@BOOK{ainsworth:sheppard, title = {Jack Sheppard: A Romance}, author = {William Harrison Ainsworth}, address = {London}, publisher = {George Routledge \& Sons}, year = {1900}, shorttitle = {Jack Sheppard}, } @Article{altick:aldine, author = {Richard D. Altick}, title = {From Aldine to Everyman: Cheap Reprint Series of the English Classics 1830--1906}, journal = {Studies in Bibliography}, year = 1958, volume = 11, pages = {3--24} } @BOOK{cohen:jokes, title = {Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, year = 1999, author = {Ted Cohen}, address = {Chicago}, shorttitle = {Jokes} } @Book{dames:physiology, author = {Nicholas Dames}, title = {The Physiology of the Novel: Reading, Neural Science, and the Form of Victorian Fiction}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, year = 2007, address = {Oxford}, shorttitle = {Physiology} } @Book{kant:critique2, author = {Immanuel Kant}, editor = {Mary Gregor}, translator = {Mary Gregor}, title = {Critique of Practical Reason}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, year = 2001, address = {Cambridge, UK}, shorttitle = {Practical} } @Book{lukacs:european, author = {Georg Luk{\'a}cs}, title = {Studies in European Realism: A Sociological Survey of the Writings of Balzac, Stendhal, Zola, Tolstoy, Gorki, and Others}, publisher = {The Merlin Press}, year = 1989, translator = {Edith Bone}, address = {London}, shorttitle = {Studies} } @Book{trollope:autobiography, author = {Anthony Trollope}, editor = {Michael Sadleir and Frederick Page}, title = {An Autobiography}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, year = 1999, address = {Oxford}, origdate = 1883 }