path: root/paper/lua-filters/minted/minted.lua
diff options
authorChristoph Helma <>2019-08-14 19:12:37 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2019-08-14 19:12:37 +0200
commitb6ad21e340bce9ba2a2ad09fe48c656f0c2e3905 (patch)
tree6a248cfe29fb720491559e5973d8c1f1904bcc33 /paper/lua-filters/minted/minted.lua
parent9a217185e791d6abbe46549cd4e87c1d1a643c05 (diff)
directory reorganization, evaluation scripts for R CVs
Diffstat (limited to 'paper/lua-filters/minted/minted.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 456 deletions
diff --git a/paper/lua-filters/minted/minted.lua b/paper/lua-filters/minted/minted.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 19f608e..0000000
--- a/paper/lua-filters/minted/minted.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-minted -- enable the minted environment for code listings in beamer and latex.
-MIT License
-Copyright (c) 2019 Stephen McDowell
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
--- Quick documentation. See full documentation here: --
--- --
-Brief overview of metadata keys that you can use in your document:
- no_default_autogobble: <boolean>, *DISCOURAGED*
- no_mintinline: <boolean>
- default_block_language: <string>
- default_inline_language: <string>
- block_attributes: <list of strings>
- - attr_1
- - attr_2
- - ...
- inline_attributes: <list of strings>
- - attr_1
- - attr_2
- - ...
-In words, underneath the `minted` metadata key, you have the following options:
-### `no_default_autogobble` (boolean)
-By default this filter will always use `autogobble` with minted, which will
-automatically trim common preceding whitespace. This is important because
-code blocks nested under a list or other block elements _will_ have common
-preceding whitespace that you _will_ want trimmed.
-### `no_mintinline` (boolean)
-Globally prevent this filter from emitting `\mintinline` calls for inline
-Code elements, emitting `\texttt` instead. Possibly useful in saving
-compile time for large documents that do not seek to have syntax
-highlighting on inline code elements.
-### `default_block_language` (string)
-The default pygments lexer class to use for code blocks. By default this
-is `"text"`, meaning no syntax highlighting. This is a fallback value, code
-blocks that explicitly specify a lexer will not use it.
-### `default_inline_language` (string)
-Same as `default_block_language`, only for inline code (typed in single
-backticks). The default is also `"text"`, and changing is discouraged.
-### `block_attributes` (list of strings)
-Any default attributes to apply to _all_ code blocks. These may be
-overriden on a per-code-block basis. See section 5.3 of the
-[minted documentation][minted_docs] for available options.
-### `inline_attributes` (list of strings)
-Any default attributes to apply to _all_ inline code. These may be
-overriden on a per-code basis. See section 5.3 of the
-[minted documentation][minted_docs] for available options.
-local List = require('pandoc.List')
--- Potential metadata elements to override. --
-local minted_no_mintinline = false
-local minted_default_block_language = "text"
-local minted_default_inline_language = "text"
-local minted_block_attributes = {}
-local minted_inline_attributes = {}
--- Constants used to differentiate Code and CodeBlock elements. --
-local MintedInline = 0
-local MintedBlock = 1
--- Utility functions. --
--- Return the string lexer class to be used with minted. `elem` should be
--- either a Code or CodeBlock element (whose `classes` list will be inspected
--- first). `kind` is assumed to be either `MintedInline` or `MintedBlock` in
--- order to choose the appropriate fallback lexer when unspecified.
-local function minted_language(elem, kind)
- -- If the code [block] attached classes, we assume the first one is the
- -- lexer class to use.
- if #elem.classes > 0 then
- return elem.classes[1]
- end
- -- Allow user-level metadata to override the inline language.
- if kind == MintedInline then
- return minted_default_inline_language
- end
- -- Allow user-level metadata to override the block language.
- if kind == MintedBlock then
- return minted_default_block_language
- end
- -- Failsafe, should not hit here unless function called incorrectly.
- return "text"
--- Returns a boolean specifying whether or not the specified string `cls` is an
--- option that is supported by the minted package.
-local function is_minted_class(cls)
- -- Section 5.3 Available Options of Minted documentation. Note that many of
- -- these do not apply to \mintinline (inline Code). Users are responsible
- -- for supplying valid arguments to minted. For example, specifying
- -- `autogobble` and `gobble` at the same time is a usage error.
- --
- --
- local all_minted_options = List:new{
- "autogobble", "baselinestretch", "beameroverlays", "breakafter",
- "breakaftergroup", "breakaftersymbolpre", "breakaftersymbolpost",
- "breakanywhere", "breakanywheresymbolpre", "breakanywheresymbolpost",
- "breakautoindent", "breakbefore", "breakbeforegroup",
- "breakbeforesymbolpre", "breakbeforesymbolpost", "breakbytoken",
- "breakbytokenanywhere", "breakindent", "breakindentnchars", "breaklines",
- "breaksymbol", "breaksymbolleft", "breaksymbolright", "breaksymbolindent",
- "breaksymbolindentnchars", "breaksymbolindentleft",
- "breaksymbolindentleftnchars", "breaksymbolindentright",
- "breaksymbolindentrightnchars", "breaksymbolsep", "breaksymbolsepnchars",
- "breaksymbolsepleft", "breaksymbolsepleftnchars", "breaksymbolsepright",
- "breaksymbolseprightnchars", "bgcolor", "codetagify", "curlyquotes",
- "encoding", "escapeinside", "firstline", "firstnumber", "fontfamily",
- "fontseries", "fontsize", "fontshape", "formatcom", "frame", "framerule",
- "framesep", "funcnamehighlighting", "gobble", "highlightcolor",
- "highlightlines", "keywordcase", "label", "labelposition", "lastline",
- "linenos", "numberfirstline", "numbers", "mathescape", "numberblanklines",
- "numbersep", "obeytabs", "outencoding", "python3", "resetmargins",
- "rulecolor", "samepage", "showspaces", "showtabs", "space", "spacecolor",
- "startinline", "style", "stepnumber", "stepnumberfromfirst",
- "stepnumberoffsetvalues", "stripall", "stripnl", "tab", "tabcolor",
- "tabsize", "texcl", "texcomments", "xleftmargin", "xrightmargin"
- }
- return all_minted_options:includes(cls, 0)
--- Return a string for the minted attributes `\begin{minted}[attributes]` or
--- `\mintinline[attributes]`. Attributes are acquired by inspecting the
--- specified element's `classes` and `attr` fields. Any global attributes
--- provided in the document metadata will be included _only_ if they do not
--- override the element-level attributes.
--- `elem` should either be a Code or CodeBlock element, and `kind` is assumed to
--- be either `MintedInline` or `MintedBlock`. The `kind` determines which
--- global default attribute list to use.
-local function minted_attributes(elem, kind)
- -- The full listing of attributes that will be joined and returned.
- local minted_attributes = {}
- -- Book-keeping, track xxx=yyy keys `xxx` that have been added to
- -- `minted_attributes` to make checking optional global defaults via the
- -- `block_attributes` or `inline_attributes` easier.
- local minted_keys = {}
- -- Boolean style options for minted (e.g., ```{.bash .autogobble}) will appear
- -- in the list of classes.
- for _, cls in ipairs(elem.classes) do
- if is_minted_class(cls) then
- table.insert(minted_attributes, cls)
- table.insert(minted_keys, cls)
- end
- end
- -- Value options using key=value (e.g., ```{.bash fontsize=\scriptsize}) show
- -- up in the list of attributes.
- for _, attr in ipairs(elem.attributes) do
- cls, value = attr[1], attr[2]
- if is_minted_class(cls) then
- table.insert(minted_attributes, cls .. "=" .. value)
- table.insert(minted_keys, cls)
- end
- end
- -- Add any global defaults _only_ if they do not conflict. Note that conflict
- -- is only in the literal sense. If a user has `autogobble` and `gobble=2`
- -- specified, these do conflict in the minted sense, but this filter makes no
- -- checks on validity ;)
- local global_defaults = nil
- if kind == MintedInline then
- global_defaults = minted_inline_attributes
- elseif kind == MintedBlock then
- global_defaults = minted_block_attributes
- end
- for _, global_attr in ipairs(global_defaults) do
- -- Either use the index of `=` minus one, or -1 if no `=` present. Fallback
- -- on -1 means that the substring is the original string.
- local end_idx = (string.find(global_attr, "=") or 0) - 1
- local global_key = string.sub(global_attr, 1, end_idx)
- local can_insert_global = true
- for _, existing_key in ipairs(minted_keys) do
- if existing_key == global_key then
- can_insert_global = false
- break
- end
- end
- if can_insert_global then
- table.insert(minted_attributes, global_attr)
- end
- end
- -- Return a comma delimited string for specifying the attributes to minted.
- return table.concat(minted_attributes, ",")
--- Return the specified `elem` with any minted data removed from the `classes`
--- and `attr`. Otherwise writers such as the HTML writer might produce invalid
--- code since latex makes heavy use of the \backslash.
-local function remove_minted_attibutes(elem)
- -- Remove any minted items from the classes.
- classes = {}
- for _, cls in ipairs(elem.classes) do
- if not is_minted_class(cls) and cls ~= "no_minted" then
- table.insert(classes, cls)
- end
- end
- elem.classes = classes
- -- Remove any minted items from the attributes.
- extra_attrs = {}
- for _, attr in ipairs(elem.attributes) do
- cls, value = attr[1], attr[2]
- if not is_minted_class(cls) then
- table.insert(extra_attrs, {cls, value})
- end
- end
- elem.attributes = extra_attrs
- -- Return the (potentially modified) element for pandoc to take over.
- return elem
--- Return a `start_delim` and `end_delim` that can safely wrap around the
--- specified `text` when used inline. If no special characters occur in `text`,
--- then a pair of braces are returned. Otherwise, if any character of
--- `possible_delims` are not in `text`, then it is returned. If no delimiter
--- could be found, an error is raised.
-local function minted_inline_delims(text)
- local start_delim, end_delim
- if text:find('[{}]') then
- -- Try some other delimiter (the alphanumeric digits are in Python's
- -- string.digits + string.ascii_letters order)
- possible_delims = ('|!@#^&*-=+' .. '0123456789' ..
- 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ..
- for char in possible_delims:gmatch('.') do
- if not text:find(char, 1, true) then
- start_delim = char
- end_delim = char
- break
- end
- end
- if not start_delim then
- local msg = 'Unable to determine delimiter to use around inline code %q'
- error(msg:format(text))
- end
- else
- start_delim = '{'
- end_delim = '}'
- end
- return start_delim, end_delim
--- Pandoc overrides. --
--- Override the pandoc Meta function so that we can parse the metadata for the
--- document and store the necessary variables locally to use in other functions
--- such as Code and CodeBlock (helper methods).
-function Meta(m)
- -- Grab the `minted` metadata, quit early if not present.
- local minted = m["minted"]
- local found_autogobble = false
- local always_autogobble = true
- if minted ~= nil then
- -- Parse and set the global bypass to turn off all \mintinline calls.
- local no_mintinline = minted["no_mintinline"]
- if no_mintinline ~= nil then
- minted_no_mintinline = no_mintinline
- end
- -- Parse and set the default block language.
- local default_block_language = minted.default_block_language
- and pandoc.utils.stringify(minted.default_block_language)
- if default_block_language ~= nil then
- minted_default_block_language = default_block_language
- end
- -- Parse and set the default inline language.
- local default_inline_language = minted.default_inline_language
- and pandoc.utils.stringify(minted.default_inline_language)
- if default_inline_language ~= nil then
- minted_default_inline_language = default_inline_language
- end
- -- Parse the global default minted attributes to use on every block.
- local block_attributes = minted["block_attributes"]
- if block_attributes ~= nil then
- for _, attr in ipairs(block_attributes) do
- if attr == "autogobble" then
- found_autogobble = true
- end
- table.insert(minted_block_attributes, attr[1].text)
- end
- end
- -- Allow users to turn off autogobble for blocks, but really they should not
- -- ever seek to do this (indented code blocks under list for example).
- local no_default_autogobble = minted["no_default_autogobble"]
- if no_default_autogobble ~= nil then
- always_autogobble = not no_default_autogobble
- end
- -- Parse the global default minted attributes to use on ever inline.
- local inline_attributes = minted["inline_attributes"]
- if inline_attributes ~= nil then
- for _, attr in ipairs(inline_attributes) do
- table.insert(minted_inline_attributes, attr[1].text)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Make sure autogobble is turned on by default if no `minted` meta key is
- -- provided for the document.
- if always_autogobble and not found_autogobble then
- table.insert(minted_block_attributes, "autogobble")
- end
- -- Return the metadata to pandoc (unchanged).
- return m
--- Override inline code elements to use \mintinline for beamer / latex writers.
--- Other writers have all minted attributes removed.
-function Code(elem)
- if FORMAT == "beamer" or FORMAT == "latex" then
- -- Allow a bypass to turn off \mintinline via adding .no_minted class.
- local found_no_minted_class = false
- for _, cls in ipairs(elem.classes) do
- if cls == "no_minted" then
- found_no_minted_class = true
- break
- end
- end
- -- Check for local or global bypass to turn off \mintinline
- if minted_no_mintinline or found_no_minted_class then
- return nil -- Return `nil` signals to `pandoc` that elem is not changed.
- end
- local start_delim, end_delim = minted_inline_delims(elem.text)
- local language = minted_language(elem, MintedInline)
- local attributes = minted_attributes(elem, MintedInline)
- local raw_minted = string.format(
- "\\mintinline[%s]{%s}%s%s%s",
- attributes,
- language,
- start_delim,
- elem.text,
- end_delim
- )
- -- NOTE: prior to pandoc commit 24a0d61, `beamer` cannot be used as the
- -- RawBlock format. Using `latex` should not cause any problems.
- return pandoc.RawInline("latex", raw_minted)
- else
- return remove_minted_attibutes(elem)
- end
--- Override code blocks to use \begin{minted}...\end{minted} for beamer / latex
--- writers. Other writers have all minted attributes removed.
-function CodeBlock(block)
- if FORMAT == "beamer" or FORMAT == "latex" then
- local language = minted_language(block, MintedBlock)
- local attributes = minted_attributes(block, MintedBlock)
- local raw_minted = string.format(
- "\\begin{minted}[%s]{%s}\n%s\n\\end{minted}",
- attributes,
- language,
- block.text
- )
- -- NOTE: prior to pandoc commit 24a0d61, `beamer` cannot be used as the
- -- RawBlock format. Using `latex` should not cause any problems.
- return pandoc.RawBlock("latex", raw_minted)
- else
- return remove_minted_attibutes(block)
- end
--- Override headers to make all beamer frames fragile, since any minted
--- environments or \mintinline invocations will halt compilation if the frame
--- is not marked as fragile.
-function Header(elem)
- if FORMAT == 'beamer' then
- -- Check first that 'fragile' is not already present.
- local has_fragile = false
- for _, val in ipairs(elem.classes) do
- if val == 'fragile' then
- has_fragile = true
- break
- end
- end
- -- If not found, add fragile to the list of classes.
- if not has_fragile then
- table.insert(elem.classes, 'fragile')
- end
- -- NOTE: pass the remaining work to pandoc, noting that 2.5 and below
- -- may duplicate the 'fragile' specifier. Duplicated fragile does *not*
- -- cause compile errors.
- return elem
- end
--- NOTE: order of return matters, Meta needs to be first otherwise the metadata
--- from the document will not be loaded _first_.
-return {
- {Meta = Meta},
- {Code = Code},
- {CodeBlock = CodeBlock},
- {Header = Header}