require_relative "setup.rb" class NanoparticleTest < MiniTest::Test include OpenTox::Validation def setup @training_dataset = Dataset.where(:name => "Protein Corona Fingerprinting Predicts the Cellular Interaction of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles").first unless @training_dataset Import::Enanomapper.import File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"data","enm") @training_dataset = Dataset.where(name: "Protein Corona Fingerprinting Predicts the Cellular Interaction of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles").first end @prediction_feature ={|f| f["name"] == 'log2(Net cell association)'}.first end def test_create_model model = Model::Lazar.create training_dataset: @training_dataset nanoparticle = @training_dataset.nanoparticles[-34] prediction = model.predict nanoparticle p prediction refute_nil prediction[:value] assert_includes nanoparticle.dataset_ids, model.delete end def test_inspect_cv skip cv = CrossValidation.all.sort_by{|cv| cv.created_at}.last #p cv #p #cv.correlation_plot_id = nil"tmp.pdf","w+"){|f| f.puts cv.correlation_plot} #p cv.statistics #p cv.model.@training_dataset.substances.first.physchem_descriptors.keys.collect{|d| Feature.find(d).name} CrossValidation.all.sort_by{|cv| cv.created_at}.reverse.each do |cv| p p cv.created_at begin p cv.r_squared rescue end end end def test_inspect_worst_prediction skip cv = CrossValidation.all.sort_by{|cv| cv.created_at}.last worst_predictions = cv.worst_predictions(n: 3,show_neigbors: false) assert_equal 3, worst_predictions.size assert_kind_of Integer, worst_predictions.first[:neighbors] worst_predictions = cv.worst_predictions assert_equal 5, worst_predictions.size assert_kind_of Array, worst_predictions.first[:neighbors] assert_kind_of Integer, worst_predictions.first[:neighbors].first[:common_descriptors] puts worst_predictions.to_yaml worst_predictions = cv.worst_predictions(n: 2, show_common_descriptors: true) #puts worst_predictions.to_yaml assert_equal 2, worst_predictions.size assert_kind_of Array, worst_predictions.first[:neighbors] refute_nil worst_predictions.first[:neighbors].first[:common_descriptors] #p cv.model.training_dataset.features end def test_validate_model algorithms = { :prediction => {:method => "Algorithm::Regression.weighted_average" } } model = Model::Lazar.create training_dataset: @training_dataset cv = RegressionCrossValidation.create model p cv.rmse p cv.r_squared"tmp.pdf","w+"){|f| f.puts cv.correlation_plot} refute_nil cv.r_squared refute_nil cv.rmse end def test_validate_pls_model algorithms = { :descriptors => { :method => "properties", :types => ["P-CHEM"] }, :prediction => {:method => "Algorithm::Caret.regression", :parameters => 'pls' }, } model = Model::Lazar.create prediction_feature: @prediction_feature, training_dataset: @training_dataset, algorithms: algorithms cv = RegressionCrossValidation.create model p cv.rmse p cv.r_squared refute_nil cv.r_squared refute_nil cv.rmse end def test_validate_random_forest_model algorithms = { :descriptors => { :method => "properties", :types => ["P-CHEM"] }, :prediction => {:method => "Algorithm::Caret.regression", :parameters => 'rf' } } model = Model::Lazar.create prediction_feature: @prediction_feature, training_dataset: @training_dataset, algorithms: algorithms cv = RegressionCrossValidation.create model p cv.rmse p cv.r_squared refute_nil cv.r_squared refute_nil cv.rmse end def test_validate_proteomics_pls_model algorithms = { :descriptors => { :method => "properties", :types => ["Proteomics"] }, :prediction => {:method => "Algorithm::Caret.regression", :parameters => 'rf' } } model = Model::Lazar.create prediction_feature: @prediction_feature, training_dataset: @training_dataset, algorithms: algorithms cv = RegressionCrossValidation.create model p cv.rmse p cv.r_squared refute_nil cv.r_squared refute_nil cv.rmse end def test_validate_all_default_model algorithms = { :descriptors => { :types => ["Proteomics","P-CHEM"] }, } model = Model::Lazar.create prediction_feature: @prediction_feature, training_dataset: @training_dataset, algorithms: algorithms cv = RegressionCrossValidation.create model p cv.rmse p cv.r_squared refute_nil cv.r_squared refute_nil cv.rmse end def test_export skip Dataset.all.each do |d| puts d.to_csv end end def test_summaries skip datasets = Dataset.all datasets ={|d| !} datasets.each do |d| #p{|f| (/Total/)} #p d.features.collect{|f| "#{} #{f.unit} #{f.conditions}"} p d.features.uniq.collect{|f|} end assert_equal 9, datasets.size =begin features = Feature.all.to_a #p features.collect do |f| #f if f.category == "TOX" #end.to_a.flatten.size toxcounts = {} pccounts = {} Nanoparticle.all.each do |np| np.measurements.each do |t,v| toxcounts[t] ||= 0 toxcounts[t] += 1#v.uniq.size end np.physchem_descriptors.each do |t,v| pccounts[t] ||= 0 pccounts[t] += 1#v.uniq.size end end #puts counts.keys.collect{|i| Feature.find(i)}.to_yaml #pccounts.each{|e,n| p Feature.find(e),n if n > 100} #p toxcounts.collect{|e,n| Feature.find(e).name if n > 1}.uniq toxcounts.each{|e,n| p Feature.find(e),n if n > 100} =end end def test_import_ld skip dataset_ids = Import::Enanomapper.import_ld end end