end end