# scrlttr2 This filter allows to write DIN 5008 letter using the [scrlttr2] LaTeX document class from KOMA script. It converts metadata to the appropriate KOMA variables and allows using the default LaTeX template shipped with pandoc. [scrlttr2]: https://www.ctan.org/pkg/scrlttr2 ## Base variables - `opening`: phrase used as an opening; defaults to "Dear Sir/Madam," - `closing`: closing phrase; defaults to "Sincerely," - `address`: recipient's street address; defaults to "no address given" - `date`: the date of the letter; defaults to the current day. ## KOMA Variables Currently, the following metadata fields are translated to KOMA variables: - `fromaddress` (alias: `return-address`): address of the sender - `fromfax` (alias: `fax`): sender's fax number - `fromemail` (alias: `email`): sender's email - `fromlogo` (alias: `logo`): image to be used as the sender's logo - `fromname` (alias: `author`): sender name - `fromphone` (alias: `phone`): sender's phone number - `fromurl` (alias: `url`): sender's URL - `customer`: customer number - `invoice`: invoice number - `myref`: sender's reference - `place`: sender's place used near date - `signature`: sender's signature - `subject`: letter's subject - `title`: letter title - `yourref`: addressee's reference The values of these variables are converted to MetaInlines. If a list is given, then each list item is used as a line, e.g., fromaddress: - 35 Industry Way - Springfield The `KOMAoptions` value is inferred from the given variables, but can be overwritten by specifying it explicitly. See the scrlttr2 documentation for details. ## Intended Usage Many sender variables don't change, so it is sensible to provide default values for these. Authors using Markdown to draft letters can use a separate YAML file for this. E.g., if there is a file `default.yml` which contains the sender's details, then only the addressee's data must be specified. pandoc --lua-filter=scrlttr2 letter.md default.yml -o out.pdf