require 'rubygems' gem "opentox-ruby", "~> 4" require 'opentox-ruby' set :lock, true @@datadir = "data" class PredictionCache < Ohm::Model attribute :compound_uri attribute :model_uri attribute :dataset_uri index :compound_uri index :model_uri end before do @accept = request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] @accept = 'application/rdf+xml' if @accept == '*/*' or @accept == '' or @accept.nil? response['Content-Type'] = @accept @id = request.path_info.match(/^\/\d+/) unless @id.nil? @id = @id.to_s.sub(/\//,'').to_i @uri = uri @id @json_file = "#{@@datadir}/#{@id}.json" raise "Model #{@id} not found." unless File.exists? @json_file extension = File.extname(request.path_info) unless extension.empty? case extension when ".html" @accept = 'text/html' when ".yaml" @accept = 'application/x-yaml' when ".json" @accept = 'application/json' when ".rdfxml" @accept = 'application/rdf+xml' else raise "File format #{extension} not supported." end end end # make sure subjectid is not included in params, subjectid is set as member variable params.delete(:subjectid) end require 'lazar.rb' helpers do def next_id id = Dir["./#{@@datadir}/*json"].collect{|f| File.basename(f.sub(/.json/,'')).to_i}.sort.last id = 0 if id.nil? id + 1 end def uri(id) url_for "/#{id}", :full end def activity(a) case a.to_s when "true" act = "active" when "false" act = "inactive" else act = "not available" end act end end get '/?' do # get index of models uri_list = Dir["./#{@@datadir}/*json"].collect{|f| File.basename(f.sub(/.json/,'')).to_i}.sort.collect{|n| uri n}.join("\n") + "\n" case @accept when /html/ response['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' OpenTox.text_to_html uri_list else response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' uri_list end end delete '/:id/?' do LOGGER.debug "Deleting model with id "+@id.to_s begin FileUtils.rm @json_file if @subjectid and !File.exists? @json_file and @uri begin res = OpenTox::Authorization.delete_policies_from_uri(@uri, @subjectid) LOGGER.debug "Policy deleted for Model URI: #{@uri} with result: #{res}" rescue LOGGER.warn "Policy delete error for Model URI: #{@uri}" end end response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' "Model #{@id} deleted." rescue raise "Model #{@id} does not exist." end end delete '/?' do # TODO delete datasets FileUtils.rm Dir["#{@@datadir}/*.json"] PredictionCache.all.each {|cache| cache.delete } response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' "All models and cached predictions deleted." end