path: root/paper/lua-filters/minted/
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authorChristoph Helma <>2019-08-14 19:12:37 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2019-08-14 19:12:37 +0200
commitb6ad21e340bce9ba2a2ad09fe48c656f0c2e3905 (patch)
tree6a248cfe29fb720491559e5973d8c1f1904bcc33 /paper/lua-filters/minted/
parent9a217185e791d6abbe46549cd4e87c1d1a643c05 (diff)
directory reorganization, evaluation scripts for R CVs
Diffstat (limited to 'paper/lua-filters/minted/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 522 deletions
diff --git a/paper/lua-filters/minted/ b/paper/lua-filters/minted/
deleted file mode 100755
index 15803da..0000000
--- a/paper/lua-filters/minted/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Unit tests for the pandoc minted.lua filter.
-# Lint this file with: flake8 --max-line-length=80
-import os
-import string
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import textwrap
-code_block = textwrap.dedent('''
- ## A Code Block
- ```{.cpp}
- auto mult = []<typename T, typename U>(T const & x, U const & y) {
- return x * y;
- };
- ```
-The base CodeBlock code. {.cpp} is used as a replacement marker in most tests!
-inline_delims = '|!@#^&*-=+' + string.digits + string.ascii_letters
-inline_code = textwrap.dedent('''
- ## Inline Code
- `#include <type_traits>`{.cpp}
- C and C++ use `{` and `}` to delimit scopes.
- Some other special characters:
- These check bypass: `~!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]\\{}|;\':",./<>?`
- These check regular inline: ''' + ' '.join(
- '`{' + inline_delims[:i] + '`' for i in range(len(inline_delims))
-The base Code code. {.cpp} is used as a replacement marker in most tests!
-def run_pandoc(pandoc_args, stdin):
- """Run pandoc with the specified arguments, returning the output."""
- # The input / output should be small enough for these tests that buffer
- # overflows should not happen.
- pandoc_proc = subprocess.Popen(
- ["pandoc"] + pandoc_args,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE
- )
- # Python 3.x and later require communicating with bytes.
- if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
- stdin = bytes(stdin, "utf-8")
- stdout, stderr = pandoc_proc.communicate(input=stdin)
- if pandoc_proc.returncode != 0:
- sys.stderr.write("Non-zero exit code of {ret} from pandoc!\n".format(
- ret=pandoc_proc.returncode
- ))
- sys.stderr.write("pandoc stderr: {stderr}".format(
- stderr=stderr.decode("utf-8")
- ))
- sys.exit(1)
- return stdout.decode("utf-8")
-def fail_test(test_name, messages, ansi_color_code="31"):
- """
- Print failure message and ``sys.exit(1)``.
- ``test_name`` (str)
- The name of the test (to make finding in code easier).
- ``messages`` (list of str -- or -- str)
- A single string, or list of strings, to print out to ``stderr`` that
- explain the reason for the test failure.
- ``ansi_color_code`` (str)
- A an ANSI color code to use to colorize the failure message :) Default
- is ``"31"``, which is red.
- """
- sys.stderr.write(
- "\033[0;{ansi_color_code}mTest {test_name} FAILED\033[0m\n".format(
- ansi_color_code=ansi_color_code, test_name=test_name
- )
- )
- if isinstance(messages, list):
- for m in messages:
- sys.stderr.write("--> {m}\n".format(m=m))
- else:
- sys.stderr.write("--> {messages}\n".format(messages=messages))
- sys.exit(1)
-def ensure_fragile(test_name, pandoc_output):
- r"""
- Ensure that every \begin{frame} has (at least one) fragile.
- ``test_name`` (str)
- The name of the test (forwards to ``fail_test``).
- ``pandoc_output`` (str)
- The pandoc output for the test case.
- """
- for line in pandoc_output.splitlines():
- if r"\begin{frame}" in line:
- if "fragile" not in line:
- fail_test(
- test_name,
- r"\begin{frame} without 'fragile': {line}".format(line=line)
- )
-def ensure_present(test_name, string, pandoc_output):
- """
- Assert that ``string`` is found in ``pandoc_output``.
- ``test_name`` (str)
- The name of the test (forwards to ``fail_test``).
- ``string`` (str)
- The string to check verbatim ``string in pandoc_output``.
- ``pandoc_output`` (str)
- The pandoc output for the test case.
- """
- if string not in pandoc_output:
- fail_test(
- test_name,
- "The requested string '{string}' was not found in:\n{pout}".format(
- string=string, pout=pandoc_output
- )
- )
-def ensure_not_present(test_name, string, pandoc_output):
- """
- Assert that ``string`` is **not** found in ``pandoc_output``.
- ``test_name`` (str)
- The name of the test (forwards to ``fail_test``).
- ``string`` (str)
- The string to check verbatim ``string not in pandoc_output``.
- ``pandoc_output`` (str)
- The pandoc output for the test case.
- """
- if string in pandoc_output:
- fail_test(
- test_name,
- "The forbidden string '{string}' was found in:\n{pout}".format(
- string=string, pout=pandoc_output
- )
- )
-def run_tex_tests(pandoc_args, fmt):
- """
- Run same tests for latex writers.
- ``pandoc_args`` (list of str)
- The base list of arguments to forward to pandoc. Some tests may remove
- the ``--no-highlight`` flag to validate whether or not pandoc
- highlighting macros appear as expected (or not at all).
- ``fmt`` (str)
- The format is assumed to be either 'latex' or 'beamer'.
- """
- def verify(test_name, args, md, *strings):
- """Run pandoc, ensure fragile, and string in output."""
- output = run_pandoc(args + ["-t", fmt], md)
- if fmt == "beamer":
- ensure_fragile(test_name, output)
- else: # latex writer
- ensure_not_present(test_name, "fragile", output)
- for s in strings:
- ensure_present(test_name, s, output)
- # Make sure the pandoc highlighting is not being used
- if "--no-highlight" in args:
- ensure_not_present(test_name, r"\VERB", output)
- # if `nil` is present, that likely means a problem parsing the metadata
- ensure_not_present(test_name, "nil", output)
- ############################################################################
- # CodeBlock tests. #
- ############################################################################
- begin_minted = r"\begin{{minted}}[{attrs}]{{{lang}}}"
- verify(
- "[code-block] default",
- pandoc_args,
- code_block,
- begin_minted.format(attrs="autogobble", lang="cpp")
- )
- verify(
- "[code-block] no_default_autogobble",
- pandoc_args,
- textwrap.dedent('''
- ---
- minted:
- no_default_autogobble: true
- ---
- {code_block}
- ''').format(code_block=code_block),
- begin_minted.format(attrs="", lang="cpp")
- )
- verify(
- "[code-block] default block language is 'text'",
- pandoc_args,
- code_block.replace("{.cpp}", ""),
- begin_minted.format(attrs="autogobble", lang="text")
- )
- verify(
- "[code-block] user provided default_block_language",
- pandoc_args,
- textwrap.dedent('''
- ---
- minted:
- default_block_language: "haskell"
- ---
- {code_block}
- ''').format(code_block=code_block.replace("{.cpp}", "")),
- begin_minted.format(attrs="autogobble", lang="haskell")
- )
- verify(
- "[code-block] user provided block_attributes",
- pandoc_args,
- textwrap.dedent('''
- ---
- minted:
- block_attributes:
- - "showspaces"
- - "space=."
- ---
- {code_block}
- ''').format(code_block=code_block),
- begin_minted.format(
- attrs=",".join(["showspaces", "space=.", "autogobble"]),
- lang="cpp"
- )
- )
- verify(
- "[code-block] user provided block_attributes and no_default_autogobble",
- pandoc_args,
- textwrap.dedent('''
- ---
- minted:
- no_default_autogobble: true
- block_attributes:
- - "style=monokai"
- - "bgcolor=monokai_bg"
- ---
- {code_block}
- ''').format(code_block=code_block),
- begin_minted.format(
- attrs=",".join(["style=monokai", "bgcolor=monokai_bg"]), lang="cpp"
- )
- )
- verify(
- "[code-block] attributes on code block",
- pandoc_args,
- code_block.replace(
- "{.cpp}", "{.cpp .showspaces bgcolor=tango_bg style=tango}"
- ),
- begin_minted.format(
- attrs=",".join([
- "showspaces", "bgcolor=tango_bg", "style=tango", "autogobble"
- ]),
- lang="cpp"
- )
- )
- verify(
- "[code-block] attributes on code block + user block_attributes",
- pandoc_args,
- textwrap.dedent('''
- ---
- minted:
- block_attributes:
- - "showspaces"
- - "space=."
- ---
- {code_block}
- ''').format(
- code_block=code_block.replace(
- "{.cpp}", "{.cpp bgcolor=tango_bg style=tango}"
- )
- ),
- begin_minted.format(
- attrs=",".join([
- "bgcolor=tango_bg",
- "style=tango",
- "showspaces",
- "space=.",
- "autogobble"
- ]),
- lang="cpp"
- )
- )
- verify(
- "[code-block] traditional fenced code block",
- pandoc_args,
- code_block.replace("{.cpp}", "cpp"),
- begin_minted.format(attrs="autogobble", lang="cpp")
- )
- verify(
- "[code-block] non-minted attributes not forwarded",
- pandoc_args,
- code_block.replace("{.cpp}", "{.cpp .showspaces .hello}"),
- begin_minted.format(
- attrs=",".join(["showspaces", "autogobble"]), lang="cpp"
- )
- )
- ############################################################################
- # Inline Code tests. #
- ############################################################################
- mintinline = r"\mintinline[{attrs}]{{{lang}}}"
- verify(
- "[inline-code] default",
- pandoc_args,
- inline_code,
- mintinline.format(attrs="", lang="cpp"),
- "|{|",
- "|}|",
- *[
- delim + '{' + inline_delims[:i] + delim
- for i, delim in enumerate(inline_delims)
- ]
- )
- verify(
- "[inline-code] default language is text",
- pandoc_args,
- inline_code,
- mintinline.format(attrs="", lang="text"),
- "|{|",
- "|}|"
- )
- # begin: global no_mintinline shared testing with / without --no-highlight
- inline_no_mintinline_globally_md = textwrap.dedent('''
- ---
- minted:
- no_mintinline: true
- ---
- {inline_code}
- ''').format(inline_code=inline_code)
- inline_no_mintinline_globally_strings = [
- r"\texttt{\{}",
- r"\texttt{\}}",
- (r"\texttt{" +
- r"\textasciitilde{}!@\#\$\%\^{}\&*()-=\_+{[}{]}\textbackslash{}\{\}" +
- r"""\textbar{};\textquotesingle{}:",./\textless{}\textgreater{}?}""")
- ]
- verify(
- "[inline-code] no_mintinline off globally",
- pandoc_args,
- inline_no_mintinline_globally_md,
- r"\texttt{\#include\ \textless{}type\_traits\textgreater{}}",
- *inline_no_mintinline_globally_strings
- )
- verify(
- "[inline-code] no_mintinline off globally, remove --no-highlight",
- [arg for arg in pandoc_args if arg != "--no-highlight"],
- inline_no_mintinline_globally_md,
- r"\VERB|\PreprocessorTok{#include }\ImportTok{<type_traits>}|",
- *inline_no_mintinline_globally_strings
- )
- # end: global no_mintinline shared testing with / without --no-highlight
- # begin: no_minted shared testing with / without --no-highlight
- inline_no_minted_md = inline_code.replace("{.cpp}", "{.cpp .no_minted}")
- inline_no_minted_strings = ["|{|", "|}|"]
- verify(
- "[inline-code] .no_minted on single inline Code",
- pandoc_args,
- inline_no_minted_md,
- r"texttt{\#include\ \textless{}type\_traits\textgreater{}}",
- *inline_no_minted_strings
- )
- verify(
- "[inline-code] .no_minted on single inline Code, remove --no-highlight",
- [arg for arg in pandoc_args if arg != "--no-highlight"],
- inline_no_minted_md,
- r"\VERB|\PreprocessorTok{#include }\ImportTok{<type_traits>}|",
- *inline_no_minted_strings
- )
- # end: no_minted shared testing with / without --no-highlight
- verify(
- "[inline-code] user provided default_inline_language",
- pandoc_args,
- textwrap.dedent('''
- ---
- minted:
- default_inline_language: "haskell"
- ---
- {inline_code}
- ''').format(inline_code=inline_code),
- mintinline.format(attrs="", lang="haskell")
- )
- verify(
- "[inline-code] user provided inline_attributes",
- pandoc_args,
- textwrap.dedent('''
- ---
- minted:
- inline_attributes:
- - "showspaces"
- - "space=."
- ---
- {inline_code}
- ''').format(inline_code=inline_code),
- mintinline.format(
- attrs=",".join(["showspaces", "space=."]), lang="cpp"
- ),
- mintinline.format(
- attrs=",".join(["showspaces", "space=."]), lang="text"
- )
- )
- verify(
- "[inline-code] attributes on inline code",
- pandoc_args,
- inline_code.replace(
- "{.cpp}", "{.cpp .showspaces bgcolor=tango_bg style=tango}"
- ),
- mintinline.format(
- attrs=",".join(["showspaces", "bgcolor=tango_bg", "style=tango"]),
- lang="cpp"
- )
- )
- verify(
- "[inline-code] attributes on inline code + user inline_attributes",
- pandoc_args,
- textwrap.dedent('''
- ---
- minted:
- inline_attributes:
- - "showspaces"
- - "space=."
- ---
- {inline_code}
- ''').format(
- inline_code=inline_code.replace(
- "{.cpp}", "{.cpp bgcolor=tango_bg style=tango}"
- )
- ),
- mintinline.format(
- attrs=",".join([
- "bgcolor=tango_bg",
- "style=tango",
- "showspaces",
- "space=."
- ]),
- lang="cpp"
- )
- )
- verify(
- "[inline-code] non-minted attributes not forwarded",
- pandoc_args,
- inline_code.replace("{.cpp}", "{.cpp .showspaces .hello}"),
- mintinline.format(attrs="showspaces", lang="cpp")
- )
-def run_html_tests(args):
- """
- Run tests with an html5 writer to make sure minted commands are not used.
- Also make sure minted specific attributes are indeed stripped.
- ``args`` (list of str)
- The base list of arguments to forward to pandoc.
- """
- def verify(test_name, md, attrs=[]):
- """Verify minted and any strings in attrs not produced"""
- output = run_pandoc(args + ["-t", "html5"], md)
- ensure_not_present(test_name, "mint", output)
- ensure_not_present(test_name, "fragile", output)
- if attrs:
- for a in attrs:
- ensure_not_present(test_name, a, output)
- # if `nil` is present, that likely means a problem parsing the metadata
- ensure_not_present(test_name, "nil", output)
- verify(r"[html] no \begin{minted}", code_block)
- verify(r"[html] no \mintinline", inline_code)
- verify(
- r"[html] no \begin{minted} or \mintinline",
- "{code_block}\n\n{inline_code}".format(
- code_block=code_block, inline_code=inline_code
- )
- )
- verify(
- "[html] code block minted specific attributes stripped",
- code_block.replace(
- "{.cpp}",
- "{.cpp .showspaces space=. bgcolor=minted_bg style=minted}"
- ),
- ["showspaces", "space", "bgcolor", "style"]
- )
- verify(
- "[html] inline code minted specific attributes stripped",
- inline_code.replace(
- "{.cpp}",
- "{.cpp .showspaces space=. bgcolor=minted_bg style=minted}"
- ),
- ["showspaces", "space", "bgcolor", "style"]
- )
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- # Initial path setup for input tests and lua filter
- this_file_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
- minted_lua = os.path.join(this_file_dir, "minted.lua")
- if not os.path.isfile(minted_lua):
- sys.stderr.write("Cannot find '{minted_lua}'...".format(
- minted_lua=minted_lua
- ))
- sys.exit(1)
- args = ["--fail-if-warnings", "--no-highlight", "--lua-filter", minted_lua]
- run_tex_tests(args, "beamer")
- run_tex_tests(args, "latex")
- run_html_tests(args)