# section-refs This filter allows the user to put bibliographies at the end of each section, containing only those references in the section. It works on the output of `pandoc-citeproc`, and so must be run after `pandoc-citeproc`. For example: ~~~ pandoc input.md -F pandoc-citerproc --lua-filter section-refs.lua ~~~ It allows curstomization through two metadata fields: `reference-section-title` and `section-refs-level` (default 1). The `section-refs-level` variable controls what level the biblography will occur at the end of. The header of the generated references section will be one level higher than `section-refs-level` (so if it occurs at the end of a level-1 section, it will receive a level-2 header, and so on). This filter requires pandoc version >= 2.1.