--- title: "table-short-captions.lua" --- # Short captions in \LaTeX\ tables output For LaTeX output, this filter enables use of the attribute `short-caption` for tables. The attribute value will appear in the List of Tables. This filter also enables the class `.unlisted` for tables. This will prevent the table caption from appearing in the List of Tables. # Usage In Pandoc Markdown, you can add a caption to a table with Table: This is the *italicised long caption* of my table, which has a very long caption. If the document metadata includes `lot:true`, then the List of Tables will be inserted at the beginning of the document. The [pandoc-crossref](http://lierdakil.github.io/pandoc-crossref/) filter extends this, and enables you to specify a custom label for the table. Table: This is the *italicised long caption* of my table, which has a very long caption. {#tbl:full-of-juicy-data} This filter, when run _before_ pandoc-crossref, allows you to add short captions to the table as a `short-caption` attribute. What is between the quotes will be parsed as Markdown. **Important!:** You _must_ use empty square brackets before the attributes tag. Table: This is the *italicised long caption* of my table, which has a very long caption. []{#tbl:full-of-juicy-data short-caption="Short caption for *juicy* data table."} Alternatively, if you wish to create a table which is unlisted in the List of Tables, you can use the `.unlisted` class in the attributes tag. Table: This is the *italicised long caption* of my table, which will not appear in the List of Tables. []{#tbl:full-of-juicy-data .unlisted} This filter should prove useful for students writing dissertations, who often have to include a List of Tables in the front matter, but where table captions themselves can be quite lengthy. pandoc --lua-filter=table-short-captions.lua \ --filter pandoc-crossref \ article.md -o article.tex pandoc --lua-filter=table-short-captions.lua \ --filter pandoc-crossref \ article.md -o article.pdf # Limitations - The filter will process the `short-caption` attribute value as pandoc markdown, regardless of the input format. - pandoc-crossref should be run after it. - I have only tested this from a Markdown source.