require 'test_helper' class OpentoxRubyApiWrapperTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @pids = [] port = 5000 [ "opentox-compound", "opentox-feature" , "opentox-dataset" , "opentox-fminer" , "opentox-lazar" ].each do |component| ENV[component.upcase.gsub(/-/,'_')] = "http://localhost:#{port}/" =begin Dir.chdir ENV['HOME'] + '/webservices/' + component Dir["test.sqlite3"].each { |f| FileUtils.rm_rf(f) } file = 'application.rb' @pids << fork {`urxvt -title #{component} -e thin --debug --rackup start -p #{port} -e test`} Process.detach(@pids.last) =end port += 1 end end =begin def teardown @pids.each do |pid| begin Process.kill(9,pid) puts "killed " + pid.to_s rescue puts "failed to kill process" + pid.to_s end end end =end def test_create_dataset_and_model_and_make_a_prediction #sleep 15 dataset = :name => "Hamster Carcinogenicity", :filename => "test/hamster_carcinogenicity.csv" puts dataset.uri wait_for_completion dataset assert_match(/#{ENV['OPENTOX_DATASET']}\d+$/,dataset.uri) assert_equal("Hamster Carcinogenicity", lazar = :dataset_uri => dataset.uri puts lazar.uri wait_for_completion lazar assert_match(/#{ENV['OPENTOX_LAZAR']}model\/\d+$/,lazar.uri) query_structure = :smiles => 'c1ccccc1NN' prediction = lazar.predict query_structure puts prediction.uri wait_for_completion prediction puts prediction.to_yaml assert_equal(true, prediction.classification) assert_match(/\d+/, prediction.classification) end end def wait_for_completion(object) timeout = 60 time = 0 while (!object.finished? and time < timeout) sleep 1 time += 1 end puts "timeout" if timeout >= 60 end