path: root/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 277 deletions
diff --git a/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/Makefile b/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index acd4c7e..0000000
--- a/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-test: scrlttr2.lua sample.pdf
- @pandoc --to=latex --lua-filter=scrlttr2.lua -s | \
- sh
- @rm sample.pdf
-%.pdf: scrlttr2.lua
- @pandoc --lua-filter=scrlttr2.lua --output=$@ $<
-.PHONY: test
diff --git a/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/ b/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a4e440..0000000
--- a/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# scrlttr2
-This filter allows to write DIN 5008 letter using the [scrlttr2]
-LaTeX document class from KOMA script. It converts metadata to
-the appropriate KOMA variables and allows using the default LaTeX
-template shipped with pandoc.
-## Base variables
- - `opening`: phrase used as an opening;
- defaults to "Dear Sir/Madam,"
- - `closing`: closing phrase; defaults to "Sincerely,"
- - `address`: recipient's street address;
- defaults to "no address given"
- - `date`: the date of the letter; defaults to the current day.
-## KOMA Variables
-Currently, the following metadata fields are translated to KOMA
-- `fromaddress` (alias: `return-address`): address of the sender
-- `fromfax` (alias: `fax`): sender's fax number
-- `fromemail` (alias: `email`): sender's email
-- `fromlogo` (alias: `logo`): image to be used as the sender's logo
-- `fromname` (alias: `author`): sender name
-- `fromphone` (alias: `phone`): sender's phone number
-- `fromurl` (alias: `url`): sender's URL
-- `customer`: customer number
-- `invoice`: invoice number
-- `myref`: sender's reference
-- `place`: sender's place used near date
-- `signature`: sender's signature
-- `subject`: letter's subject
-- `title`: letter title
-- `yourref`: addressee's reference
-The values of these variables are converted to MetaInlines. If a
-list is given, then each list item is used as a line, e.g.,
- fromaddress:
- - 35 Industry Way
- - Springfield
-The `KOMAoptions` value is inferred from the given variables, but
-can be overwritten by specifying it explicitly.
-See the scrlttr2 documentation for details.
-## Intended Usage
-Many sender variables don't change, so it is sensible to provide
-default values for these. Authors using Markdown to draft letters
-can use a separate YAML file for this. E.g., if there is a file
-`default.yml` which contains the sender's details, then only the
-addressee's data must be specified.
- pandoc --lua-filter=scrlttr2 default.yml -o out.pdf
diff --git a/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/ b/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/
deleted file mode 100644
index f2b54c2..0000000
--- a/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-latex_result="$(cat -)"
-assert_contains ()
- printf '%s' "$latex_result" | grep -qF "$1" -
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- printf 'Output does not contain `%s`.\n' "$1" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
-# whether we are using the scrlttr2 class
-assert_contains '{scrlttr2}'
-assert_contains '\setkomavar{fromname}{Jane Doe}'
-assert_contains '\setkomavar{fromaddress}{35 Industry Way\\ Springfield}'
-assert_contains '\setkomavar{subject}{Letter of Reference}'
-assert_contains '\setkomavar{date}{February 29, 2020}'
-# Custom opening and default closing
-assert_contains '\opening{To Whom It May Concern,}'
-assert_contains '\closing{Sincerely,}'
-# Author and date
-assert_contains '\author{Jane Doe}'
-assert_contains '\date{February 29, 2020}'
-# Recipient address
-assert_contains '\begin{letter}{Fireworks Inc.\\ 123 Fake St\\ 58008 Springfield}'
diff --git a/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/ b/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f13554..0000000
--- a/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-author: Jane Doe
- - 35 Industry Way
- - Springfield
-opening: To Whom It May Concern,
-subject: Letter of Reference
-date: February 29, 2020
- - Fireworks Inc.
- - 123 Fake St
- - 58008 Springfield
-I strongly recommend to embiggen your team by giving John Doe the position of a
-yak shaver. He has shown cromulent performance as a bike shedder.
diff --git a/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/scrlttr2.lua b/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/scrlttr2.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 78f38fd..0000000
--- a/paper/lua-filters/scrlttr2/scrlttr2.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
--- Ensure unpack also works if pandoc was compiled against Lua 5.1
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
-local List = require 'pandoc.List'
-local stringify = (require 'pandoc.utils')['stringify']
---- Set some default options
-local default = {
- opening = 'Dear Sir/Madam,',
- closing = 'Sincerely,',
- address = 'no address given'
---- Return a list of inlines representing a call to a latex command.
-local function latex_command (command, ...)
- local entry = {
- pandoc.RawInline('latex', '\\' .. command),
- }
- for _, arg in ipairs{...} do
- entry[#entry + 1] = pandoc.RawInline('latex', '{')
- if type(arg) ~= 'table' then
- entry[#entry + 1] = pandoc.RawInline('latex', tostring(arg))
- else
- List.extend(entry, arg)
- end
- entry[#entry + 1] = pandoc.RawInline('latex', '}')
- end
- return entry
---- Convert the given meta-value to a list of inlines
-local function ensure_inlines (val)
- if not val or type(val) == 'string' or type(val) == 'boolean' then
- return pandoc.MetaInlines{pandoc.Str(tostring(val))}
- elseif type(val) == 'table' and val.t == 'MetaInlines' then
- return val
- elseif type(val) == 'table' then
- local res = List:new{}
- for i = 1, #val do
- res:extend(val[i])
- res[#res + 1] = pandoc.RawInline('latex', '\\\\ ')
- end
- res[#res] = nil -- drop last linebreak
- return pandoc.MetaInlines(res)
- else
- return pandoc.MetaInlines{pandoc.Str(pandoc.utils.stringify(val))}
- end
---- Convert the given value to a MetaList
-local function ensure_meta_list (val)
- if not val or val.t ~= 'MetaList' then
- return pandoc.MetaList{}
- else
- return val
- end
---- Set supported variables as KOMA variables.
-function setkomavar_commands (meta)
- local set_vars = {}
- local res = {}
- local function set_koma_var (name, value, enable)
- if value ~= nil then
- res[#res + 1] = latex_command('setkomavar', name, ensure_inlines(value))
- if enable then
- set_vars[#set_vars + 1] = name
- end
- end
- end
- set_koma_var('fromname', meta.fromname or
- set_koma_var('fromaddress', meta.fromaddress or meta['return-address'])
- set_koma_var('subject', meta.subject)
- set_koma_var('title', meta.title)
- set_koma_var('signature', meta.signature)
- set_koma_var('customer', meta.customer)
- set_koma_var('yourref', meta.yourref)
- set_koma_var('myref', meta.myref)
- set_koma_var('invoice', meta.invoice)
- set_koma_var('place',
- set_koma_var('fromfax', meta.fromfax or meta.fax, true)
- set_koma_var('fromurl', meta.fromurl or meta.url, true)
- set_koma_var('fromlogo', meta.fromlogo or meta.logo, true)
- set_koma_var('fromemail', meta.fromemail or, true)
- set_koma_var('fromphone', meta.fromphone or, true)
- -- don't set date if date is set to `false`
- if == nil or == true then
- if meta['date-format'] then
- set_koma_var('date',
- else
- set_koma_var('date', pandoc.MetaInlines{pandoc.RawInline('latex', '\\today')})
- end
- elseif then
- set_koma_var('date',
- end
- if meta['KOMAoptions'] or #set_vars >= 1 then
- res[#res + 1] = latex_command(
- 'KOMAoptions',
- meta['KOMAoptions']
- or table.concat(set_vars, '=true,') .. '=true'
- )
- end
- return res
---- Bring Metadata in a form suitable for the scrlttr KOMA class
-local function make_koma_metadata(meta)
- local header_includes = ensure_meta_list(meta['header-includes'])
- List.extend(header_includes, setkomavar_commands(meta))
- local include_before = ensure_meta_list(meta['include-before'])
- List.extend(
- include_before,
- {
- pandoc.MetaInlines(
- latex_command(
- 'begin',
- 'letter',
- ensure_inlines(meta.address or default.address)
- )
- ),
- pandoc.MetaInlines(
- latex_command('opening', meta.opening or default.opening)
- ),
- }
- )
- local include_after = ensure_meta_list(meta['include-after'])
- List.extend(
- include_after,
- {
- pandoc.MetaInlines(
- latex_command('closing', meta.closing or default.closing)
- ),
- pandoc.MetaInlines(latex_command('end', 'letter')),
- }
- )
- -- unset or reset some unwanted vars
- = nil -- set via komavar 'date'
- meta.title = nil -- set via komavar 'subject'
- meta.indent = true -- disable parskib
- -- set documentclass to scrlttr2 if it's unset
- meta.documentclass = meta.documentclass or pandoc.MetaString'scrlttr2'
- meta['header-includes'] = header_includes
- meta['include-before'] = include_before
- meta['include-after'] = include_after
- return meta
-return {
- {Meta = make_koma_metadata}