--- title: "short-captions.lua" lof: true --- # Short captions in \LaTeX\ output For latex output, this filter uses the attribute `short-caption` for figures so that the attribute value appears in the List of Figures, if one is desired. # Usage Where you would have a figure in, say, markdown as ![The caption](foo.png ) You can now specify the figure as ![The long caption](foo.png){short-caption="a short caption"} If the document metadata includes `lof:true`, then the List of Figures will use the short caption. This is particularly useful for students writing dissertations, who often have to include a List of Figures in the front matter, but where figure captions themselves can be quite lengthy. pandoc --lua-filter=short-captions.lua article.md -o article.tex pandoc --lua-filter=short-captions.lua article.md -o article.pdf # Example @Fig:shortcap is an interesting figure with a long caption, but a short caption in the List of Figures. ![This is an *extremely* interesting figure that has a lot of detail I will need to describe in a few sentences. This figure has a short caption that will appear in the list of figures. Other attributes are preserved](fig.pdf){#fig:shortcap short-caption="A short caption with math $x^n + y^n = z^n$" width="50%"} # Limitations - The filter will process the `short-caption` attribute value as pandoc markdown, regardless of the input format. - It does not work for tables and listings yet. - But it works with pandoc-crossref, regardless of the order of application.