path: root/paper/lua-filters/diagram-generator/diagram-generator.lua
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authorChristoph Helma <>2019-08-14 19:12:37 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2019-08-14 19:12:37 +0200
commitb6ad21e340bce9ba2a2ad09fe48c656f0c2e3905 (patch)
tree6a248cfe29fb720491559e5973d8c1f1904bcc33 /paper/lua-filters/diagram-generator/diagram-generator.lua
parent9a217185e791d6abbe46549cd4e87c1d1a643c05 (diff)
directory reorganization, evaluation scripts for R CVs
Diffstat (limited to 'paper/lua-filters/diagram-generator/diagram-generator.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/paper/lua-filters/diagram-generator/diagram-generator.lua b/paper/lua-filters/diagram-generator/diagram-generator.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index aef2ea4..0000000
--- a/paper/lua-filters/diagram-generator/diagram-generator.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
- This Lua filter is used to create images with or without captions from
- code blocks. Currently PlantUML, GraphViz, Tikz, and Python can be
- processed. For further details, see
- Thanks to @floriandd2ba and @jgm for the initial implementation of
- the PlantUML filter, which I used as a template. Thanks also @muxueqz
- for the code to generate a GraphViz image.
--- The PlantUML path. If set, uses the environment variable PLANTUML or the
--- value "plantuml.jar" (local PlantUML version). In order to define a
--- PlantUML version per pandoc document, use the meta data to define the key
--- "plantumlPath".
-local plantumlPath = os.getenv("PLANTUML") or "plantuml.jar"
--- The Inkscape path. In order to define an Inkscape version per pandoc
--- document, use the meta data to define the key "inkscapePath".
-local inkscapePath = os.getenv("INKSCAPE") or "inkscape"
--- The Python path. In order to define a Python version per pandoc document,
--- use the meta data to define the key "pythonPath".
-local pythonPath = os.getenv("PYTHON")
--- The Python environment's activate script. Can be set on a per document
--- basis by using the meta data key "activatePythonPath".
-local pythonActivatePath = os.getenv("PYTHON_ACTIVATE")
--- The Java path. In order to define a Java version per pandoc document,
--- use the meta data to define the key "javaPath".
-local javaPath = os.getenv("JAVA_HOME")
-if javaPath then
- javaPath = javaPath .. package.config:sub(1,1) .. "bin"
- .. package.config:sub(1,1) .. "java"
- javaPath = "java"
--- The dot (Graphviz) path. In order to define a dot version per pandoc
--- document, use the meta data to define the key "dotPath".
-local dotPath = os.getenv("DOT") or "dot"
--- The pdflatex path. In order to define a pdflatex version per pandoc
--- document, use the meta data to define the key "pdflatexPath".
-local pdflatexPath = os.getenv("PDFLATEX") or "pdflatex"
--- The default format is SVG i.e. vector graphics:
-local filetype = "svg"
-local mimetype = "image/svg+xml"
--- Check for output formats that potentially cannot use SVG
--- vector graphics. In these cases, we use a different format
--- such as PNG:
-if FORMAT == "docx" then
- filetype = "png"
- mimetype = "image/png"
-elseif FORMAT == "pptx" then
- filetype = "png"
- mimetype = "image/png"
-elseif FORMAT == "rtf" then
- filetype = "png"
- mimetype = "image/png"
--- Execute the meta data table to determine the paths. This function
--- must be called first to get the desired path. If one of these
--- meta options was set, it gets used instead of the corresponding
--- environment variable:
-function Meta(meta)
- plantumlPath = meta.plantumlPath or plantumlPath
- inkscapePath = meta.inkscapePath or inkscapePath
- pythonPath = meta.pythonPath or pythonPath
- pythonActivatePath = meta.activatePythonPath or pythonActivatePath
- javaPath = meta.javaPath or javaPath
- dotPath = meta.dotPath or dotPath
- pdflatexPath = meta.pdflatexPath or pdflatexPath
--- Call plantuml.jar with some parameters (cf. PlantUML help):
-local function plantuml(puml, filetype)
- local final = pandoc.pipe(javaPath, {"-jar", plantumlPath, "-t" .. filetype, "-pipe", "-charset", "UTF8"}, puml)
- return final
--- Call dot (GraphViz) in order to generate the image
--- (thanks @muxueqz for this code):
-local function graphviz(code, filetype)
- local final = pandoc.pipe(dotPath, {"-T" .. filetype}, code)
- return final
--- Compile LaTeX with Tikz code to an image:
-local function tikz2image(src, filetype, additionalPackages)
- -- Define file names:
- local outfile = string.format("./tmp-latex/file.%s", filetype)
- local tmp = "./tmp-latex/file"
- local tmpDir = "./tmp-latex/"
- -- Ensure, that the tmp directory exists:
- os.execute("mkdir -p tmp-latex")
- -- Build and write the LaTeX document:
- local f = .. ".tex", 'w')
- f:write("\\documentclass{standalone}\n\\usepackage{tikz}\n")
- -- Any additional package(s) are desired?
- if additionalPackages then
- f:write(additionalPackages)
- end
- f:write("\\begin{document}\n")
- f:write(src)
- f:write("\n\\end{document}\n")
- f:close()
- -- Execute the LaTeX compiler:
- pandoc.pipe(pdflatexPath, {'-output-directory', tmpDir, tmp}, '')
- -- Build the basic Inkscape command for the conversion:
- local baseCommand = " --without-gui --file=" .. tmp .. ".pdf"
- local knownFormat = false
- if filetype == "png" then
- -- Append the subcommands to convert into a PNG file:
- baseCommand = baseCommand .. " --export-png="
- .. tmp .. ".png --export-dpi=300"
- knownFormat = true
- elseif filetype == "svg" then
- -- Append the subcommands to convert into a SVG file:
- baseCommand = baseCommand .. " --export-plain-svg=" .. tmp .. ".svg"
- knownFormat = true
- end
- -- Unfortunately, continuation is only possible, if we know the actual
- -- format:
- local imgData = nil
- if knownFormat then
- -- We know the desired format. Thus, execute Inkscape:
- os.execute("\"" .. inkscapePath .. "\"" .. baseCommand)
- -- Try to open the image:
- local r = .. "." .. filetype, 'rb')
- -- Read the image, if available:
- if r then
- imgData = r:read("*all")
- r:close()
- end
- -- Delete the image tmp file:
- os.remove(outfile)
- end
- -- Remove the temporary files:
- os.remove(tmp .. ".tex")
- os.remove(tmp .. ".pdf")
- os.remove(tmp .. ".log")
- os.remove(tmp .. ".aux")
- return imgData
--- Run Python to generate an image:
-local function py2image(code, filetype)
- -- Define the temp files:
- local outfile = string.format('%s.%s', os.tmpname(), filetype)
- local pyfile = os.tmpname()
- -- Replace the desired destination's file type in the Python code:
- local extendedCode = string.gsub(code, "%$FORMAT%$", filetype)
- -- Replace the desired destination's path in the Python code:
- extendedCode = string.gsub(extendedCode, "%$DESTINATION%$", outfile)
- -- Write the Python code:
- local f =, 'w')
- f:write(extendedCode)
- f:close()
- -- Execute Python in the desired environment:
- local pycmd = pythonPath .. ' ' .. pyfile
- local command = pythonActivatePath
- and pythonActivatePath .. ' && ' .. pycmd
- or pycmd
- os.execute(command)
- -- Try to open the written image:
- local r =, 'rb')
- local imgData = nil
- -- When the image exist, read it:
- if r then
- imgData = r:read("*all")
- r:close()
- else
- io.stderr:write(string.format("File '%s' could not be opened", outfile))
- end
- -- Delete the tmp files:
- os.remove(pyfile)
- os.remove(outfile)
- return imgData
--- Executes each document's code block to find matching code blocks:
-function CodeBlock(block)
- -- Predefine a potential image:
- local fname = nil
- -- Using a table with all known generators i.e. converters:
- local converters = {
- plantuml = plantuml,
- graphviz = graphviz,
- tikz = tikz2image,
- py2image = py2image,
- }
- -- Check if a converter exists for this block. If not, return the block
- -- unchanged.
- local img_converter = converters[block.classes[1]]
- if not img_converter then
- return nil
- end
- -- Call the correct converter which belongs to the used class:
- local success, img = pcall(img_converter, block.text,
- filetype, block.attributes["additionalPackages"] or nil)
- -- Was ok?
- if success and img then
- -- Hash the figure name and content:
- fname = pandoc.sha1(img) .. "." .. filetype
- -- Store the data in the media bag:
- pandoc.mediabag.insert(fname, mimetype, img)
- else
- -- an error occured; img contains the error message
- io.stderr:write(tostring(img))
- io.stderr:write('\n')
- end
- -- Case: This code block was an image e.g. PlantUML or dot/Graphviz, etc.:
- if fname then
- -- Define the default caption:
- local caption = {}
- local enableCaption = nil
- -- If the user defines a caption, use it:
- if block.attributes["caption"] then
- caption =[1].content
- -- This is pandoc's current hack to enforce a caption:
- enableCaption = "fig:"
- end
- -- Create a new image for the document's structure. Attach the user's
- -- caption. Also use a hack (fig:) to enforce pandoc to create a
- -- figure i.e. attach a caption to the image.
- local imgObj = pandoc.Image(caption, fname, enableCaption)
- -- Now, transfer the attribute "name" from the code block to the new
- -- image block. It might gets used by the figure numbering lua filter.
- -- If the figure numbering gets not used, this additional attribute
- -- gets ignored as well.
- if block.attributes["name"] then
- imgObj.attributes["name"] = block.attributes["name"]
- end
- -- Finally, put the image inside an empty paragraph. By returning the
- -- resulting paragraph object, the source code block gets replaced by
- -- the image:
- return pandoc.Para{ imgObj }
- end
--- Normally, pandoc will run the function in the built-in order Inlines ->
--- Blocks -> Meta -> Pandoc. We instead want Meta -> Blocks. Thus, we must
--- define our custom order:
-return {
- {Meta = Meta},
- {CodeBlock = CodeBlock},