path: root/paper/lua-filters/minted/
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Diffstat (limited to 'paper/lua-filters/minted/')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/paper/lua-filters/minted/ b/paper/lua-filters/minted/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7197047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paper/lua-filters/minted/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+title: Pandoc Minted Sample
+# NOTE: If you want to use `\definecolor` commands in your `header-includes`
+# section, setting `colorlinks: true` will `\usepackage{xcolor}` which is needed
+# for `\definecolor`. You can alternatively `\usepackage{xcolor}` explicitly in
+# in the `header-includes` section if you do not want everything else that
+# `colorlinks: true` will bring in. See `pandoc -D latex` output to see
+# everything that `colorlinks: true` will do _in addition_ to including xcolor.
+colorlinks: true
+ # Include the minted package, set global style, define colors, etc.
+ - "\\usepackage{minted}"
+ - "\\usemintedstyle{tango}"
+ - "\\definecolor{tango_bg}{rgb}{0.9725,0.9725,0.9725}"
+ - "\\definecolor{monokai_bg}{rgb}{0.1529,0.1569,0.1333}"
+ # NOTE: comment out these last three and recompile to see the italics used
+ # by default for the `tango` style.
+ # Prevent italics in the `minted` environment.
+ - "\\AtBeginEnvironment{minted}{\\let\\itshape\\relax}"
+ # Prevent italics in the `\mintinline` command.
+ - "\\usepackage{xpatch}"
+ - "`\\xpatchcmd{\\mintinline}{\\begingroup}{\\begingroup\\let\\itshape\\relax}{}{}`{=latex}"
+ block_attributes:
+ - "bgcolor=tango_bg"
+## Inline Code in Pandoc
+- Raw inline code:
+ ```md
+ `#include <type_traits>`
+ ```
+ \vspace*{-3ex} produces: `#include <type_traits>`
+- Apply just a lexer:
+ ```md
+ `#include <type_traits>`{.cpp}
+ ```
+ \vspace*{-3ex} produces: `#include <type_traits>`{.cpp}
+- Change the background color and highlighting style:
+ ```{.md fontsize=\scriptsize}
+ <!-- Note: we defined monokai_bg in the metadata! -->
+ `#include <type_traits>`{.cpp bgcolor=monokai_bg style=monokai}
+ ```
+ \vspace*{-3ex} produces:
+ `#include <type_traits>`{.cpp bgcolor=monokai_bg style=monokai}
+ - Must **always** include language (`.cpp` here) **first**, always!
+## Inline Code Bypasses
+- Want the regular teletype text? Specify **both** the lexer class name and one
+ additional class `.no_minted`.
+ ```{.md}
+ <!-- The "text lexer" -->
+ `no minted`{.text .no_minted}
+ ```
+ \vspace*{-3ex} produces: `no mintinline`{.text .no_minted} vs `with mintinline`
+ - Inspect generated code, the PDF output is indistinguishable.
+- Alternatively, you can set `no_mintinline: true`{.yaml style=paraiso-light} to prevent the filter
+ from emitting _any_ `\mintinline`{.latex} calls.
+ - If you don't need syntax highlighting on your inline code elements, this may
+ greatly improve compile times for large documents.
+## Code Blocks
+- Use the defaults, but still supply the lexer:
+ ```bash
+ echo "Hi there" # How are you?
+ ```
+ \vspace*{-3ex} produces
+ ```bash
+ echo "Hi there" # How are you?
+ ```
+ \vspace*{-3ex}
+- As with inline code, you can change whatever you want:
+ ```{.bash bgcolor=monokai_bg style=monokai}
+ echo "Hi there" # How are you?
+ ```
+ \vspace*{-3ex} produces
+ ```{.bash bgcolor=monokai_bg style=monokai}
+ echo "Hi there" # How are you?
+ ```
+ \vspace*{-3ex}
+ - Must **always** include language (`.bash` here) **first**, always!
+## Special Characters are Supported
+- Code blocks:
+ ```md
+ `~!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]}{|;':",.\/<>?
+ ```
+ \vspace*{-3ex}
+- Inline code
+ ``with mintinline `~!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]}{|;':",.\/<>?``
+ Note: If you use almost all special characters *and* all alphanumeric
+ characters in a single inline code fragment, minted may not be able to find a
+ suitable delimiter to place around the \LaTeX\ inline command.
+- Inline code with bypass
+ ``no mintinline `~!@#$%^&*()-=_+[]}{|;':",.\/<>?``{.text .no_minted}
+- Specific lexer with mintinline: `auto foo = [](){};`{.cpp}
+- Without mintinline: `auto foo = [](){};`{.cpp .no_minted}
+ - Output color depends on `--no-highlight` flag for `pandoc`.