# TODO; check compound/data_entry sequences with missing and duplicated values require_relative "setup.rb" class DatasetTest < MiniTest::Test # basics def test_create_empty d = Dataset.new assert_equal Dataset, d.class refute_nil d.id assert_kind_of BSON::ObjectId, d.id end def test_all d1 = Dataset.new d1.save datasets = Dataset.all assert datasets.first.is_a?(Dataset), "#{datasets.first} is not a Dataset." d1.delete end # real datasets def test_upload_hamster d = Dataset.from_csv_file "#{DATA_DIR}/hamster_carcinogenicity.csv" assert_equal Dataset, d.class assert_equal 1, d.features.size assert_equal 85, d.compounds.size csv = CSV.read("#{DATA_DIR}/hamster_carcinogenicity.csv") csv.shift csv.each do |row| c = Compound.from_smiles row.shift assert_equal c.toxicities[d.feature_ids.first.to_s], row end d.delete end def test_upload_kazius f = File.join DATA_DIR, "kazius.csv" d = OpenTox::Dataset.from_csv_file f csv = CSV.read f assert_equal csv.size-1, d.compounds.size assert_equal csv.first.size-1, d.features.size assert_empty d.warnings # 493 COC1=C(C=C(C(=C1)Cl)OC)Cl,1 c = d.compounds[491] assert_equal c.smiles, "COc1cc(Cl)c(cc1Cl)OC" assert_equal c.toxicities[d.feature_ids.first.to_s][0], "1" d.delete end def test_upload_multicell duplicates = [ "InChI=1S/C6HCl5O/c7-1-2(8)4(10)6(12)5(11)3(1)9/h12H", "InChI=1S/C12H8Cl6O/c13-8-9(14)11(16)5-3-1-2(6-7(3)19-6)4(5)10(8,15)12(11,17)18/h2-7H,1H2", "InChI=1S/C2HCl3/c3-1-2(4)5/h1H", "InChI=1S/C4H5Cl/c1-3-4(2)5/h3H,1-2H2", "InChI=1S/C4H7Cl/c1-4(2)3-5/h1,3H2,2H3", "InChI=1S/C8H14O4/c1-5-4-8(11-6(2)9)12-7(3)10-5/h5,7-8H,4H2,1-3H3", "InChI=1S/C19H30O5/c1-3-5-7-20-8-9-21-10-11-22-14-17-13-19-18(23-15-24-19)12-16(17)6-4-2/h12-13H,3-11,14-15H2,1-2H3", ].collect{|inchi| Compound.from_inchi(inchi).smiles} errors = ['O=P(H)(OC)OC', 'C=CCNN.HCl' ] f = File.join DATA_DIR, "multi_cell_call.csv" d = OpenTox::Dataset.from_csv_file f csv = CSV.read f assert_equal true, d.features.first.nominal assert_equal csv.size-1-errors.size, d.compounds.size assert_equal csv.first.size-1, d.features.size puts d.warnings.to_yaml errors.each do |smi| refute_empty d.warnings.grep %r{#{Regexp.escape(smi)}} end duplicates.each do |smi| refute_empty d.warnings.grep %r{#{Regexp.escape(smi)}} end d.delete end def test_upload_isscan f = File.join DATA_DIR, "ISSCAN-multi.csv" d = OpenTox::Dataset.from_csv_file f csv = CSV.read f assert_equal csv.size-1, d.compounds.size assert_equal csv.first.size-1, d.features.size d.delete end def test_upload_epafhm f = File.join DATA_DIR, "EPAFHM.csv" d = OpenTox::Dataset.from_csv_file f assert_equal Dataset, d.class csv = CSV.read f assert_equal csv.size-1, d.compounds.size assert_equal csv.first.size-1, d.features.size assert_match "EPAFHM.csv", d.source assert_equal "EPAFHM", d.name refute_nil d.warnings assert_equal 74, d.warnings.size feature = d.features.first assert_kind_of NumericFeature, feature assert_match /row 13/, d.warnings.join assert_equal 0.0113, d.compounds.first.toxicities[feature.id.to_s].first assert_equal 0.00323, d.compounds[5].toxicities[feature.id.to_s].first d2 = Dataset.find d.id assert_equal 0.0113, d2.compounds[0].toxicities[feature.id.to_s].first assert_equal 0.00323, d2.compounds[5].toxicities[feature.id.to_s].first d.delete end # batch predictions def test_create_without_features_smiles_and_inchi ["smiles", "inchi"].each do |type| d = Dataset.from_csv_file File.join(DATA_DIR,"batch_prediction_#{type}_small.csv") assert_equal Dataset, d.class refute_nil d.id dataset = Dataset.find d.id assert_equal 3, d.compounds.size.to_i d.delete end end # dataset operations def test_folds dataset = Dataset.from_csv_file File.join(DATA_DIR,"loael.csv") dataset.folds(10).each do |fold| fold.each do |d| assert_operator d.compounds.size, :>=, d.compounds.uniq.size end assert_operator fold[0].compounds.size, :>=, fold[1].compounds.size assert_equal dataset.substance_ids.size, fold.first.substance_ids.size + fold.last.substance_ids.size assert_empty (fold.first.substance_ids & fold.last.substance_ids) end end # serialisation def test_to_csv d = Dataset.from_csv_file "#{DATA_DIR}/multicolumn.csv" refute_nil d.warnings assert d.warnings.grep(/Duplicate compound/) assert d.warnings.grep(/3, 5/) assert_equal 6, d.features.size assert_equal 5, d.compounds.uniq.size assert_equal 5, d.compounds.collect{|c| c.inchi}.uniq.size csv = CSV.parse(d.to_csv) original_csv = CSV.read("#{DATA_DIR}/multicolumn.csv") csv.shift original_csv.shift original = {} original_csv.each do |row| c = Compound.from_smiles row.shift.strip original[c.inchi] = row.collect{|v| v.strip} end serialized = {} csv.each do |row| c = Compound.from_smiles row.shift serialized[c.inchi] = row end original.each do |inchi,row| row.each_with_index do |v,i| if v.numeric? assert_equal v.to_f, serialized[inchi][i].to_f else assert_equal v, serialized[inchi][i] end end end d.delete end # special cases/details def test_dataset_accessors d = Dataset.from_csv_file "#{DATA_DIR}/multicolumn.csv" # create empty dataset new_dataset = Dataset.find d.id # get metadata assert_match "multicolumn.csv", new_dataset.source assert_equal "multicolumn", new_dataset.name # get features assert_equal 6, new_dataset.features.size assert_equal 5, new_dataset.compounds.uniq.size de = new_dataset.compounds.last.toxicities fid = new_dataset.features.first.id.to_s assert_equal ["1"], de[fid] fid = new_dataset.features.last.id.to_s assert_equal [1.0], de[fid] fid = new_dataset.features[2].id.to_s assert_equal ["false"], de[fid] d.delete end def test_create_from_file_with_wrong_smiles_compound_entries d = Dataset.from_csv_file File.join(DATA_DIR,"wrong_dataset.csv") refute_nil d.warnings assert_match /2|3|4|5|6|7|8/, d.warnings.join d.delete end def test_from_csv_classification ["int", "float", "string"].each do |mode| d = Dataset.from_csv_file "#{DATA_DIR}/hamster_carcinogenicity.mini.bool_#{mode}.csv" csv = CSV.read("#{DATA_DIR}/hamster_carcinogenicity.mini.bool_#{mode}.csv") csv.shift csv.each do |row| c = Compound.from_smiles row.shift assert_equal c.toxicities[d.feature_ids.first.to_s], row end d.delete end end def test_from_csv2 File.open("#{DATA_DIR}/temp_test.csv", "w+") { |file| file.write("SMILES,Hamster\nCC=O,true\n ,true\nO=C(N),true") } dataset = Dataset.from_csv_file "#{DATA_DIR}/temp_test.csv" assert_equal "Cannot parse SMILES compound '' at position 3, all entries are ignored.", dataset.warnings.join File.delete "#{DATA_DIR}/temp_test.csv" dataset.features.each{|f| feature = Feature.find f.id; feature.delete} dataset.delete end def test_same_feature datasets = [] features = [] 2.times do |i| d = Dataset.from_csv_file "#{DATA_DIR}/hamster_carcinogenicity.mini.csv" features << d.features.first assert features[0].id==features[-1].id,"re-upload should find old feature, but created new one" datasets << d end datasets.each{|d| d.delete} end # skips, may be removed in the future def test_simultanous_upload skip threads = [] 3.times do |t| threads << Thread.new(t) do |up| d = OpenTox::Dataset.from_csv_file "#{DATA_DIR}/hamster_carcinogenicity.csv" assert_equal OpenTox::Dataset, d.class assert_equal 1, d.features.size assert_equal 85, d.compounds.size csv = CSV.read("#{DATA_DIR}/hamster_carcinogenicity.csv") csv.shift csv.each do |row| c = Compound.from_smiles(row.shift) p row p c.toxicities p d.feature_ids.first.to_s assert_equal row, c.toxicities[d.feature_ids.first.to_s] end d.delete end end threads.each {|aThread| aThread.join} end def test_upload_feature_dataset skip t = Time.now f = File.join DATA_DIR, "rat_feature_dataset.csv" d = Dataset.from_csv_file f assert_equal 458, d.features.size d.save #p "Upload: #{Time.now-t}" d2 = Dataset.find d.id t = Time.now assert_equal d.features.size, d2.features.size csv = CSV.read f csv.shift # remove header assert_empty d2.warnings assert_equal csv.size, d2.compounds.size assert_equal csv.first.size-1, d2.features.size d2.compounds.each_with_index do |compound,i| row = csv[i] row.shift # remove compound assert_equal row, d2.data_entries[i] end #p "Dowload: #{Time.now-t}" d2.delete assert_nil Dataset.find d.id end def test_client_create skip d = Dataset.new assert_equal Dataset, d.class d.name = "Create dataset test" # add data entries features = ["test1", "test2"].collect do |title| f = Feature.new f.name = title f.numeric = true f.save f end # manual low-level insertions without consistency checks for runtime efficiency compounds = ["c1ccccc1NN", "CC(C)N", "C1C(C)CCCC1"].collect do |smi| Compound.from_smiles smi end data_entries = [] data_entries << [1,2] data_entries << [4,5] data_entries << [6,7] compounds.each_with_index do |c,i| features.each_with_index do |f,j| d.substance_ids << c.id d.feature_ids << f.id c.toxicities[f.id.to_s] = data_entries[i][j] end end assert_equal 3, d.compounds.size assert_equal 2, d.features.size #assert_equal [[1,2],[4,5],[6,7]], d.data_entries d.save # check if dataset has been saved correctly new_dataset = Dataset.find d.id assert_equal 3, new_dataset.compounds.size assert_equal 2, new_dataset.features.size new_dataset.compounds.each_with_index do |c,i| new_dataset.features.each_with_index do |f,j| assert_equal data_entries[i][j], c.toxicities[f.id.to_s].first end end d.delete assert_nil Dataset.find d.id assert_nil Dataset.find new_dataset.id end end