# author-info-blocks This filter adds author-related header blocks usually included in scholarly articles, such as a list of author affiliations, correspondence information, and on notes equal contributors. ## Dependencies This filter assumes metadata in the canonical format generated by the [scholarly-metadata filter](../scholarly-metadata). ## Usage The filter should be run after *scholarly-metadata.lua*: pandoc --lua-filter=scholarly-metadata/scholarly-metadata.lua \ --lua-filter=author-info-blocks/author-inffo-blocks.lua \ --output=outfile.pdf --pdf-engine=xelatex \ article.md The ways in which affiliation data should be given is described in the docs for **scholarly-metadata.lua*. Additionally, authors who contributed equally to an article can be marked by adding `equal_contributor: yes` to the respective YAML objects. Similarly, corresponding authors should be marked with `correspondence: yes` and have an `email` listed. ### Example Take the following example YAML block: ``` yaml --- title: Affiliation Blocks Example author: - Jane Doe: institute: - federation equal_contributor: "yes" correspondence: "yes" email: jane.doe@example.com - John Q. Doe: institute: [federation, acme] equal_contributor: "yes" - Juan PĂ©rez: institute: acme institute: - federation: Federation of Planets - acme: name: Acme Corporation --- ``` This will mark Jane Doe and John Q. Doe as equal contributors and Jane Doe as the sole corresponding author. Below is a screenshot of a document header created from this metadata. ![example document screenshot](document-screenshot.jpg)