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authorChristoph Helma <>2019-08-14 19:12:37 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2019-08-14 19:12:37 +0200
commitb6ad21e340bce9ba2a2ad09fe48c656f0c2e3905 (patch)
tree6a248cfe29fb720491559e5973d8c1f1904bcc33 /
parent9a217185e791d6abbe46549cd4e87c1d1a643c05 (diff)
directory reorganization, evaluation scripts for R CVs
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1 files changed, 1325 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Prediction of the mutagenic potential of different pyrrolizidine
+alkaloids using LAZAR, Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, and Deep
+Verena Schöning, Christoph Helma, Philipp Boss, Jürgen Drewe
+**Manuscript in preparation.**
+Corresponding author:
+Prof. Dr. Jürgen Drewe, MSc
+Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are secondary plant metabolites of some
+plant families, which protect against predators and generally considered
+as genotoxic and mutagenic. This mutagenicity is also the point of
+concern in regulatory risk assessment of this substance group [EFSA
+2011](#_ENREF_36)[EMA 2014](#_ENREF_38)[2016](#_ENREF_39)(; ; ). Several
+investigations already showed that the mutagenic potential of PAs is
+different, and largely depends on the structure.
+Since only very few of over 600 known PAs are available for *in vitro*
+or *in vivo* experiments, the mutagenicity of PAs in this study was
+estimated using four different machine learning techniques LAZAR and
+Deep Learning, Random Forest and Support Vector Machines. However, all
+models were not optimal for predicting the genotoxic potential of PAs
+either due to problems with the applicability domain or due to low
+performance. Therefore, no estimation regarding the genotoxic potential
+of single PAs could be made. An analysis of the genotoxic potential of
+different structural groups, showed promising results. For necine base
+and necic acid, the results fitted well with literature for three
+models. However, the prediction of the toxic principle of PAs,
+dehydropyrrolizidine was only within expectation in one model
+(TensorFlow-generated Deep Learning model), but not in the other four
+models. This study shows convincingly the need to critically review and
+assess the predictions obtained from machine learning approaches by
+internal cross-validation, but also by external validation through
+comparison with literature.
+Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are secondary plant ingredients found in
+many plant species as protection against predators [Hartmann & Witte
+1995](#_ENREF_59)[Langel et al. 2011](#_ENREF_76)(; ). PAs are ester
+alkaloids, which are composed of a necine base (two fused five-membered
+rings joined by a nitrogen atom) and one or two necic acid (carboxylic
+ester arms). The necine base can have different structures and thereby
+divides PAs into several structural groups, e.g. otonecine, platynecine,
+and retronecine. The structural groups of the necic acid are macrocyclic
+diester, open-ring diester and monoester [Langel et al.
+PA are mainly metabolised in the liver, which is at the same time the
+main target organ of toxicity [Bull & Dick 1959](#_ENREF_17)[Bull et al.
+1958](#_ENREF_18)[Butler et al. 1970](#_ENREF_20)[DeLeve et al.
+1996](#_ENREF_33)[Jago 1971](#_ENREF_65)[Li et al.
+2011](#_ENREF_78)[Neumann et al. 2015](#_ENREF_99)(; ; ; ; ; ; ). There
+are three principal metabolic pathways for 1,2-unsaturated PAs [Chen et
+al. 2010](#_ENREF_26)(): (i) Detoxification by hydrolysis: the ester
+bond on positions C7 and C9 are hydrolysed by non-specific esterases to
+release necine base and necic acid, which are then subjected to further
+phase II-conjugation and excretion. (ii) Detoxification by *N*-oxidation
+of the necine base (only possible for retronecine-type PAs): the
+nitrogen is oxidised to form a PA *N*-oxides, which can be conjugated by
+phase II enzymes e.g. glutathione and then excreted. PA *N*-oxides can
+be converted back into the corresponding parent PA [Wang et al.
+2005](#_ENREF_134)(). (iii) Metabolic activation or toxification: PAs
+are metabolic activated/ toxified by oxidation (for retronecine-type
+PAs) or oxidative *N*-demethylation (for otonecine-type PAs [Lin
+1998](#_ENREF_82)()). This pathway is mainly catalysed by cytochrome
+P450 isoforms CYP2B and 3A [Ruan et al. 2014b](#_ENREF_115)(), and
+results in the formation of dehydropyrrolizidines (DHP, also known as
+pyrrolic ester or reactive pyrroles). DHPs are highly reactive and cause
+damage in the cells where they are formed, usually hepatocytes. However,
+they can also pass from the hepatocytes into the adjacent sinusoids and
+damage the endothelial lining cells [Gao et al. 2015](#_ENREF_48)()
+predominantly by reaction with protein, lipids and DNA. There is even
+evidence, that conjugation of DHP to glutathione, which would generally
+be considered a detoxification step, could result in reactive
+metabolites, which might also lead to DNA adduct formation [Xia et al.
+2015](#_ENREF_138)(). Due to the ability to form DNA adducts, DNA
+crosslinks and DNA breaks 1,2-unsaturated PAs are generally considered
+genotoxic and carcinogenic [Chen et al. 2010](#_ENREF_26)[EFSA
+2011](#_ENREF_36)[Fu et al. 2004](#_ENREF_45)[Li et al.
+2011](#_ENREF_78)[Takanashi et al. 1980](#_ENREF_126)[Yan et al.
+2008](#_ENREF_140)[Zhao et al. 2012](#_ENREF_148)(; ; ; ; ; ; ). Still,
+there is no evidence yet that PAs are carcinogenic in humans [ANZFA
+2001](#_ENREF_4)[EMA 2016](#_ENREF_39)(; ). One general limitation of
+studies with PAs is the number of different PAs investigated. Around 30
+PAs are currently commercially available, therefore all studies focus on
+these PAs. This is also true for *in vitro* and *in vivo* tests on
+mutagenicity and genotoxicity. To gain a wider perspective, in this
+study over 600 different PAs were assessed on their mutagenic potential
+using four different machine learning techniques.
+Materials and Methods
+Training dataset
+For all methods, the same validated training dataset was used. The
+training dataset was compiled from the following sources:
+- Kazius/Bursi Dataset (4337 compounds, [Kazius et al.
+ 2005](#_ENREF_71)()):
+> <>
+- Hansen Dataset (6513 compounds, [Hansen et al. 2009](#_ENREF_57)()):
+> <>
+- EFSA Dataset (695 compounds, [EFSA 2011](#_ENREF_36)()):
+> <>
+Mutagenicity classifications from Kazius and Hansen datasets were used
+without further processing. To achieve consistency between these
+datasets, EFSA compounds were classified as mutagenic, if at least one
+positive result was found for TA98 or T100 Salmonella strains.
+Dataset merges were based on unique SMILES (*Simplified Molecular Input
+Line Entry Specification*) strings of the compound structures.
+Duplicated experimental data with the same outcome was merged into a
+single value, because it is likely that it originated from the same
+experiment. Contradictory results were kept as multiple measurements in
+the database. The combined training dataset contains 8281 unique
+Source code for all data download, extraction and merge operations is
+publicly available from the git repository
+<> under a GPL3 License.
+Testing dataset
+The testing dataset consisted of 602 different PAs. The compilation of
+the PA dataset is described in detail in [Schöning et al.
+(2017)](#_ENREF_119). The PAs were assigned to groups according to
+structural features of the necine base and necic acid.
+For the necine base, following groups were assigned:
+- Retronecine-type (1,2-unstaturated necine base)
+- Otonecine-type (1,2-unstaturated necine base)
+- Platynecine-type (1,2-saturated necine base)
+For the modification of necine base, following groups were assigned:
+- *N*-oxide-type
+- Tertiary-type (PAs which were neither from the *N*-oxide- nor
+ > DHP-type)
+- DHP-type (dehydropyrrolizidine, pyrrolic ester)
+For the necic acid, following groups were assigned:
+- Monoester-type
+- Open-ring diester-type
+- Macrocyclic diester-type
+For the Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Deep
+Learning (DL) models, molecular descriptors of the PAs were calculated
+using the program PaDEL-Descriptors (version 2.21) [Yap
+2011](#_ENREF_142)[2014](#_ENREF_143)(; ). From these descriptors were
+chosen, which were actually used for the generation of the DL model.
+LAZAR (*lazy structure activity relationships*) is a modular framework
+for read-across model development and validation. It follows the
+following basic workflow: For a given chemical structure LAZAR:
+- searches in a database for similar structures (neighbours) with
+ experimental data,
+- builds a local QSAR model with these neighbours and
+- uses this model to predict the unknown activity of the query
+ compound.
+This procedure resembles an automated version of read across predictions
+in toxicology, in machine learning terms it would be classified as a
+k-nearest-neighbour algorithm.
+Apart from this basic workflow, LAZAR is completely modular and allows
+the researcher to use any algorithm for similarity searches and local
+QSAR (*Quantitative structure--activity relationship*) modelling.
+Algorithms used within this study are described in the following
+### Neighbour identification
+Similarity calculations were based on MolPrint2D fingerprints [Bender et
+al. 2004](#_ENREF_8)() from the OpenBabel cheminformatics library
+[O\'Boyle et al. 2011](#_ENREF_104)(). The MolPrint2D fingerprint uses
+atom environments as molecular representation, which resembles basically
+the chemical concept of functional groups. For each atom in a molecule,
+it represents the chemical environment using the atom types of connected
+MolPrint2D fingerprints are generated dynamically from chemical
+structures and do not rely on predefined lists of fragments (such as
+OpenBabel FP3, FP4 or MACCs fingerprints or lists of
+toxicophores/toxicophobes). This has the advantage that they may capture
+substructures of toxicological relevance that are not included in other
+From MolPrint2D fingerprints a feature vector with all atom environments
+of a compound can be constructed that can be used to calculate chemical
+The chemical similarity between two compounds a and b is expressed as
+the proportion between atom environments common in both structures A ∩ B
+and the total number of atom environments A U B (Jaccard/Tanimoto
+$$sim = \frac{\left| A\ \cap B \right|}{\left| A\ \cup B \right|}$$
+Threshold selection is a trade-off between prediction accuracy (high
+threshold) and the number of predictable compounds (low threshold). As
+it is in many practical cases desirable to make predictions even in the
+absence of closely related neighbours, we follow a tiered approach:
+- First a similarity threshold of 0.5 is used to collect neighbours,
+ to create a local QSAR model and to make a prediction for the query
+ compound.
+- If any of these steps fails, the procedure is repeated with a
+ similarity threshold of 0.2 and the prediction is flagged with a
+ warning that it might be out of the applicability domain of the
+ training data.
+- Similarity thresholds of 0.5 and 0.2 are the default values chosen
+ > by the software developers and remained unchanged during the
+ > course of these experiments.
+Compounds with the same structure as the query structure are
+automatically eliminated from neighbours to obtain unbiased predictions
+in the presence of duplicates.
+### Local QSAR models and predictions
+Only similar compounds (neighbours) above the threshold are used for
+local QSAR models. In this investigation, we are using a weighted
+majority vote from the neighbour's experimental data for mutagenicity
+classifications. Probabilities for both classes
+(mutagenic/non-mutagenic) are calculated according to the following
+formula and the class with the higher probability is used as prediction
+$$p_{c} = \ \frac{\sum_{}^{}\text{sim}_{n,c}}{\sum_{}^{}\text{sim}_{n}}$$
+$p_{c}$ Probability of class c (e.g. mutagenic or non-mutagenic)\
+$\sum_{}^{}\text{sim}_{n,c}$ Sum of similarities of neighbours with
+class c\
+$\sum_{}^{}\text{sim}_{n}$ Sum of all neighbours
+### Applicability domain
+The applicability domain (AD) of LAZAR models is determined by the
+structural diversity of the training data. If no similar compounds are
+found in the training data no predictions will be generated. Warnings
+are issued if the similarity threshold had to be lowered from 0.5 to 0.2
+in order to enable predictions. Predictions without warnings can be
+considered as close to the applicability domain and predictions with
+warnings as more distant from the applicability domain. Quantitative
+applicability domain information can be obtained from the similarities
+of individual neighbours.
+### Availability
+- LAZAR experiments for this manuscript:
+ [](
+ (source code, GPL3)
+- LAZAR framework:
+ [](
+ (source code, GPL3)
+ [](
+ (source code, GPL3)
+- Public web interface:
+ [](
+Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, and Deep Learning in R-project
+In comparison to LAZAR, three other models (Random Forest (RF), Support
+Vector Machines (SVM), and Deep Learning (DL)) were evaluated.
+For the generation of these models, molecular 1D and 2D descriptors of
+the training dataset were calculated using PaDEL-Descriptors (version
+2.21) [Yap 2011](#_ENREF_142)[2014](#_ENREF_143)(; ).
+As the training dataset contained over 8280 instances, it was decided to
+delete instances with missing values during data pre-processing.
+Furthermore, substances with equivocal outcome were removed. The final
+training dataset contained 8080 instances with known mutagenic
+potential. The RF, SVM, and DL models were generated using the R
+software (R-project for Statistical Computing,
+<>*;* version 3.3.1), specific R packages used
+are identified for each step in the description below. During feature
+selection, descriptor with near zero variance were removed using
+'*NearZeroVar*'-function (package 'caret'). If the percentage of the
+most common value was more than 90% or when the frequency ratio of the
+most common value to the second most common value was greater than 95:5
+(e.g. 95 instances of the most common value and only 5 or less instances
+of the second most common value), a descriptor was classified as having
+a near zero variance. After that, highly correlated descriptors were
+removed using the '*findCorrelation*'-function (package 'caret') with a
+cut-off of 0.9. This resulted in a training dataset with 516
+descriptors. These descriptors were scaled to be in the range between 0
+and 1 using the '*preProcess*'-function (package 'caret'). The scaling
+routine was saved in order to apply the same scaling on the testing
+dataset. As these three steps did not consider the outcome, it was
+decided that they do not need to be included in the cross-validation of
+the model. To further reduce the number of features, a LASSO (*least
+absolute shrinkage and selection operator*) regression was performed
+using the '*glmnet*'-function (package '*glmnet*'). The reduced dataset
+was used for the generation of the pre-trained models.
+For the RF model, the '*randomForest*'-function (package
+'*randomForest*') was used. A forest with 1000 trees with maximal
+terminal nodes of 200 was grown for the prediction.
+The '*svm*'-function (package 'e1071') with a *radial basis function
+kernel* was used for the SVM model.
+The DL model was generated using the '*h2o.deeplearning*'-function
+(package '*h2o*'). The DL contained four hidden layer with 70, 50, 50,
+and 10 neurons, respectively. Other hyperparameter were set as follows:
+l1=1.0E-7, l2=1.0E-11, epsilon = 1.0E-10, rho = 0.8, and quantile\_alpha
+= 0.5. For all other hyperparameter, the default values were used.
+Weights and biases were in a first step determined with an unsupervised
+DL model. These values were then used for the actual, supervised DL
+To validate these models, an internal cross-validation approach was
+chosen. The training dataset was randomly split in training data, which
+contained 95% of the data, and validation data, which contain 5% of the
+data. A feature selection with LASSO on the training data was performed,
+reducing the number of descriptors to approximately 100. This step was
+repeated five times. Based on each of the five different training data,
+the predictive models were trained and the performance tested with the
+validation data. This step was repeated 10 times. Furthermore, a
+y-randomisation using the RF model was performed. During
+y-randomisation, the outcome (y-variable) is randomly permuted. The
+theory is that after randomisation of the outcome, the model should not
+be able to correlate the outcome to the properties (descriptor values)
+of the substances. The performance of the model should therefore
+indicate a by change prediction with an accuracy of about 50%. If this
+is true, it can be concluded that correlation between actual outcome and
+properties of the substances is real and not by chance [Rücker et al.
+Figure 1: Flowchart of the generation and validation of the models
+generated in R-project
+Deep Learning in TensorFlow
+Alternatively, a DL model was established with Python-based TensorFlow
+program (<>) using the high-level API Keras
+(<>) to build the models.
+Data pre-processing was done by rank transformation using the
+'*QuantileTransformer*' procedure. A sequential model has been used.
+Four layers have been used: input layer, two hidden layers (with 12, 8
+and 8 nodes, respectively) and one output layer. For the output layer, a
+sigmoidal activation function and for all other layers the ReLU
+('*Rectified Linear Unit*') activation function was used. Additionally,
+a L^2^-penalty of 0.001 was used for the input layer. For training of
+the model, the ADAM algorithm was used to minimise the cross-entropy
+loss using the default parameters of Keras. Training was performed for
+100 epochs with a batch size of 64. The model was implemented with
+Python 3.6 and Keras. For training of the model, a 6-fold
+cross-validation was used. Accuracy was estimated by ROC-AUC and
+confusion matrix.
+For 46 PAs, no prediction could be made. 26 PAs had no neighbours and 20
+PAs had only one neighbour. For additional 396 PAs, the similarity
+threshold had to be reduced from 0.5 to 0.2 to obtain enough neighbours
+for a prediction. This means that these substances might not be within
+the applicability domain (AD). Therefore, only 160 of 602 PAs were well
+within the stricter AD with the similarity threshold of 0.5 and 556 PAs
+in the AD with the similarity threshold of 0.2.
+Figure 2: Genotoxic potential of the different PA groups as predicted by
+LAZAR, using the **similarity threshold** **of 0.5**.
+*Genotoxic*: percentage number of compounds per group, which were
+predicted to be genotoxic.\
+*Not genotoxic*: percentage number of compounds per group, which were
+predicted to be not genotoxic\
+*Outside AD*: percentage number of compounds per group, which were
+outside the applicability domain (AD).
+Figure 3: Genotoxic potential of the different PA groups as predicted by
+LAZAR, using the **similarity threshold of 0.2**
+*Genotoxic*: percentage number of compounds per group, which were
+predicted to be genotoxic.\
+*Not genotoxic*: percentage number of compounds per group, which were
+predicted to be not genotoxic\
+*Outside AD*: percentage number of compounds per group, which were
+outside the applicability domain (AD).
+Interestingly, using both similarity thresholds (e.g. 0.2 and 0.5), the
+majority of PAs in all groups except otonecine, were predicted to be not
+The following rank order for genotoxicity probability can be deduced
+from the results of both similarity thresholds:
+- Necine base: platynecine ≤ retronecine \<\< otonecine
+- Necic acid: monoester \< diester \< macrocyclic diester
+- Modification of necine base: *N*-oxide \< DHP \< tertiary PA
+Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, and Deep Learning
+Applicability domain
+The AD of the training dataset and the PA dataset was evaluated using
+the Jaccard distance. A Jaccard distance of '0' indicates that the
+substances are similar, whereas a value of '1' shows that the substances
+are different. The Jaccard distance was below 0.2 for all PAs relative
+to the training dataset. Therefore, PA dataset is within the AD of the
+training dataset and the models can be used to predict the genotoxic
+potential of the PA dataset.
+After y-randomisation of the outcome, the accuracy and CCR are around
+50%, indicating a chance in the distribution of the results. This shows,
+that the outcome is actually related to the predictors and not by
+Random Forest
+The validation showed that the RF model has an accuracy of 64%, a
+sensitivity of 66% and a specificity of 63%. The confusion matrix of the
+model, calculated for 8080 instances, is provided in Table 1.
+Table 1: Confusion matrix of the RF model
+ Predicted genotoxicity
+ ----------------------- ------------------------ ---------- ---------- -------------
+ Measured genotoxicity ***PP*** ***PN*** ***Total***
+ ***TP*** 2274 1163 3437
+ ***TN*** 1736 2907 4643
+ ***Total*** 4010 4070 8080
+PP: Predicted positive; PN: Predicted negative, TP: True positive, TN:
+True negative
+In general, the majority of PAs were considered to be not genotoxic by
+the RF model (Figure 4).
+Figure 4: Genotoxic potential of the different PA groups as predicted by
+**RF model**
+*Genotoxic*: percentage number of compounds per group, which was
+predicted to be genotoxic.\
+*Not genotoxic*: percentage number of compounds per group, which was
+predicted to be not genotoxic.
+From the results, the following rank orders of genotoxic potential could
+be deduced:
+- Necine base: platynecine \< retronecine \< otonecine
+- Necic acid: monoester (= 0%) \< diester \< macrocyclic diester
+- Modification of necine base: *N*-oxide = dehydropyrrolizidine (0%)
+ \< tertiary PA
+Support Vector Machines
+The validation showed that the SVM model has an accuracy of 62%, a
+sensitivity of 65% and a specificity of 60%. The confusion matrix of SVM
+model, calculated for 8080 instances, is provided in Table 2.
+Table 2: Confusion matrix of the SVM model
+ Predicted genotoxicity
+ ----------------------- ------------------------ ---------- ---------- -------------
+ Measured genotoxicity ***PP*** ***PN*** ***Total***
+ ***TP*** 2057 1107 3164
+ ***TN*** 1953 2963 4916
+ ***Total*** 4010 4070 8080
+PP: Predicted positive; PN: Predicted negative, TP: True positive, TN:
+True negative
+In the SVM model, also the majority of PAs were considered to be not
+genotoxic (Figure 5).
+Figure 5: Genotoxic potential of the different PA groups as predicted by
+**SVM model**
+*Genotoxic*: percentage number of compounds per group, which was
+predicted to be genotoxic.\
+*Not genotoxic*: percentage number of compounds per group, which was
+predicted to be not genotoxic
+From the results, the following rank orders of genotoxic potential could
+be deduced:
+- Necine base: otonecine \< platynecine = retronecine
+- Necic acid: macrocyclic diester \< monoester = diester
+- Modification of necine base: dehydropyrrolizidine \< tertiary
+ PA \< *N*-oxide 
+Deep Learning (R-project)
+The validation showed that the DL model generated in R has an accuracy
+of 59%, a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 30%. The confusion
+matrix of the model, normalised to 8080 instances, is provided in Table
+Table 3: Confusion matrix of the DL model (R-project)
+ Predicted genotoxicity
+ ----------------------- ------------------------ ---------- ---------- -------------
+ Measured genotoxicity ***PP*** ***PN*** ***Total***
+ ***TP*** 3575 435 4010
+ ***TN*** 2853 1217 4070
+ ***Total*** 6428 1652 8080
+PP: Predicted positive; PN: Predicted negative, TP: True positive, TN:
+True negative
+In contrast, the majority of PAs were considered to be genotoxic by the
+DL model in R (Figure 6).
+Figure 6: Genotoxic potential of the different PA groups as predicted by
+**DL model (R-project)**
+*Genotoxic*: percentage number of compounds per group, which was
+predicted to be genotoxic.\
+*Not genotoxic*: percentage number of compounds per group, which was
+predicted to be not genotoxic
+From the results, the following rank orders of genotoxic potential could
+be proposed:
+- Necine base: platynecine \< retronecine \< otonecine
+- Necic acid: monoester \< diester \< macrocyclic diester
+- Modification of necine base: tertiary PA = dehydropyrrolizidine \<
+ *N*-oxide.
+DL model (TensorFlow)
+The validation showed that the DL model generated in TensorFlow has an
+accuracy of 68%, a sensitivity of 70% and a specificity of 46%. The
+confusion matrix of the model, normalised to 8080 instances, is provided
+in Table 4.
+Table 4: Confusion matrix of the DL model (TensorFlow)
+ Predicted genotoxicity
+ ----------------------- ------------------------ ---------- ---------- -------------
+ Measured genotoxicity ***PP*** ***PN*** ***Total***
+ ***TP*** 2851 1227 4078
+ ***TN*** 1825 2177 4002
+ ***Total*** 4676 3404 8080
+PP: Predicted positive; PN: Predicted negative, TP: True positive, TN:
+True negative
+The ROC curves from the 6-fold validation are shown in Figure 7.
+Figure 7: Six-fold cross-validation of TensorFlow DL model show an
+average area under the ROC-curve (ROC-AUC; measure of accuracy) of 68%.
+In contrast to the DL generated in R, the DL model generated in
+TensorFlow predicted the majority of PAs as not genotoxic.
+Figure 8: Genotoxic potential of the different PA groups as predicted by
+**DL model (TensorFlow)**
+*Genotoxic*: percentage number of compounds per group, which was
+predicted to be genotoxic.\
+*Not genotoxic*: percentage number of compounds per group, which was
+predicted to be not genotoxic
+The following rank orders of genotoxic potential could be proposed based
+on the results:
+- Necine base: platynecine \< otonecine \< retronecine 
+- Necic acid: monoester \< diester \< macrocyclic diester
+- Modification of necine base: tertiary PA \< *N*-oxide \<\<
+ dehydropyrrolizidine.
+In summary, the validation results of the four methods are presented in
+the following table.
+Table 5 Results of the cross-validation of the four models and after
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Accuracy CCR Sensitivity Specificity
+ ----------------------- ---------- ------- ------------- -------------
+ RF model 64.1% 64.4% 66.2% 62.6%
+ SVM model 62.1% 62.6% 65.0% 60.3%
+ DL model\ 59.3% 59.5% 89.2% 29.9%
+ (R-project)
+ DL model (TensorFlow) 68% 62.2% 69.9% 45.6%
+ y-randomisation 50.5% 50.4% 50.3% 50.6%
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCR (correct classification rate)
+General model performance
+Based on the results of the cross-validation for all models, LAZAR, RF,
+SVM, DL (R-project) and DL (TensorFlow) it can be state that the
+prediction results are not optimal due to different reasons. The
+accuracy as measured during cross-validation of the four models (RF,
+SVM, DL (R-project and TensorFlow)) was partly low with CCR values
+between 59.3 and 68%, with the R-generated DL model and the
+TensorFlow-generated DL model showing the worst and the best
+performance, respectively. The validation of the R-generated DL model
+revealed a high sensitivity (89.2%) but an unacceptably low specificity
+of 29.9% indicating a high number of false positive estimates. The
+TensorFlow-generated DL model, however, showed an acceptable but not
+optimal accuracy of 68%, a sensitivity of 69.9% and a specificity of
+45.6%. The low specificity indicates that both DL models tends to
+predict too many instances as positive (genotoxic), and therefore have a
+high false positive rate. This allows at least with the TensorFlow
+generated DL model to make group statements, but the confidence for
+estimations of single PAs appears to be insufficiently low.
+Several factors have likely contributed to the low to moderate
+performance of the used methods as shown during the cross-validation:
+1. The outcome in the training dataset was based on the results of AMES
+ tests for genotoxicity [ICH 2011](#_ENREF_63)(), an *in vitro* test
+ in different strains of the bacteria *Salmonella typhimurium*. In
+ this test, mutagenicity is evaluated with and without prior
+ metabolic activation of the test substance. Metabolic activation
+ could result in the formation of genotoxic metabolites from
+ non-genotoxic parent compounds. However, no distinction was made in
+ the training dataset between substances that needed metabolic
+ activation before being mutagenic and those that were mutagenic
+ without metabolic activation. LAZAR is able to handle this
+ 'inaccuracy' in the training dataset well due to the way the
+ algorithm works: LAZAR predicts the genotoxic potential based on the
+ neighbours of substances with comparable structural features,
+ considering mutagenic and not mutagenic neighbours. Based on the
+ structural similarity, a probability for mutagenicity and no
+ mutagenicity is calculated independently from each other (meaning
+ that the sum of probabilities does not necessarily adds up to 100%).
+ The class with the higher outcome is then the overall outcome for
+ the substance.
+> In contrast, the other models need to be trained first to recognise
+> the structural features that are responsible for genotoxicity.
+> Therefore, the mixture of substances being mutagenic with and without
+> metabolic activation in the training dataset may have adversely
+> affected the ability to separate the dataset in two distinct classes
+> and thus explains the relatively low performance of these models.
+2. Machine learning algorithms try to find an optimized solution in a
+ high-dimensional (one dimension per each predictor) space. Sometimes
+ these methods do not find the global optimum of estimates but only
+ local (not optimal) solutions. Strategies to find the global
+ solutions are systematic variation (grid search) of the
+ hyperparameters of the methods, which may be very time consuming in
+ particular in large datasets.
+Mutagenicity of PAs
+Due to the low to moderate predictivity of all models, quantitative
+statement on the genotoxicity of single PAs cannot be made with
+sufficient confidence.
+The predictions of the SVM model did not fit with the other models or
+literature, and are therefore not further considered in the discussion.
+Necic acid
+The rank order of the necic acid is comparable in the four models
+considered (LAZAR, RF and DL (R-project and TensorFlow). PAs from the
+monoester type had the lowest genotoxic potential, followed by PAs from
+the open-ring diester type. PAs with macrocyclic diesters had the
+highest genotoxic potential. The result fit well with current state of
+knowledge: in general, PAs, which have a macrocyclic diesters as necic
+acid, are considered more toxic than those with an open-ring diester or
+monoester [EFSA 2011](#_ENREF_36)[Fu et al. 2004](#_ENREF_45)[Ruan et
+al. 2014b](#_ENREF_115)(; ; ).
+Necine base
+The rank order of necine base is comparable in LAZAR, RF, and DL
+(R-project) models: with platynecine being less or as genotoxic as
+retronecine, and otonecine being the most genotoxic. In the
+TensorFlow-generate DL model, platynecine also has the lowest genotoxic
+probability, but are then followed by the otonecines and last by
+retronecine. These results partly correspond to earlier published
+studies. Saturated PAs of the platynecine-type are generally accepted to
+be less or non-toxic and have been shown in *in vitro* experiments to
+form no DNA-adducts [Xia et al. 2013](#_ENREF_139)(). Therefore, it is
+striking, that 1,2-unsaturated PAs of the retronecine-type should have
+an almost comparable genotoxic potential in the LAZAR and DL (R-project)
+model. In literature, otonecine-type PAs were shown to be more toxic
+than those of the retronecine-type [Li et al. 2013](#_ENREF_80)().
+Modifications of necine base
+The group-specific results of the TensorFlow-generated DL model appear
+to reflect the expected relationship between the groups: the low
+genotoxic potential of *N*-oxides and the highest potential of
+dehydropyrrolizidines [Chen et al. 2010](#_ENREF_26)().
+In the LAZAR model, the genotoxic potential of dehydropyrrolizidines
+(DHP) (using the extended AD) is comparable to that of tertiary PAs.
+Since, DHP is regarded as the toxic principle in the metabolism of PAs,
+and known to produce protein- and DNA-adducts [Chen et al.
+2010](#_ENREF_26)(), the LAZAR model did not meet this expectation it
+predicted the majority of DHP as being not genotoxic. However, the
+following issues need to be considered. On the one hand, all DHP were
+outside of the stricter AD of 0.5. This indicates that in general, there
+might be a problem with the AD. In addition, DHP has two unsaturated
+double bounds in its necine base, making it highly reactive. DHP and
+other comparable molecules have a very short lifespan, and usually
+cannot be used in *in vitro* experiments. This might explain the absence
+of suitable neighbours in LAZAR.
+Furthermore, the probabilities for this substance groups needs to be
+considered, and not only the consolidated prediction. In the LAZAR
+model, all DHPs had probabilities for both outcomes (genotoxic and not
+genotoxic) mainly below 30%. Additionally, the probabilities for both
+outcomes were close together, often within 10% of each other. The fact
+that for both outcomes, the probabilities were low and close together,
+indicates a lower confidence in the prediction of the model for DHPs.
+In the DL (R-project) and RF model, *N*-oxides have a by far more
+genotoxic potential that tertiary PAs or dehydropyrrolizidines. As PA
+*N*-oxides are easily conjugated for extraction, they are generally
+considered as detoxification products, which are *in vivo* quickly
+renally eliminated [Chen et al. 2010](#_ENREF_26)(). On the other hand,
+*N*-oxides can be also back-transformed to the corresponding tertiary PA
+[Wang et al. 2005](#_ENREF_134)(). Therefore, it may be questioned,
+whether *N*-oxides themselves are generally less genotoxic than the
+corresponding tertiary PAs. However, in the groups of modification of
+the necine base, dehydropyrrolizidine, the toxic principle of PAs,
+should have had the highest genotoxic potential. Taken together, the
+predictions of the modifications of the necine base from the LAZAR, RF
+and R-generated DL model cannot -- in contrast to the TensorFlow DL
+model - be considered as reliable.
+Overall, when comparing the prediction results of the PAs to current
+published knowledge, it can be concluded that the performance of most
+models was low to moderate. This might be contributed to the following
+1. In the LAZAR model, only 26.6% PAs were within the stricter AD. With
+ the extended AD, 92.3% of the PAs could be included in the
+ prediction. Even though the Jaccard distance between the training
+ dataset and the PA dataset for the RF, SVM, and DL (R-project and
+ TensorFlow) models was small, suggesting a high similarity, the
+ LAZAR indicated that PAs have only few local neighbours, which might
+ adversely affect the prediction of the mutagenic potential of PAs.
+2. All above-mentioned models were used to predict the mutagenicity of
+ PAs. PAs are generally considered to be genotoxic, and the mode of
+ action is also known. Therefore, the fact that some models predict
+ the majority of PAs as not genotoxic seems contradictory. To
+ understand this result, the basis, the training dataset, has to be
+ considered. The mutagenicity of in the training dataset are based on
+ data of mutagenicity in bacteria. There are some studies, which show
+ mutagenicity of PAs in the AMES test [Chen et al.
+ 2010](#_ENREF_26)(). Also, [Rubiolo et al. (1992)](#_ENREF_116)
+ examined several different PAs and several different extracts of
+ PA-containing plants in the AMES test. They found that the AMES test
+ was indeed able to detect mutagenicity of PAs, but in general,
+ appeared to have a low sensitivity. The pre-incubation phase for
+ metabolic activation of PAs by microsomal enzymes was the
+ sensitivity-limiting step. This could very well mean that this is
+ also reflected in the QSAR models.
+In this study, an attempt was made to predict the genotoxic potential of
+PAs using five different machine learning techniques (LAZAR, RF, SVM, DL
+(R-project and TensorFlow). The results of all models fitted only partly
+to the findings in literature, with best results obtained with the
+TensorFlow DL model. Therefore, modelling allows statements on the
+relative risks of genotoxicity of the different PA groups. Individual
+predictions for selective PAs appear, however, not reliable on the
+current basis of the used training dataset.
+This study emphasises the importance of critical assessment of
+predictions by QSAR models. This includes not only extensive literature
+research to assess the plausibility of the predictions, but also a good
+knowledge of the metabolism of the test substances and understanding for
+possible mechanisms of toxicity.
+In further studies, additional machine learning techniques or a modified
+(extended) training dataset should be used for an additional attempt to
+predict the genotoxic potential of PAs.
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