diff options
authorgebele <>2016-01-29 17:21:55 +0100
committergebele <>2016-01-29 17:21:55 +0100
commit126b8b795fd8bdef05b9016edb2a81e8a9cda05e (patch)
parent2b6ae54466d9854bb8898e1136c125d40b2d3444 (diff)
combined layout, sorted descriptors
match, query and prediction combined in first row which is sticky on top now. sometimes problems with scroll widget for physchem column, needs to be checked in diff browsers, probably gets droped. physchems new sorted for passed descriptors
6 files changed, 1013 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/public/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css b/public/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css
deleted file mode 100644
index cefa3d1..0000000
--- a/public/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- * Bootstrap v3.3.4 (
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (
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diff --git a/public/css/style.css b/public/css/style.css
index 45b5c52..e03c660 100644
--- a/public/css/style.css
+++ b/public/css/style.css
@@ -1,9 +1,32 @@
-.tablesorter thead tr th {
- vertical-align: middle;
+.neighbor {
+.tablesorter tbody tr td {
+ padding: 8px;
.tablesorter tbody tr td {
- white-space: nowrap;
+ padding: 8px;
+.tablesorter thead tr th {
+ vertical-align: middle;
-.tablesorter tbody tr.static td {
- background-color: #B0B0B0;
+.tablesorter thead tr
+ td.physchem {
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ min-width: 60px;}
+ td.tox {
+ white-space: nowrap;}
+.tablesorter tbody tr
+ td.physchem {
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ min-width: 60px;}
+ td.tox {
+ white-space: nowrap;}
+ td {
+ padding: 4px 18px 4px 4px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ line-height: 20px;}
+.tablesorter thead tr.static td {
+ background-color: #99cc00;
diff --git a/public/css/theme.bootstrap.css b/public/css/theme.bootstrap.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 11a3ea7..0000000
--- a/public/css/theme.bootstrap.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- Bootstrap theme
- *************/
-/* jQuery Bootstrap Theme */
-.tablesorter-bootstrap {
- width: 100%;
-.tablesorter-bootstrap thead th,
-.tablesorter-bootstrap thead td,
-.tablesorter-bootstrap tfoot th,
-.tablesorter-bootstrap tfoot td {
- font: 14px/20px Arial, Sans-serif;
- font-weight: bold;
- padding: 4px;
- margin: 0 0 18px;
- background-color: #eee;
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-header {
- cursor: pointer;
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-header-inner {
- position: relative;
- padding: 4px 18px 4px 4px;
-/* bootstrap uses <i> for icons */
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-header i.tablesorter-icon {
- font-size: 11px;
- position: absolute;
- right: 2px;
- top: 50%;
- margin-top: -7px; /* half the icon height; older IE doesn't like this */
- width: 14px;
- height: 14px;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- line-height: 14px;
- display: inline-block;
-/* black unsorted icon */
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .bootstrap-icon-unsorted {
- background-image: url();
-/* white unsorted icon */
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .icon-white.bootstrap-icon-unsorted {
- background-image: url();
-/* since bootstrap (table-striped) uses nth-child(), we just use this to add a zebra stripe color */
-.tablesorter-bootstrap > tbody > tr.odd > td,
-.tablesorter-bootstrap > tbody > tr.tablesorter-hasChildRow.odd:hover ~ tr.tablesorter-hasChildRow.odd ~ .tablesorter-childRow.odd > td {
- background-color: #f9f9f9;
-.tablesorter-bootstrap > tbody > tr.hover > td,
-.tablesorter-bootstrap > tbody > tr.odd:hover > td,
-.tablesorter-bootstrap > tbody > tr.even:hover > td,
-.tablesorter-bootstrap > tbody > tr.tablesorter-hasChildRow.odd:hover ~ .tablesorter-childRow.odd > td,
-.tablesorter-bootstrap > tbody > tr.tablesorter-hasChildRow.even:hover ~ .tablesorter-childRow.even > td {
- background-color: #f5f5f5;
-.tablesorter-bootstrap > tbody > tr.even > td,
-.tablesorter-bootstrap > tbody > tr.tablesorter-hasChildRow.even:hover ~ tr.tablesorter-hasChildRow.even ~ .tablesorter-childRow.even > td {
- background-color: #fff;
-/* processing icon */
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-processing {
- background-position: center center !important;
- background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
-/* caption */
-.caption {
- background-color: #fff;
-/* filter widget */
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-filter-row input.tablesorter-filter,
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-filter-row select.tablesorter-filter {
- width: 98%;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 4px 6px;
- color: #333;
- -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
- -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
- box-sizing: border-box;
- -webkit-transition: height 0.1s ease;
- -moz-transition: height 0.1s ease;
- -o-transition: height 0.1s ease;
- transition: height 0.1s ease;
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-filter-row .tablesorter-filter.disabled {
- background-color: #eee;
- color: #555;
- cursor: not-allowed;
- border: 1px solid #ccc;
- border-radius: 4px;
- box-shadow: 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075) inset;
- box-sizing: border-box;
- transition: height 0.1s ease;
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-filter-row {
- background-color: #efefef;
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-filter-row td {
- background-color: #efefef;
- line-height: normal;
- text-align: center;
- padding: 4px 6px;
- vertical-align: middle;
- -webkit-transition: line-height 0.1s ease;
- -moz-transition: line-height 0.1s ease;
- -o-transition: line-height 0.1s ease;
- transition: line-height 0.1s ease;
-/* hidden filter row */
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-filter-row.hideme td {
- padding: 2px; /* change this to modify the thickness of the closed border row */
- margin: 0;
- line-height: 0;
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-filter-row.hideme * {
- height: 1px;
- min-height: 0;
- border: 0;
- padding: 0;
- margin: 0;
- /* don't use visibility: hidden because it disables tabbing */
- opacity: 0;
- filter: alpha(opacity=0);
-/* rows hidden by filtering (needed for child rows) */
-.tablesorter .filtered {
- display: none;
-/* pager plugin */
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-pager select {
- padding: 4px 6px;
-.tablesorter-bootstrap .tablesorter-pager .pagedisplay {
- border: 0;
-/* tfoot i for pager controls */
-.tablesorter-bootstrap tfoot i {
- font-size: 11px;
-/* ajax error row */
-.tablesorter .tablesorter-errorRow td {
- text-align: center;
- cursor: pointer;
- background-color: #e6bf99;
diff --git a/public/javascripts/widget-scroller.js b/public/javascripts/widget-scroller.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82a8730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/javascripts/widget-scroller.js
@@ -0,0 +1,921 @@
+/*! Widget: scroller - updated 10/31/2015 (v2.24.0) *//*
+ Copyright (C) 2011 T. Connell & Associates, Inc.
+ Dual-licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses
+ Resizable scroller widget for the jQuery tablesorter plugin
+ Version 2.0 - modified by Rob Garrison 4/12/2013;
+ updated 3/5/2015 (v2.22.2) with lots of help from TheSin-
+ Requires jQuery v1.7+
+ Requires the tablesorter plugin, v2.8+, available at
+ Usage:
+ $(function() {
+ $('table.tablesorter').tablesorter({
+ widgets: ['zebra', 'scroller'],
+ widgetOptions : {
+ scroller_height : 300, // height of scroll window
+ scroller_jumpToHeader : true, // header snap to browser top when scrolling the tbody
+ scroller_upAfterSort : true, // scroll tbody to top after sorting
+ scroller_fixedColumns : 0 // set number of fixed columns
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ Website:
+/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */
+;( function( $, window ) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var ts = $.tablesorter,
+ tscss = ts.css;
+ $.extend( ts.css, {
+ scrollerWrap : 'tablesorter-scroller',
+ scrollerHeader : 'tablesorter-scroller-header',
+ scrollerTable : 'tablesorter-scroller-table',
+ scrollerFooter : 'tablesorter-scroller-footer',
+ scrollerFixed : 'tablesorter-scroller-fixed',
+ scrollerFixedPanel : 'tablesorter-scroller-fixed-panel',
+ scrollerHasFix : 'tablesorter-scroller-has-fixed-columns',
+ scrollerHideColumn : 'tablesorter-scroller-hidden-column',
+ scrollerHideElement : 'tablesorter-scroller-hidden',
+ scrollerSpacerRow : 'tablesorter-scroller-spacer',
+ scrollerBarSpacer : 'tablesorter-scroller-bar-spacer',
+ scrollerAddedHeight : 'tablesorter-scroller-added-height',
+ scrollerHack : 'tablesorter-scroller-scrollbar-hack',
+ // class name on table cannot start with 'tablesorter-' or the
+ // suffix 'scroller-rtl' will match as a theme name
+ scrollerRtl : 'ts-scroller-rtl'
+ });
+ ts.addWidget({
+ id : 'scroller',
+ priority : 60, // run after the filter widget
+ options : {
+ scroller_height : 300,
+ // pop table header into view while scrolling up the page
+ scroller_jumpToHeader : true,
+ // scroll tbody to top after sorting
+ scroller_upAfterSort : true,
+ // set number of fixed columns
+ scroller_fixedColumns : 0,
+ // add hover highlighting to the fixed column (disable if it causes slowing)
+ scroller_rowHighlight : 'hover',
+ // add a fixed column overlay for styling
+ scroller_addFixedOverlay : false,
+ // In tablesorter v2.19.0 the scroll bar width is auto-detected
+ // add a value here to override the auto-detected setting
+ scroller_barWidth : null
+ },
+ format : function( table, c, wo ) {
+ if ( !c.isScrolling ) {
+ // initialize here instead of in widget init to give the
+ // filter widget time to finish building the filter row
+ ts.scroller.setup( c, wo );
+ }
+ },
+ remove : function( table, c, wo ) {
+ ts.scroller.remove( c, wo );
+ }
+ });
+ /* Add window resizeEnd event (also used by columnSelector widget) */
+ ts.window_resize = function() {
+ if ( ts.timer_resize ) {
+ clearTimeout( ts.timer_resize );
+ }
+ ts.timer_resize = setTimeout( function() {
+ $( window ).trigger( 'resizeEnd' );
+ }, 250 );
+ };
+ // Add extra scroller css
+ $( function() {
+ var style = '<style>' +
+ /* overall wrapper & table section wrappers */
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + ' { position: relative; overflow: hidden; }' +
+ /* add border-box sizing to all scroller widget tables; see #135 */
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + ' * { box-sizing: border-box; }' +
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerHeader + ', .' + tscss.scrollerFooter + ' { position: relative; overflow: hidden; }' +
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerHeader + ' table.' + tscss.table + ' { margin-bottom: 0; }' +
+ /* always leave the scroll bar visible for tbody, or table overflows into the scrollbar
+ when height < max height (filtering) */
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerTable + ' { position: relative; overflow: auto; }' +
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerTable + ' table.' + tscss.table +
+ ' { border-top: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; overflow: hidden; }' +
+ /* hide footer in original table */
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerTable + ' tfoot, .' + tscss.scrollerHideElement + ', .' + tscss.scrollerHideColumn +
+ ' { display: none; }' +
+ /*** fixed column ***/
+ /* disable pointer-events on fixed column wrapper or the user can't interact with the horizontal scrollbar */
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ', .' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ' .' + tscss.scrollerFixedPanel +
+ ' { pointer-events: none; }' +
+ /* enable pointer-events for fixed column children; see #135 & #878 */
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ' > div { pointer-events: all; }' +
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + ' .' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ' { position: absolute; top: 0; z-index: 1; left: 0 } ' +
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + ' .' + tscss.scrollerFixed + '.' + tscss.scrollerRtl + ' { left: auto; right: 0 } ' +
+ /* add horizontal scroll bar; set to 'auto', see #135 */
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + '.' + tscss.scrollerHasFix + ' > .' + tscss.scrollerTable + ' { overflow: auto; }' +
+ /* need to position the tbody & tfoot absolutely to hide the scrollbar & move the footer
+ below the horizontal scrollbar */
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ' .' + tscss.scrollerFooter + ' { position: absolute; bottom: 0; }' +
+ /* hide fixed tbody scrollbar - see - set overflow to auto here for mousewheel scroll */
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ' .' + tscss.scrollerTable +
+ ' { position: relative; left: 0; overflow: auto; -ms-overflow-style: none; }' +
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ' .' + tscss.scrollerTable + '::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; }' +
+ /*** fixed column panel ***/
+ '.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + ' .' + tscss.scrollerFixedPanel +
+ ' { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 2; left: 0; right: 0; } ' +
+ '</style>';
+ $( style ).appendTo( 'body' );
+ });
+ ts.scroller = {
+ // Ugh.. Firefox misbehaves, so it needs to be detected
+ isFirefox : navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'firefox' ) > -1,
+ // old IE needs a wrap to hide the fixed column scrollbar;
+ isOldIE : document.all && !window.atob,
+ isIE : ( document.all && !window.atob ) || navigator.appVersion.indexOf( 'Trident/' ) > 0,
+ // - needed to position scrolling body
+ // when the table is set up in RTL direction
+ isSafari : navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'safari' ) > -1 &&
+ navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'chrome' ) === -1,
+ hasScrollBar : function( $target, checkWidth ) {
+ if ( checkWidth ) {
+ return $target.get(0).scrollWidth > $target.width();
+ } else {
+ return $target.get(0).scrollHeight > $target.height();
+ }
+ },
+ setWidth : function( $el, width ) {
+ $el.css({
+ 'width' : width,
+ 'min-width' : width,
+ 'max-width' : width
+ });
+ },
+ // modified from
+ getBarWidth : function() {
+ var $div = $( '<div>' ).css({
+ 'position' : 'absolute',
+ 'top' : '-9999px',
+ 'left' : 0,
+ 'width' : '100px',
+ 'height' : '100px',
+ 'overflow' : 'scroll',
+ 'visibility' : 'hidden'
+ }).appendTo( 'body' ),
+ div = $div[0],
+ barWidth = div.offsetWidth - div.clientWidth;
+ $div.remove();
+ return barWidth;
+ },
+ setup : function( c, wo ) {
+ var maxHt, tbHt, $hdr, $t, $hCells, $fCells, $tableWrap, events, tmp, detectedWidth,
+ $win = $( window ),
+ tsScroller = ts.scroller,
+ namespace = c.namespace + 'tsscroller',
+ $foot = $(),
+ // c.namespace contains a unique tablesorter ID, per table
+ id = c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + 'tsscroller',
+ $table = c.$table;
+ // force config.widthFixed option - this helps maintain proper alignment across cloned tables
+ c.widthFixed = true;
+ wo.scroller_calcWidths = [];
+ wo.scroller_saved = [ 0, 0 ];
+ wo.scroller_isBusy = true;
+ // set scrollbar width to one of the following (1) explicitly set scroller_barWidth option,
+ // (2) detected scrollbar width or (3) fallback of 15px
+ if ( wo.scroller_barWidth !== null ) {
+ wo.scroller_barSetWidth = wo.scroller_barWidth;
+ } else {
+ detectedWidth = tsScroller.getBarWidth();
+ wo.scroller_barSetWidth = detectedWidth !== null ? detectedWidth : 15;
+ }
+ maxHt = wo.scroller_height || 300;
+ $hdr = $( '<table class="' + $table.attr( 'class' ) + '" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>' +
+ $table.children( 'thead' )[ 0 ].outerHTML + '</table>' );
+ wo.scroller_$header = $hdr.addClass( c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + '_extra_table' );
+ $t = $table.children( 'tfoot' );
+ if ( $t.length ) {
+ $foot = $( '<table class="' + $table.attr( 'class' ) +
+ '" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="margin-top:0"></table>' )
+ .addClass( c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + '_extra_table' )
+ // maintain any bindings on the tfoot cells
+ .append( $t.clone( true ) )
+ .wrap( '<div class="' + tscss.scrollerFooter + '"/>' );
+ $fCells = $foot.children( 'tfoot' ).eq( 0 ).children( 'tr' ).children();
+ }
+ wo.scroller_$footer = $foot;
+ $table
+ .wrap( '<div id="' + id + '" class="' + tscss.scrollerWrap + '" />' )
+ .before( $hdr )
+ // shrink filter row but don't completely hide it because the inputs/selectors may distort the columns
+ .find( '.' + tscss.filterRow )
+ .addClass( tscss.filterRowHide );
+ wo.scroller_$container = $table.parent();
+ if ( $foot.length ) {
+ // $foot.parent() to include <div> wrapper
+ $table.after( $foot.parent() );
+ }
+ $hCells = $hdr
+ .wrap( '<div class="' + tscss.scrollerHeader + '" />' )
+ .find( '.' + tscss.header );
+ // use max-height, so the height resizes dynamically while filtering
+ $table.wrap( '<div class="' + tscss.scrollerTable + '" style="max-height:' + maxHt + 'px;" />' );
+ $tableWrap = $table.parent();
+ // make scroller header sortable
+ ts.bindEvents( c.table, $hCells );
+ // look for filter widget
+ if ( $table.hasClass( 'hasFilters' ) ) {
+ ts.filter.bindSearch( $table, $hdr.find( '.' + tscss.filter ) );
+ }
+ $table
+ .find( 'thead' )
+ .addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement );
+ tbHt = $tableWrap.parent().height();
+ // The header will always jump into view if scrolling the table body
+ $tableWrap
+ .off( 'scroll' + namespace )
+ .on( 'scroll' + namespace, function() {
+ if ( wo.scroller_jumpToHeader ) {
+ var pos = $win.scrollTop() - $hdr.offset().top;
+ if ( $( this ).scrollTop() !== 0 && pos < tbHt && pos > 0 ) {
+ $win.scrollTop( $hdr.offset().top );
+ }
+ }
+ $hdr
+ .parent()
+ .add( $foot.parent() )
+ .scrollLeft( $( this ).scrollLeft() );
+ });
+ // resize/update events - filterEnd fires after "tablesorter-initialized" and "updateComplete"
+ events = ( ( ts.hasWidget( c.table, 'filter' ) ? 'filterEnd' : 'tablesorter-initialized updateComplete' ) +
+ ' sortEnd pagerComplete columnUpdate ' ).split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' );
+ $table
+ .off( namespace )
+ .on( 'sortEnd filterEnd'.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' ), function( event ) {
+ // Sorting, so scroll to top
+ if ( event.type === 'sortEnd' && wo.scroller_upAfterSort ) {
+ $tableWrap.animate({
+ scrollTop : 0
+ }, 'fast' );
+ } else if ( wo.scroller_fixedColumns ) {
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ // restore previous scroll position
+ $tableWrap
+ .scrollTop( wo.scroller_saved[1] )
+ .scrollLeft( wo.scroller_saved[0] );
+ tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo );
+ }, 0 );
+ }
+ })
+ .on( 'setFixedColumnSize' + namespace, function( event, size ) {
+ var $wrap = wo.scroller_$container;
+ if ( typeof size !== 'undefined' && !isNaN( size ) ) {
+ wo.scroller_fixedColumns = parseInt( size, 10 );
+ }
+ // remove fixed columns
+ tsScroller.removeFixed( c, wo );
+ size = wo.scroller_fixedColumns;
+ if ( size > 0 && size < c.columns - 1 ) {
+ tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo );
+ } else if ( $wrap.hasClass( tscss.scrollerHasFix ) ) {
+ $wrap.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHasFix );
+ // resize needed to make tables full width
+ tsScroller.resize( c, wo );
+ }
+ })
+ .on( events, function( event ) {
+ // Stop from running twice with pager
+ if ( ts.hasWidget( 'pager' ) && event.type === 'updateComplete' ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( wo.scroller_fixedColumns > 0 ) {
+ tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo );
+ }
+ // adjust column sizes after an update
+ tsScroller.resize( c, wo );
+ });
+ // Setup window.resizeEnd event
+ $win
+ .off( 'resize resizeEnd '.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' ) )
+ .on( 'resize' + namespace, ts.window_resize )
+ .on( 'resizeEnd' + namespace, function() {
+ // IE calls resize when you modify content, so we have to unbind the resize event
+ // so we don't end up with an infinite loop. we can rebind after we're done.
+ $ 'resize' + namespace, ts.window_resize );
+ tsScroller.resize( c, wo );
+ $win.on( 'resize' + namespace, ts.window_resize );
+ $tableWrap.trigger( 'scroll' + namespace );
+ });
+ // initialization flag
+ c.isScrolling = true;
+ tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo );
+ // updateAll called - need to give the browser time to adjust the layout
+ // before calculating fix column widths
+ if ( c.table.hasInitialized && c.isScrolling ) {
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ ts.scroller.resize( c, wo );
+ }, 50);
+ }
+ },
+ resize : function( c, wo ) {
+ if ( wo.scroller_isBusy ) { return; }
+ var index, borderWidth, setWidth, $hCells, $bCells, $fCells, $headers, $this, temp,
+ tsScroller = ts.scroller,
+ $container = wo.scroller_$container,
+ $table = c.$table,
+ $tableWrap = $table.parent(),
+ $hdr = wo.scroller_$header,
+ $foot = wo.scroller_$footer,
+ id = c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + 'tsscroller',
+ // Hide other scrollers so we can resize
+ $div = $( 'div.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + '[id!="' + id + '"]' )
+ .addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement ),
+ row = '<tr class="' + tscss.scrollerSpacerRow + ' ' + c.selectorRemove.slice(1) + '">';
+ wo.scroller_calcWidths = [];
+ // Remove fixed so we get proper widths and heights
+ tsScroller.removeFixed( c, wo );
+ $container.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerSpacerRow ).remove();
+ // remove ts added colgroups
+ $container.find( '.' + ts.css.colgroup ).remove();
+ // show original table elements to get proper alignment
+ $table
+ .find( '.' + tscss.scrollerHideElement )
+ .removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement );
+ // include left & right border widths
+ borderWidth = parseInt( $table.css( 'border-left-width' ), 10 );
+ $headers = c.$headerIndexed;
+ for ( index = 0; index < c.columns; index++ ) {
+ $this = $headers[ index ];
+ // code from
+ if ( $this.css( 'box-sizing' ) === 'border-box' ) {
+ setWidth = $this.outerWidth();
+ } else {
+ if ( $this.css( 'border-collapse' ) === 'collapse' ) {
+ if ( $this.length && window.getComputedStyle ) {
+ setWidth = parseFloat( window.getComputedStyle( $this[ 0 ], null ).width );
+ } else {
+ // ie8 only
+ setWidth = $this.outerWidth() - parseFloat( $this.css( 'padding-left' ) ) -
+ parseFloat( $this.css( 'padding-right' ) ) -
+ ( parseFloat( $this.css( 'border-width' ) ) || 0 );
+ }
+ } else {
+ setWidth = $this.width();
+ }
+ }
+ row += '<td data-column="' + index + '" style="padding:0;margin:0;border:0;height:0;max-height:0;' +
+ 'min-height:0;width:' + setWidth + 'px;min-width:' + setWidth + 'px;max-width:' + setWidth + 'px"></td>';
+ // save current widths
+ wo.scroller_calcWidths[ index ] = setWidth;
+ }
+ row += '</tr>';
+ c.$tbodies.eq(0).prepend( row ); // tbody
+ $hdr.children( 'thead' ).append( row );
+ $foot.children( 'tfoot' ).append( row );
+ // include colgroup or alignment is off
+ ts.fixColumnWidth( c.table );
+ row = c.$table.children( 'colgroup' )[0].outerHTML;
+ $hdr.prepend( row );
+ $foot.prepend( row );
+ temp = $tableWrap.parent().innerWidth() -
+ ( tsScroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap ) ? wo.scroller_barSetWidth : 0 );
+ $tableWrap.width( temp );
+ temp = ( tsScroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap ) ? wo.scroller_barSetWidth : 0 ) + borderWidth;
+ setWidth = $tableWrap.innerWidth() - temp;
+ $hdr
+ .parent()
+ .add( $foot.parent() )
+ .width( setWidth );
+ $tableWrap
+ .width( setWidth + temp );
+ // hide original table thead
+ $table.children( 'thead' ).addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement );
+ // update fixed column sizes
+ tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo );
+ $div.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement );
+ // restore scrollTop - fixes #926
+ $tableWrap.scrollTop( wo.scroller_saved[1] );
+ wo.scroller_$container
+ .find( '.' + tscss.scrollerFixed )
+ .find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable )
+ .scrollTop( wo.scroller_saved[1] );
+ // update resizable widget handles
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ c.$table.triggerHandler( 'resizableUpdate' );
+ }, 100 );
+ },
+ // Add fixed (frozen) columns (Do not call directly, use updateFixed)
+ setupFixed : function( c, wo ) {
+ var index, index2, $el, len, temp, $fixedColumn, $fixedTbody,
+ $table = c.$table,
+ $wrapper = wo.scroller_$container,
+ fixedColumns = wo.scroller_fixedColumns;
+ $fixedColumn = $wrapper
+ .addClass( tscss.scrollerHasFix )
+ .clone()
+ .addClass( tscss.scrollerFixed )
+ .removeClass( tscss.scrollerWrap )
+ .attr( 'id', '' );
+ if ( wo.scroller_addFixedOverlay ) {
+ $fixedColumn.append( '<div class="' + tscss.scrollerFixedPanel + '">' );
+ }
+ $fixedTbody = $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable );
+ $fixedTbody
+ .children( 'table' )
+ .addClass( c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + '_extra_table' )
+ .attr( 'id', '' )
+ .children( 'thead, tfoot' )
+ .remove();
+ wo.scroller_$fixedColumns = $fixedColumn;
+ // RTL support (fixes column on right)
+ if ( $table.hasClass( tscss.scrollerRtl ) ) {
+ $fixedColumn.addClass( tscss.scrollerRtl );
+ }
+ $el = $fixedColumn.find( 'tr' );
+ len = $el.length;
+ for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
+ $el.eq( index ).children( ':gt(' + ( fixedColumns - 1 ) + ')' ).remove();
+ }
+ $fixedColumn
+ .addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement )
+ .prependTo( $wrapper );
+ // look for filter widget
+ if ( c.$table.hasClass( 'hasFilters' ) ) {
+ // make sure fixed column filters aren't disabled
+ $el = $fixedColumn
+ .find( '.' + tscss.filter )
+ .not( '.' + tscss.filterDisabled )
+ .prop( 'disabled', false );
+ ts.filter.bindSearch( $table, $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.filter ) );
+ // disable/enable filters behind fixed column
+ $el = $wrapper
+ .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerHeader )
+ .find( '.' + tscss.filter );
+ len = $el.length;
+ for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
+ // previously disabled filter; don't mess with it! filterDisabled class added by filter widget
+ if ( !$el.eq( index ).hasClass( tscss.filterDisabled || 'disabled' ) ) {
+ // disable filters behind fixed column; don't disable visible filters
+ $el.eq( index ).prop( 'disabled', index < fixedColumns );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // disable/enable tab indexes behind fixed column
+ c.$table
+ .add( '.' + tscss.scrollerFooter + ' table' )
+ .children( 'thead' )
+ .children( 'tr.' + tscss.headerRow )
+ .children()
+ .attr( 'tabindex', -1 );
+ $el = wo.scroller_$header
+ .add( $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable + ' table' ) )
+ .children( 'thead' )
+ .children( 'tr.' + tscss.headerRow );
+ len = $el.length;
+ for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
+ temp = $el.eq( index ).children();
+ for ( index2 = 0; index2 < temp.length; index2++ ) {
+ temp.eq( index2 ).attr( 'tabindex', index2 < fixedColumns ? -1 : 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ ts.bindEvents( c.table, $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.header ) );
+ ts.scroller.bindFixedColumnEvents( c, wo );
+ /*** Scrollbar hack! Since we can't hide the scrollbar with css ***/
+ if ( ts.scroller.isFirefox || ts.scroller.isOldIE ) {
+ $fixedTbody.wrap( '<div class="' + tscss.scrollerHack + '" style="overflow:hidden;">' );
+ }
+ },
+ bindFixedColumnEvents : function( c, wo ) {
+ // update thead & tbody in fixed column
+ var tsScroller = ts.scroller,
+ namespace = c.namespace + 'tsscrollerFixed',
+ events = 'scroll' + namespace,
+ $fixedTbody = wo.scroller_$fixedColumns.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable ),
+ fixedScroll = true,
+ tableScroll = true;
+ c.$table
+ .parent()
+ // *** SCROLL *** scroll fixed column along with main
+ .off( events )
+ .on( events, function() {
+ if ( wo.scroller_isBusy ) { return; }
+ // using flags to prevent firing the scroll event excessively leading to slow scrolling in Firefox
+ if ( !wo.scroller_isBusy && ( fixedScroll || !( tsScroller.isFirefox || tsScroller.isIE ) ) ) {
+ tableScroll = false;
+ var $this = $( this );
+ $fixedTbody[0].scrollTop = wo.scroller_saved[1] = $this.scrollTop();
+ wo.scroller_saved[0] = $this.scrollLeft();
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ tableScroll = true;
+ }, 20 );
+ }
+ });
+ // scroll main along with fixed column
+ $fixedTbody
+ .off( events )
+ .on( events, function() {
+ // using flags to prevent firing the scroll event excessively leading to slow scrolling in Firefox
+ if ( !wo.scroller_isBusy && ( tableScroll || !( tsScroller.isFirefox || tsScroller.isIE ) ) ) {
+ fixedScroll = false;
+ var $this = $( this );
+ c.$table.parent()[0].scrollTop = wo.scroller_saved[1] = $this.scrollTop();
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ fixedScroll = true;
+ }, 20 );
+ }
+ })
+ .scroll();
+ // *** ROW HIGHLIGHT ***
+ if ( wo.scroller_rowHighlight !== '' ) {
+ events = 'mouseover mouseleave '.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' );
+ // can't use c.$tbodies because it doesn't include info-only tbodies
+ c.$table
+ .off( events, 'tbody > tr' )
+ .on( events, 'tbody > tr', function( event ) {
+ var indx = c.$table.children( 'tbody' ).children( 'tr' ).index( this );
+ $fixedTbody
+ .children( 'table' )
+ .children( 'tbody' )
+ .children( 'tr' )
+ .eq( indx )
+ .add( this )
+ .toggleClass( wo.scroller_rowHighlight, event.type === 'mouseover' );
+ });
+ $fixedTbody
+ .find( 'table' )
+ .off( events, 'tbody > tr' )
+ .on( events, 'tbody > tr', function( event ) {
+ var $fixed = $fixedTbody.children( 'table' ).children( 'tbody' ).children( 'tr' ),
+ indx = $fixed.index( this );
+ c.$table
+ .children( 'tbody' )
+ .children( 'tr' )
+ .eq( indx )
+ .add( this )
+ .toggleClass( wo.scroller_rowHighlight, event.type === 'mouseover' );
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ adjustWidth : function( c, wo, totalWidth, adj, dir ) {
+ var $wrapper = wo.scroller_$container;
+ // RTL support (fixes column on right)
+ $wrapper
+ .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable )
+ .css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', totalWidth );
+ $wrapper
+ .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerHeader + ', .' + tscss.scrollerFooter )
+ // Safari needs a scrollbar width of extra adjusment to align the fixed & scrolling columns
+ .css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', totalWidth + ( dir && ts.scroller.isSafari ? adj : 0 ) );
+ },
+ updateFixed : function( c, wo ) {
+ var temp, adj,
+ $wrapper = wo.scroller_$container,
+ $hdr = wo.scroller_$header,
+ $foot = wo.scroller_$footer,
+ $table = c.$table,
+ $tableWrap = $table.parent(),
+ scrollBarWidth = wo.scroller_barSetWidth,
+ dir = $table.hasClass( tscss.scrollerRtl );
+ if ( wo.scroller_fixedColumns === 0 ) {
+ wo.scroller_isBusy = false;
+ ts.scroller.removeFixed( c, wo );
+ temp = $wrapper.width();
+ $tableWrap.width( temp );
+ adj = ts.scroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap ) ? scrollBarWidth : 0;
+ $hdr
+ .parent()
+ .add( $foot.parent() )
+ .width( temp - adj );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( !c.isScrolling ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ wo.scroller_isBusy = true;
+ // Make sure the wo.scroller_$fixedColumns container exists, if not build it
+ if ( !$wrapper.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerFixed ).length ) {
+ ts.scroller.setupFixed( c, wo );
+ }
+ // scroller_fixedColumns
+ var index, tbodyIndex, rowIndex, $tbody, $adjCol, $fb, $fixHead, $fixBody, $fixFoot,
+ totalRows, row,
+ // source cells for measurement
+ $mainTbodies = wo.scroller_$container
+ .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable )
+ .children( 'table' )
+ .children( 'tbody' ),
+ // variable gets redefined
+ $rows = wo.scroller_$header
+ .children( 'thead' )
+ .children( '.' + tscss.headerRow ),
+ // hide fixed column during resize, or we get a FOUC
+ $fixedColumn = wo.scroller_$fixedColumns
+ .addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement ),
+ // target cells
+ $fixedTbodiesTable = $fixedColumn
+ .find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable )
+ .children( 'table' ),
+ $fixedTbodies = $fixedTbodiesTable
+ .children( 'tbody' ),
+ // variables
+ tsScroller = ts.scroller,
+ fixedColumns = wo.scroller_fixedColumns,
+ // get dimensions
+ $temp = $table.find( 'tbody td' ),
+ borderRightWidth = parseInt( $temp.css( 'border-right-width' ), 10 ) || 1,
+ borderSpacing = parseInt( ( $temp.css( 'border-spacing' ) || '' ).split( /\s/ )[ 0 ], 10 ) / 2 || 0,
+ totalWidth = parseInt( $table.css( 'padding-left' ), 10 ) +
+ parseInt( $table.css( 'padding-right' ), 10 ) -
+ borderRightWidth,
+ widths = wo.scroller_calcWidths;
+ ts.scroller.removeFixed( c, wo, false );
+ // calculate fixed column width
+ for ( index = 0; index < fixedColumns; index++ ) {
+ totalWidth += widths[ index ] + borderSpacing;
+ }
+ // set fixed column width
+ totalWidth = totalWidth + borderRightWidth * 2 - borderSpacing;
+ tsScroller.setWidth( $fixedColumn.add( $fixedColumn.children() ), totalWidth );
+ tsScroller.setWidth( $fixedColumn.children().children( 'table' ), totalWidth );
+ // update fixed column tbody content, set cell widths on hidden row
+ for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < c.$tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) {
+ $tbody = $mainTbodies.eq( tbodyIndex );
+ if ( $tbody.length ) {
+ // get tbody
+ $rows = $tbody.children();
+ totalRows = $rows.length;
+ $fb = ts.processTbody( $fixedTbodiesTable, $fixedTbodies.eq( tbodyIndex ), true );
+ $fb.empty();
+ // update tbody cells after sort/filtering
+ for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < totalRows; rowIndex++ ) {
+ $adjCol = $( $rows[ rowIndex ].outerHTML );
+ $adjCol
+ .children( 'td, th' )
+ .slice( fixedColumns )
+ .remove();
+ $fb.append( $adjCol );
+ }
+ // restore tbody
+ ts.processTbody( $fixedTbodiesTable, $fb, false );
+ }
+ }
+ adj = ts.scroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap ) ? scrollBarWidth : 0;
+ /*** scrollbar HACK! Since we can't hide the scrollbar with css ***/
+ if ( tsScroller.isFirefox || tsScroller.isOldIE ) {
+ $fixedTbodiesTable
+ .css( 'width', totalWidth )
+ .parent()
+ .css( 'width', totalWidth + adj );
+ }
+ $fixedColumn.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement );
+ for ( index = 0; index < fixedColumns; index++ ) {
+ $wrapper
+ .children( 'div' )
+ .children( 'table' )
+ .find( 'th:nth-child(' + ( index + 1 ) + '), td:nth-child(' + ( index + 1 ) + ')' )
+ .addClass( tscss.scrollerHideColumn );
+ }
+ totalWidth = totalWidth - borderRightWidth;
+ temp = $tableWrap.parent().innerWidth() - totalWidth;
+ $tableWrap.width( temp );
+ // RTL support (fixes column on right)
+ $wrapper
+ .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable )
+ .css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', totalWidth );
+ $wrapper
+ .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerHeader + ', .' + tscss.scrollerFooter )
+ // Safari needs a scrollbar width of extra adjusment to align the fixed & scrolling columns
+ .css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', totalWidth + ( dir && ts.scroller.isSafari ? adj : 0 ) );
+ $hdr
+ .parent()
+ .add( $foot.parent() )
+ .width( temp - adj );
+ // fix gap under the tbody for the horizontal scrollbar
+ temp = ts.scroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap, true );
+ adj = temp ? scrollBarWidth : 0;
+ if ( !$fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerBarSpacer ).length && temp ) {
+ $temp = $( '<div class="' + tscss.scrollerBarSpacer + '">' )
+ .css( 'height', adj + 'px' );
+ $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable ).append( $temp );
+ } else if ( !temp ) {
+ $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerBarSpacer ).remove();
+ }
+ ts.scroller.updateRowHeight( c, wo );
+ // set fixed column height (changes with filtering)
+ $fixedColumn.height( $wrapper.height() );
+ $fixedColumn.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement );
+ wo.scroller_isBusy = false;
+ },
+ fixHeight : function( $rows, $fixedRows ) {
+ var index, heightRow, heightFixed, $r, $f,
+ addedHt = tscss.scrollerAddedHeight,
+ len = $rows.length;
+ for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) {
+ $r = $rows.eq( index );
+ $f = $fixedRows.eq( index );
+ heightRow = $r.height();
+ heightFixed = $f.height();
+ if ( heightRow > heightFixed ) {
+ $f.addClass( addedHt ).height( heightRow );
+ } else if ( heightRow < heightFixed ) {
+ $r.addClass( addedHt ).height( heightFixed );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ updateRowHeight : function( c, wo ) {
+ var $rows, $fixed,
+ $fixedColumns = wo.scroller_$fixedColumns;
+ wo.scroller_$container
+ .find( '.' + tscss.scrollerAddedHeight )
+ .removeClass( tscss.scrollerAddedHeight )
+ .height( '' );
+ $rows = wo.scroller_$header
+ .children( 'thead' )
+ .children( 'tr' );
+ $fixed = $fixedColumns
+ .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerHeader )
+ .children( 'table' )
+ .children( 'thead' )
+ .children( 'tr' );
+ ts.scroller.fixHeight( $rows, $fixed );
+ $rows = wo.scroller_$footer
+ .children( 'tfoot' )
+ .children( 'tr' );
+ $fixed = $fixedColumns
+ .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerFooter )
+ .children( 'table' )
+ .children( 'tfoot' )
+ .children( 'tr' );
+ ts.scroller.fixHeight( $rows, $fixed );
+ if ( ts.scroller.isFirefox || ts.scroller.isOldIE ) {
+ // Firefox/Old IE scrollbar hack (wraps table to hide the scrollbar)
+ $fixedColumns = $fixedColumns.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerHack );
+ }
+ $rows = c.$table
+ .children( 'tbody' )
+ .children( 'tr' );
+ $fixed = $fixedColumns
+ .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable )
+ .children( 'table' )
+ .children( 'tbody' )
+ .children( 'tr' );
+ ts.scroller.fixHeight( $rows, $fixed );
+ },
+ removeFixed : function( c, wo, removeIt ) {
+ var $table = c.$table,
+ $wrapper = wo.scroller_$container,
+ dir = $table.hasClass( tscss.scrollerRtl );
+ // remove fixed columns
+ if ( removeIt || typeof removeIt === 'undefined' ) {
+ $wrapper.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerFixed ).remove();
+ }
+ $wrapper
+ .find( '.' + tscss.scrollerHideColumn )
+ .removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideColumn );
+ // RTL support ( fixes column on right )
+ $wrapper
+ .children( ':not(.' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ')' )
+ .css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', 0 );
+ },
+ remove : function( c, wo ) {
+ var $wrap = wo.scroller_$container,
+ namespace = c.namespace + 'tsscroller';
+ c.$ namespace );
+ $( window ).off( namespace );
+ if ( $wrap ) {
+ c.$table
+ .insertBefore( $wrap )
+ .find( 'thead' )
+ .removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement )
+ .children( 'tr.' + tscss.headerRow )
+ .children()
+ .attr( 'tabindex', 0 )
+ .end()
+ .find( '.' + tscss.filterRow )
+ .removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement + ' ' + tscss.filterRowHide );
+ c.$table
+ .find( '.' + tscss.filter )
+ .not( '.' + tscss.filterDisabled )
+ .prop( 'disabled', false );
+ $wrap.remove();
+ c.isScrolling = false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+})( jQuery, window );
diff --git a/views/layout.haml b/views/layout.haml
index f3843cc..76d02c3 100644
--- a/views/layout.haml
+++ b/views/layout.haml
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
%link{:rel=>'icon', :type=>'image/x-icon', :href=>'/images/favicon.ico'}
%link{:rel=>'stylesheet', :href=>"#{'/css/style.css'}"}
%link{:rel=>'stylesheet', :href=>"#{'/css/bootstrap.min.css'}"}
- %link{:rel=>'stylesheet', :href=>"#{'/css/theme.default.min.css'}"}
%link{:rel=>'stylesheet', :href=>"#{'/css/theme.bootstrap.min.css'}"}
+ %script{:src=>"/javascripts/widget-scroller.js"}
diff --git a/views/prediction.haml b/views/prediction.haml
index 029800a..991af9f 100644
--- a/views/prediction.haml
+++ b/views/prediction.haml
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
Similar particles
@@ -12,25 +13,28 @@
debug: false,
theme: "bootstrap",
headerTemplate: '{content} {icon}',
- widgets: ['uitheme', 'stickyHeaders', 'staticRow'],
+ widgets: ['uitheme', 'stickyHeaders', 'staticRow', 'scroller'],
widgetOptions: {
+ //scroller_upAfterSort: true,
+ //scroller_jumpToHeader: true,
+ //scroller_height: 600,
+ scroller_fixedColumns: 4,
+ //scroller_addFixedOverlay : false,
+ //scroller_rowHighlight : null,
+ //scroller_barWidth : null,
stickyHeaders : '',
stickyHeaders_offset : 0,
stickyHeaders_cloneId : '-sticky',
- stickyHeaders_addResizeEvent : true,
- stickyHeaders_includeCaption : true,
+ //stickyHeaders_addResizeEvent : true,
+ //stickyHeaders_includeCaption : true,
stickyHeaders_zIndex : 2,
stickyHeaders_attachTo : null,
stickyHeaders_xScroll : null,
stickyHeaders_yScroll : null,
- stickyHeaders_filteredToTop: true
+ stickyHeaders_filteredToTop: false
sortList: [[1,1]],
- widthFixed: false
- });
- $("table#physchem").tablesorter({
- debug: false,
- theme: "bootstrap",
+ widthFixed: true,
@@ -48,95 +52,92 @@
- %tbody
- / query
+ / query and match combined
/ id
- %h5 Query
+ - if @prediction[:match]
+ = @prediction[:match].keys[0]
+ - else
+ Query
/ similarity
- x
+ - if @prediction[:match]
+ 1
+ - else
+ x
/ composition
- x
+ - if @prediction[:match]
+ - @prediction[:match].values[0]["composition"].each do |k,v|
+ = k
+ %p= v
+ - else
+ x
/ tox
- %td
+ %td.tox
- if @prediction[:prediction]
- @prediction[:prediction].each do |k,v|
- %h5 Prediction
+ Prediction
%p= k
- if v == nil
%p 0
- else
%p= v.round(5)
- - else
- x
- / physchem
- %td
- - @input.each do |v|
- %div{:style=>"display:inline-block;padding-right:20px;"}
- %h5= v[0].gsub(/\sMean/, '')
- %p= v[1].round(3)
- / match
- - if @prediction[:match]
- %tr.static
- / id
- %td
- %h5= @prediction[:match].keys[0]
- / similarity
- %td
- %h5 match
- / composition
- %td
- - @prediction[:match].values[0]["composition"].each do |k,v|
- %h5= k
- %p= v
- / tox
- %td
+ - if @prediction[:match]
- @prediction[:match].values[0]["tox"].each do |k,v|
- %h5 Measurement prediction
+ Measurement
%p= k
%p= v.round(3)
- - if @prediction[:prediction]
- - @prediction[:prediction].each do |k,v|
- %h5 Prediction
- %p= k
- - if v == nil
- %p 0
- - else
- %p= v.round(5)
- / physchem
- %td
- - @prediction[:match].values[0]["physchem"].each do |k,v|
+ - if !@prediction[:prediction] && !@prediction[:match]
+ x
+ / physchem
+ %td.physchem
+ - if @prediction[:match]
+ - sorted = {}
+ - @input.each{|i| sorted[i[0]]=@prediction[:match].values[0]["physchem"][i[0]]}
+ - sorted.each do |k,v|
- %h5= k.gsub(/\sMean/, '')
+ = k.gsub(/\sMean/, '')
%p= v.round(3)
+ - else
+ - @input.each do |v|
+ %div{:style=>"display:inline-block;padding-right:20px;"}
+ = v[0].gsub(/\sMean/, '')
+ - if v[1].nil?
+ %p x
+ - else
+ %p= v[1].round(3)
+ %tbody
/ neighbors
- if @prediction[:neighbors]
- @prediction[:neighbors].each_with_index do |neighbor,idx|
/ ID
- %h5= neighbor["id"]
+ = neighbor["id"]
/ Similarity
- %h5= neighbor["similarity"].round(3)
+ = neighbor["similarity"].round(3)
/ Composition
- neighbor["composition"].each do |k,v|
- %h5= k
+ = k
%p= v
/ Tox
- neighbor["tox"].each do |k,v|
- %h5 Measurement prediction
+ Measurement
%p= k
%p= v.round(3)
/ Physchem
- %td
- - neighbor["physchem"].each do |k,v|
- %div{:style=>"display:inline-block;padding-right:20px;"}
- %h5= k.gsub(/\sMean/, '')
- %p= v.round(3)
+ %td.physchem
+ %div.neighbor
+ - sorted = {}
+ - @input.each{|i| sorted[i[0]]=neighbor["physchem"][i[0]]}
+ - sorted.each do |k,v|
+ %div{:style=>"display:inline-block;padding-right:20px;"}
+ = k.gsub(/\sMean/, '')
+ %p= v.round(3)