path: root/paper/outfile.latex
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authorChristoph Helma <>2019-08-14 19:12:37 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2019-08-14 19:12:37 +0200
commitb6ad21e340bce9ba2a2ad09fe48c656f0c2e3905 (patch)
tree6a248cfe29fb720491559e5973d8c1f1904bcc33 /paper/outfile.latex
parent9a217185e791d6abbe46549cd4e87c1d1a643c05 (diff)
directory reorganization, evaluation scripts for R CVs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 779 deletions
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- pdftitle={A comparison of random forest, support vector machine, deep learning and lazar algorithms for predicting mutagenicity},
- pdfkeywords={mutagenicity, (Q)SAR, lazar, random forest, support vector machine, deep
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-\title{A comparison of random forest, support vector machine, deep learning and
-lazar algorithms for predicting mutagenicity}
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- Christoph Helma%
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- Verena Schöning%
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- Philipp Boss%
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- Jürgen Drewe%
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-\affil[1]{\normalsize in silico toxicology gmbh, \footnotesize Rastatterstrasse 41, 4057 Basel, Switzerland}
-\affil[2]{\normalsize Zeller AG, \footnotesize Seeblickstrasse 4, 8590 Romanshorn, Switzerland}
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- \vskip 0.2em{\textsuperscript{*}\,Correspondence:
- Christoph Helma <>\\
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- \par
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-k-nearest neighbor (\texttt{lazar}), random forest, support vector
-machine and deep learning algorithms were applied to a new
-\emph{Salmonella} mutagenicity dataset with 8281 unique chemical
-structures. Algorithm performance was evaluated using 5-fold
-crossvalidation. TODO - results - conclusion
-TODO: algo history
-TODO: dataset history
-TODO: open problems
-\section{Materials and Methods}\label{materials-and-methods}}
-\subsection{Mutagenicity data}\label{mutagenicity-data}}
-For all methods, the same training dataset was used. The training
-dataset was compiled from the following sources:
- Kazius/Bursi Dataset (4337 compounds, Kazius, McGuire, and Bursi
- (2005)): \url{}
- Hansen Dataset (6513 compounds, Hansen et al. (2009)):
- \url{}
- EFSA Dataset (695 compounds):
- \url{\%20data\%20and\%20dictionary.xls}
-Mutagenicity classifications from Kazius and Hansen datasets were used
-without further processing. To achieve consistency between these
-datasets, EFSA compounds were classified as mutagenic, if at least one
-positive result was found for TA98 or T100 Salmonella strains.
-Dataset merges were based on unique SMILES (\emph{Simplified Molecular
-Input Line Entry Specification}) strings of the compound structures.
-Duplicated experimental data with the same outcome was merged into a
-single value, because it is likely that it originated from the same
-experiment. Contradictory results were kept as multiple measurements in
-the database. The combined training dataset contains 8281 unique
-Source code for all data download, extraction and merge operations is
-publicly available from the git repository
-\url{} under a GPL3 License.
-TODO: check/fix git repo
-For the Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Deep
-Learning (DL) models, molecular descriptors were calculated with the
-PaDEL-Descriptors program (\url{} version 2.21,
-Yap (2011)).
-TODO: sentence ??
-From these descriptors were chosen, which were actually used for the
-generation of the DL model.
-\texttt{lazar} (\emph{lazy structure activity relationships}) is a
-modular framework for read-across model development and validation. It
-follows the following basic workflow: For a given chemical structure
- searches in a database for similar structures (neighbours) with
- experimental data,
- builds a local QSAR model with these neighbours and
- uses this model to predict the unknown activity of the query compound.
-This procedure resembles an automated version of read across predictions
-in toxicology, in machine learning terms it would be classified as a
-k-nearest-neighbour algorithm.
-Apart from this basic workflow, \texttt{lazar} is completely modular and
-allows the researcher to use any algorithm for similarity searches and
-local QSAR (\emph{Quantitative structure--activity relationship})
-modelling. Algorithms used within this study are described in the
-following sections.
-\paragraph{Neighbour identification}\label{neighbour-identification}}
-Similarity calculations were based on MolPrint2D fingerprints (Bender et
-al. (2004)) from the OpenBabel cheminformatics library (O'Boyle et al.
-(2011)). The MolPrint2D fingerprint uses atom environments as molecular
-representation, which resembles basically the chemical concept of
-functional groups. For each atom in a molecule, it represents the
-chemical environment using the atom types of connected atoms.
-MolPrint2D fingerprints are generated dynamically from chemical
-structures and do not rely on predefined lists of fragments (such as
-OpenBabel FP3, FP4 or MACCs fingerprints or lists of
-toxicophores/toxicophobes). This has the advantage that they may capture
-substructures of toxicological relevance that are not included in other
-From MolPrint2D fingerprints a feature vector with all atom environments
-of a compound can be constructed that can be used to calculate chemical
-The chemical similarity between two compounds a and b is expressed as
-the proportion between atom environments common in both structures A ∩ B
-and the total number of atom environments A U B (Jaccard/Tanimoto
-\[sim = \frac{\left| A\ \cap B \right|}{\left| A\ \cup B \right|}\]
-Threshold selection is a trade-off between prediction accuracy (high
-threshold) and the number of predictable compounds (low threshold). As
-it is in many practical cases desirable to make predictions even in the
-absence of closely related neighbours, we follow a tiered approach:
- First a similarity threshold of 0.5 is used to collect neighbours, to
- create a local QSAR model and to make a prediction for the query
- compound.
- If any of these steps fails, the procedure is repeated with a
- similarity threshold of 0.2 and the prediction is flagged with a
- warning that it might be out of the applicability domain of the
- training data.
- Similarity thresholds of 0.5 and 0.2 are the default values chosen
- \textgreater{} by the software developers and remained unchanged
- during the \textgreater{} course of these experiments.
-Compounds with the same structure as the query structure are
-automatically eliminated from neighbours to obtain unbiased predictions
-in the presence of duplicates.
-\paragraph{Local QSAR models and
-Only similar compounds (neighbours) above the threshold are used for
-local QSAR models. In this investigation, we are using a weighted
-majority vote from the neighbour's experimental data for mutagenicity
-classifications. Probabilities for both classes
-(mutagenic/non-mutagenic) are calculated according to the following
-formula and the class with the higher probability is used as prediction
-\[p_{c} = \ \frac{\sum_{}^{}\text{sim}_{n,c}}{\sum_{}^{}\text{sim}_{n}}\]
-\(p_{c}\) Probability of class c (e.g.~mutagenic or non-mutagenic)\\
-\(\sum_{}^{}\text{sim}_{n,c}\) Sum of similarities of neighbours with
-class c\\
-\(\sum_{}^{}\text{sim}_{n}\) Sum of all neighbours
-\paragraph{Applicability domain}\label{applicability-domain}}
-The applicability domain (AD) of \texttt{lazar} models is determined by
-the structural diversity of the training data. If no similar compounds
-are found in the training data no predictions will be generated.
-Warnings are issued if the similarity threshold had to be lowered from
-0.5 to 0.2 in order to enable predictions. Predictions without warnings
-can be considered as close to the applicability domain and predictions
-with warnings as more distant from the applicability domain.
-Quantitative applicability domain information can be obtained from the
-similarities of individual neighbours.
- \texttt{lazar} experiments for this manuscript:
- \url{} (source code, GPL3)
- \texttt{lazar} framework: \url{} (source
- code, GPL3)
- \texttt{lazar} GUI: \url{} (source
- code, GPL3)
- Public web interface: \url{}
-\subsubsection{Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, and Deep Learning
-In comparison to \texttt{lazar}, three other models (Random Forest (RF),
-Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Deep Learning (DL)) were evaluated.
-For the generation of these models, molecular 1D and 2D descriptors of
-the training dataset were calculated using PaDEL-Descriptors
-(\url{} version 2.21, Yap (2011)).
-As the training dataset contained over 8280 instances, it was decided to
-delete instances with missing values during data pre-processing.
-Furthermore, substances with equivocal outcome were removed. The final
-training dataset contained 8080 instances with known mutagenic
-potential. The RF, SVM, and DL models were generated using the R
-software (R-project for Statistical Computing,
-\url{}\emph{;} version 3.3.1), specific R
-packages used are identified for each step in the description below.
-During feature selection, descriptor with near zero variance were
-removed using `\emph{NearZeroVar}'-function (package `caret'). If the
-percentage of the most common value was more than 90\% or when the
-frequency ratio of the most common value to the second most common value
-was greater than 95:5 (e.g.~95 instances of the most common value and
-only 5 or less instances of the second most common value), a descriptor
-was classified as having a near zero variance. After that, highly
-correlated descriptors were removed using the
-`\emph{findCorrelation}'-function (package `caret') with a cut-off of
-0.9. This resulted in a training dataset with 516 descriptors. These
-descriptors were scaled to be in the range between 0 and 1 using the
-`\emph{preProcess}'-function (package `caret'). The scaling routine was
-saved in order to apply the same scaling on the testing dataset. As
-these three steps did not consider the outcome, it was decided that they
-do not need to be included in the cross-validation of the model. To
-further reduce the number of features, a LASSO (\emph{least absolute
-shrinkage and selection operator}) regression was performed using the
-`\emph{glmnet}'-function (package `\emph{glmnet}'). The reduced dataset
-was used for the generation of the pre-trained models.
-For the RF model, the `\emph{randomForest}'-function (package
-`\emph{randomForest}') was used. A forest with 1000 trees with maximal
-terminal nodes of 200 was grown for the prediction.
-The `\emph{svm}'-function (package `e1071') with a \emph{radial basis
-function kernel} was used for the SVM model.
-The DL model was generated using the `\emph{h2o.deeplearning}'-function
-(package `\emph{h2o}'). The DL contained four hidden layer with 70, 50,
-50, and 10 neurons, respectively. Other hyperparameter were set as
-follows: l1=1.0E-7, l2=1.0E-11, epsilon = 1.0E-10, rho = 0.8, and
-quantile\_alpha = 0.5. For all other hyperparameter, the default values
-were used. Weights and biases were in a first step determined with an
-unsupervised DL model. These values were then used for the actual,
-supervised DL model.
-To validate these models, an internal cross-validation approach was
-chosen. The training dataset was randomly split in training data, which
-contained 95\% of the data, and validation data, which contain 5\% of
-the data. A feature selection with LASSO on the training data was
-performed, reducing the number of descriptors to approximately 100. This
-step was repeated five times. Based on each of the five different
-training data, the predictive models were trained and the performance
-tested with the validation data. This step was repeated 10 times.
-Furthermore, a y-randomisation using the RF model was performed. During
-y-randomisation, the outcome (y-variable) is randomly permuted. The
-theory is that after randomisation of the outcome, the model should not
-be able to correlate the outcome to the properties (descriptor values)
-of the substances. The performance of the model should therefore
-indicate a by change prediction with an accuracy of about 50\%. If this
-is true, it can be concluded that correlation between actual outcome and
-properties of the substances is real and not by chance (Rücker, Rücker,
-and Meringer (2007)).
-Figure 1: Flowchart of the generation and validation of the models
-generated in R-project
-\paragraph{Applicability domain}\label{applicability-domain-1}}
-The AD of the training dataset and the PA dataset was evaluated using
-the Jaccard distance. A Jaccard distance of `0' indicates that the
-substances are similar, whereas a value of `1' shows that the substances
-are different. The Jaccard distance was below 0.2 for all PAs relative
-to the training dataset. Therefore, PA dataset is within the AD of the
-training dataset and the models can be used to predict the genotoxic
-potential of the PA dataset.
-After y-randomisation of the outcome, the accuracy and CCR are around
-50\%, indicating a chance in the distribution of the results. This
-shows, that the outcome is actually related to the predictors and not by
-\subsubsection{Deep Learning in
-Alternatively, a DL model was established with Python-based TensorFlow
-program (\url{}) using the high-level API
-Keras (\url{}) to build the
-Data pre-processing was done by rank transformation using the
-`\emph{QuantileTransformer}' procedure. A sequential model has been
-used. Four layers have been used: input layer, two hidden layers (with
-12, 8 and 8 nodes, respectively) and one output layer. For the output
-layer, a sigmoidal activation function and for all other layers the ReLU
-(`\emph{Rectified Linear Unit}') activation function was used.
-Additionally, a L\textsuperscript{2}-penalty of 0.001 was used for the
-input layer. For training of the model, the ADAM algorithm was used to
-minimise the cross-entropy loss using the default parameters of Keras.
-Training was performed for 100 epochs with a batch size of 64. The model
-was implemented with Python 3.6 and Keras. For training of the model, a
-6-fold cross-validation was used. Accuracy was estimated by ROC-AUC and
-confusion matrix.
-\subsection{Random Forest}\label{random-forest}}
-The validation showed that the RF model has an accuracy of 64\%, a
-sensitivity of 66\% and a specificity of 63\%. The confusion matrix of
-the model, calculated for 8080 instances, is provided in Table 1.
-Table 1: Confusion matrix of the RF model
-& Predicted genotoxicity & & &\tabularnewline
-Measured genotoxicity & & \textbf{\emph{PP}} & \textbf{\emph{PN}} &
-& \textbf{\emph{TP}} & 2274 & 1163 & 3437\tabularnewline
-& \textbf{\emph{TN}} & 1736 & 2907 & 4643\tabularnewline
-& \textbf{\emph{Total}} & 4010 & 4070 & 8080\tabularnewline
-PP: Predicted positive; PN: Predicted negative, TP: True positive, TN:
-True negative
-\subsection{Support Vector Machines}\label{support-vector-machines}}
-The validation showed that the SVM model has an accuracy of 62\%, a
-sensitivity of 65\% and a specificity of 60\%. The confusion matrix of
-SVM model, calculated for 8080 instances, is provided in Table 2.
-Table 2: Confusion matrix of the SVM model
-& Predicted genotoxicity & & &\tabularnewline
-Measured genotoxicity & & \textbf{\emph{PP}} & \textbf{\emph{PN}} &
-& \textbf{\emph{TP}} & 2057 & 1107 & 3164\tabularnewline
-& \textbf{\emph{TN}} & 1953 & 2963 & 4916\tabularnewline
-& \textbf{\emph{Total}} & 4010 & 4070 & 8080\tabularnewline
-PP: Predicted positive; PN: Predicted negative, TP: True positive, TN:
-True negative
-\subsection{Deep Learning (R-project)}\label{deep-learning-r-project}}
-The validation showed that the DL model generated in R has an accuracy
-of 59\%, a sensitivity of 89\% and a specificity of 30\%. The confusion
-matrix of the model, normalised to 8080 instances, is provided in Table
-Table 3: Confusion matrix of the DL model (R-project)
-& Predicted genotoxicity & & &\tabularnewline
-Measured genotoxicity & & \textbf{\emph{PP}} & \textbf{\emph{PN}} &
-& \textbf{\emph{TP}} & 3575 & 435 & 4010\tabularnewline
-& \textbf{\emph{TN}} & 2853 & 1217 & 4070\tabularnewline
-& \textbf{\emph{Total}} & 6428 & 1652 & 8080\tabularnewline
-PP: Predicted positive; PN: Predicted negative, TP: True positive, TN:
-True negative
-\subsection{DL model (TensorFlow)}\label{dl-model-tensorflow}}
-The validation showed that the DL model generated in TensorFlow has an
-accuracy of 68\%, a sensitivity of 70\% and a specificity of 46\%. The
-confusion matrix of the model, normalised to 8080 instances, is provided
-in Table 4.
-Table 4: Confusion matrix of the DL model (TensorFlow)
-& Predicted genotoxicity & & &\tabularnewline
-Measured genotoxicity & & \textbf{\emph{PP}} & \textbf{\emph{PN}} &
-& \textbf{\emph{TP}} & 2851 & 1227 & 4078\tabularnewline
-& \textbf{\emph{TN}} & 1825 & 2177 & 4002\tabularnewline
-& \textbf{\emph{Total}} & 4676 & 3404 & 8080\tabularnewline
-PP: Predicted positive; PN: Predicted negative, TP: True positive, TN:
-True negative
-The ROC curves from the 6-fold validation are shown in Figure 7.
-Figure 7: Six-fold cross-validation of TensorFlow DL model show an
-average area under the ROC-curve (ROC-AUC; measure of accuracy) of 68\%.
-In summary, the validation results of the four methods are presented in
-the following table.
-Table 5 Results of the cross-validation of the four models and after
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[b]{0.13\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[b]{0.09\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[b]{0.16\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[b]{0.16\columnwidth}\raggedright
-RF model\strut
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.13\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.09\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.16\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.16\columnwidth}\raggedright
-SVM model\strut
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.13\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.09\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.16\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.16\columnwidth}\raggedright
-DL model\\
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.13\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.09\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.16\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.16\columnwidth}\raggedright
-DL model (TensorFlow)\strut
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.13\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.09\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.16\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.16\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.13\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.09\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.16\columnwidth}\raggedright
-\end{minipage} & \begin{minipage}[t]{0.16\columnwidth}\raggedright
-CCR (correct classification rate)
-General model performance
-Based on the results of the cross-validation for all models,
-\texttt{lazar}, RF, SVM, DL (R-project) and DL (TensorFlow) it can be
-state that the prediction results are not optimal due to different
-reasons. The accuracy as measured during cross-validation of the four
-models (RF, SVM, DL (R-project and TensorFlow)) was partly low with CCR
-values between 59.3 and 68\%, with the R-generated DL model and the
-TensorFlow-generated DL model showing the worst and the best
-performance, respectively. The validation of the R-generated DL model
-revealed a high sensitivity (89.2\%) but an unacceptably low specificity
-of 29.9\% indicating a high number of false positive estimates. The
-TensorFlow-generated DL model, however, showed an acceptable but not
-optimal accuracy of 68\%, a sensitivity of 69.9\% and a specificity of
-45.6\%. The low specificity indicates that both DL models tends to
-predict too many instances as positive (genotoxic), and therefore have a
-high false positive rate. This allows at least with the TensorFlow
-generated DL model to make group statements, but the confidence for
-estimations of single PAs appears to be insufficiently low.
-Several factors have likely contributed to the low to moderate
-performance of the used methods as shown during the cross-validation:
- The outcome in the training dataset was based on the results of AMES
- tests for genotoxicity \protect\hyperlink{_ENREF_63}{ICH 2011}(), an
- \emph{in vitro} test in different strains of the bacteria
- \emph{Salmonella typhimurium}. In this test, mutagenicity is evaluated
- with and without prior metabolic activation of the test substance.
- Metabolic activation could result in the formation of genotoxic
- metabolites from non-genotoxic parent compounds. However, no
- distinction was made in the training dataset between substances that
- needed metabolic activation before being mutagenic and those that were
- mutagenic without metabolic activation. \texttt{lazar} is able to
- handle this `inaccuracy' in the training dataset well due to the way
- the algorithm works: \texttt{lazar} predicts the genotoxic potential
- based on the neighbours of substances with comparable structural
- features, considering mutagenic and not mutagenic neighbours. Based on
- the structural similarity, a probability for mutagenicity and no
- mutagenicity is calculated independently from each other (meaning that
- the sum of probabilities does not necessarily adds up to 100\%). The
- class with the higher outcome is then the overall outcome for the
- substance.
-In contrast, the other models need to be trained first to recognise the
-structural features that are responsible for genotoxicity. Therefore,
-the mixture of substances being mutagenic with and without metabolic
-activation in the training dataset may have adversely affected the
-ability to separate the dataset in two distinct classes and thus
-explains the relatively low performance of these models.
- Machine learning algorithms try to find an optimized solution in a
- high-dimensional (one dimension per each predictor) space. Sometimes
- these methods do not find the global optimum of estimates but only
- local (not optimal) solutions. Strategies to find the global solutions
- are systematic variation (grid search) of the hyperparameters of the
- methods, which may be very time consuming in particular in large
- datasets.
-In this study, an attempt was made to predict the genotoxic potential of
-PAs using five different machine learning techniques (\texttt{lazar},
-RF, SVM, DL (R-project and TensorFlow). The results of all models fitted
-only partly to the findings in literature, with best results obtained
-with the TensorFlow DL model. Therefore, modelling allows statements on
-the relative risks of genotoxicity of the different PA groups.
-Individual predictions for selective PAs appear, however, not reliable
-on the current basis of the used training dataset.
-This study emphasises the importance of critical assessment of
-predictions by QSAR models. This includes not only extensive literature
-research to assess the plausibility of the predictions, but also a good
-knowledge of the metabolism of the test substances and understanding for
-possible mechanisms of toxicity.
-In further studies, additional machine learning techniques or a modified
-(extended) training dataset should be used for an additional attempt to
-predict the genotoxic potential of PAs.
-Bender, Andreas, Hamse Y. Mussa, Robert C. Glen, and Stephan Reiling.
-2004. ``Molecular Similarity Searching Using Atom Environments,
-Information-Based Feature Selection, and a Naïve Bayesian Classifier.''
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-Hansen, Katja, Sebastian Mika, Timon Schroeter, Andreas Sutter, Antonius
-ter Laak, Thomas Steger-Hartmann, Nikolaus Heinrich, and Klaus-Robert
-Müller. 2009. ``Benchmark Data Set for in Silico Prediction of Ames
-Mutagenicity.'' \emph{Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling} 49
-(9): 2077--81. \url{}.
-Kazius, J., R. McGuire, and R. Bursi. 2005. ``Derivation and Validation
-of Toxicophores for Mutagenicity Prediction.'' \emph{J Med Chem}, no.
-48: 312--20.
-O'Boyle, Noel, Michael Banck, Craig James, Chris Morley, Tim
-Vandermeersch, and Geoffrey Hutchison. 2011. ``Open Babel: An open
-chemical toolbox.'' \emph{J. Cheminf.} 3 (1): 33.
-Rücker, C, G Rücker, and M. Meringer. 2007. ``Y-Randomization and Its
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-Yap, CW. 2011. ``PaDEL-Descriptor: An Open Source Software to Calculate
-Molecular Descriptors and Fingerprints.'' \emph{Journal of Computational
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