function is_ref_div (blk) return (blk.t == "Div" and blk.identifier == "refs") end function is_ref_header (blk) return (blk.t == "Header" and blk.identifier == "bibliography") end function get_all_refs (blks) for _, b in pairs(blks) do if is_ref_div(b) then return b.content end end end function remove_all_refs (blks) local out = {} for _, b in pairs(blks) do if not (is_ref_div(b) or is_ref_header(b)) then table.insert(out, b) end end return out end -- We return a {number, ref} pair so we can sort in the individual -- bibliographies. function citation_to_numbered_ref (citation, all_refs) local div_id = "ref-" .. for i, d in ipairs(all_refs) do if d.t == "Div" and d.identifier == div_id then return {i, d} end end end function get_partial_refs (blocks, all_refs) local cites = {} local citegetter = { Cite = function (el) for _, c in pairs(el.citations) do table.insert(cites, c) end end } for _, b in pairs(blocks) do pandoc.walk_block(b, citegetter) end -- first we make a list of the {number, ref} pairs so we can sort -- them. Then after sorting, we're going to make a new list with -- only the second element. local numbered_refs = {} for _, c in pairs(cites) do local r = citation_to_numbered_ref(c, all_refs) if r then table.insert(numbered_refs, r) end end table.sort(numbered_refs, function(x, y) return x[1] < y[1] end) local refs = {} for _, nr in pairs(numbered_refs) do table.insert(refs, nr[2]) end return refs end function add_section_refs (blks, lvl, refs_title, all_refs) local output_blks = {} local section = {} local refs_num = 0 local go = function () refs_num = refs_num + 1 local section_refs = get_partial_refs(section, all_refs) if refs_title then local hdr = pandoc.Header(lvl + 1, refs_title, pandoc.Attr("bibliography-" .. tostring(refs_num), {"unnumbered"})) table.insert(section_refs, 1, hdr) end local refs_div = pandoc.Div(section_refs, pandoc.Attr("refs-" .. tostring(refs_num), {"references"})) table.insert(section, refs_div) for _, x in pairs(section) do table.insert(output_blks, x) end end -- to avoid putting a bib after an intro paragraph. local seen_hdr_before = false for _, b in pairs(blks) do if b.t == "Header" and b.level <= lvl then if seen_hdr_before then go() section = {b} else seen_hdr_before = true table.insert(section, b) end else table.insert(section, b) end end go() return output_blks end function Pandoc(doc) if PANDOC_VERSION == nil then -- if pandoc_version < 2.1 io.stderr:write("WARNING: pandoc >= 2.1 required for section-refs filter\n") return doc end local refs_title = doc.meta["reference-section-title"] -- if we get it from a command-line field, read it in as md. if type(refs_title) == "string" then refs_title =, "markdown").blocks[1].content end local lvl = tonumber(doc.meta["section-refs-level"]) or 1 local all_refs = get_all_refs(doc.blocks) -- we only want to do something if there are refs to work -- with. This way, if this is run without pandoc-citeproc, it will -- just return the same document. if all_refs then local unreffed = remove_all_refs(doc.blocks) local output = add_section_refs(unreffed, lvl, refs_title, all_refs) return pandoc.Pandoc(output, doc.meta) end end