require 'qsar-report' require 'rdiscount' require File.join './npo.rb' $ambit_search = "" include OpenTox configure :development do #$logger = end before do @version ="VERSION").chomp end get '/?' do redirect to('/predict') end #=begin get '/qmrf-report/:id' do prediction_model = Model::NanoPrediction.find(params[:id]) if prediction_model model = prediction_model.model model_type = "regression" report = if"#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../lazar") lazar_commit = `cd #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../lazar; git rev-parse HEAD`.strip lazar_commit = "{lazar_commit}" else lazar_commit = "{Gem.loaded_specs["lazar"].version}" end report.value "QSAR_title", "Model for #{prediction_model.species} #{prediction_model.endpoint}" report.change_catalog :software_catalog, :firstsoftware, {:name => "nano-lazar", :description => "nano-lazar toxicity predictions", :number => "1", :url => "", :contact => ""} report.ref_catalog :QSAR_software, :software_catalog, :firstsoftware report.value "qmrf_date", "#{'%d %B %Y')}" report.change_catalog :authors_catalog, :firstauthor, {:name => "Christoph Helma", :affiliation => "in silico toxicology gmbh", :contact => "Rastatterstrasse 41, CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland", :email => "", :number => "1", :url => ""} report.ref_catalog :qmrf_authors, :authors_catalog, :firstauthor report.change_catalog :authors_catalog, :modelauthor, {:name => "Christoph Helma", :affiliation => "in silico toxicology gmbh", :contact => "Rastatterstrasse 41, CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland", :email => "", :number => "1", :url => ""} report.ref_catalog :model_authors, :authors_catalog, :modelauthor report.value "model_date", "#{Time.parse(model.created_at.to_s).strftime('%Y')}" report.change_catalog :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_1, {:title => "Helma, Rautenberg and Gebele (2013), Validation of read across predictions for nanoparticle toxicities ", :url => "in preparation"} report.ref_catalog :references, :publications_catalog, :publications_catalog_1 report.value "model_species", prediction_model.species report.change_catalog :endpoints_catalog, :endpoints_catalog_1, {:name => prediction_model.endpoint, :group => ""} report.ref_catalog :model_endpoint, :endpoints_catalog, :endpoints_catalog_1 report.value "endpoint_units", "#{prediction_model.unit}" report.value "algorithm_type", "#{model.class.to_s.gsub('Model::Lazar','')}" #TODO add updated algorithms #report.change_catalog :algorithms_catalog, :algorithms_catalog_1, {:definition => "see Helma 2016 and, submitted version: #{lazar_commit}", :description => "Neighbor algorithm: #{model.neighbor_algorithm.gsub('_',' ').titleize}#{(model.neighbor_algorithm_parameters[:min_sim] ? ' with similarity > ' + model.neighbor_algorithm_parameters[:min_sim].to_s : '')}"} #report.ref_catalog :algorithm_explicit, :algorithms_catalog, :algorithms_catalog_1 #report.change_catalog :algorithms_catalog, :algorithms_catalog_3, {:definition => "see Helma 2016 and, submitted version: #{lazar_commit}", :description => "modified k-nearest neighbor #{model_type}"} #report.ref_catalog :algorithm_explicit, :algorithms_catalog, :algorithms_catalog_3 #if model.prediction_algorithm_parameters # pred_algorithm_params = (model.prediction_algorithm_parameters[:method] == "rf" ? "random forest" : model.prediction_algorithm_parameters[:method]) #end #report.change_catalog :algorithms_catalog, :algorithms_catalog_2, {:definition => "see Helma 2016 and, submitted version: #{lazar_commit}", :description => "Prediction algorithm: #{model.prediction_algorithm.gsub('Algorithm::','').gsub('_',' ').gsub('.', ' with ')} #{(pred_algorithm_params ? pred_algorithm_params : '')}"} #report.ref_catalog :algorithm_explicit, :algorithms_catalog, :algorithms_catalog_2 # Descriptors in the model 4.3 #if model.neighbor_algorithm_parameters[:type] # report.change_catalog :descriptors_catalog, :descriptors_catalog_1, {:description => "", :name => "#{model.neighbor_algorithm_parameters[:type]}", :publication_ref => "", :units => ""} # report.ref_catalog :algorithms_descriptors, :descriptors_catalog, :descriptors_catalog_1 #end # Descriptor selection 4.4 #report.value "descriptors_selection", "#{model.feature_selection_algorithm.gsub('_',' ')} #{model.feature_selection_algorithm_parameters.collect{|k,v| k.to_s + ': ' + v.to_s}.join(', ')}" if model.feature_selection_algorithm response['Content-Type'] = "application/xml" return report.to_xml else bad_request_error "model with id: #{params[:id]} does not exist." end end #=end get '/predict/?' do @prediction_models = [] prediction_models = Model::NanoPrediction.all prediction_models.each{|m| m.model[:algorithms]["descriptors"]["categories"] == ["P-CHEM"] ? @prediction_models[0] = m : @prediction_models[1] = m} # define type (pc or pcp) @prediction_models.each_with_index{|m,idx| idx == 0 ? m[:pc_model] = true : m[:pcp_model] = true} # collect nanoparticles by training dataset (Ag + Au) dataset = Dataset.find_by(:name=> "Protein Corona Fingerprinting Predicts the Cellular Interaction of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles") nanoparticles = dataset.nanoparticles # select physchem_parameters by relevant features for each model @pc_relevant_features = @prediction_models[0].model.descriptor_ids.collect{|id, v| Feature.find(id)} @pcp_relevant_features = @prediction_models[1].model.descriptor_ids.collect{|id, v| Feature.find(id)} pcp = nanoparticles.sample{|id,v| !@pcp_relevant_features.include?(Feature.find(id))} @example_pcp = pcp pc = nanoparticles.sample{|id,v| !@pc_relevant_features.include?(Feature.find(id))} @example_pc = pc haml :predict end get '/license' do @license ="")).to_html haml :license, :layout => false end post '/predict/?' do # choose the right prediction model prediction_model = Model::NanoPrediction.find(params[:prediction_model]) size = params[:size].to_i @type = params[:type] example_core = eval(params[:example_core]) example_coating = eval(params[:example_coating]) example_pc = eval(params[:example_pc]) in_core = eval(params[:in_core]) in_core["name"] = params[:input_core] input_core = in_core in_coating = eval(params[:in_coating]) in_coating[0]["name"] = params[:input_coating] input_coating = in_coating input_pc = {} (1..size).each{|i| input_pc["#{params["input_key_#{i}"]}"] = [params["input_value_#{i}"].to_f] unless params["input_value_#{i}"] == "-"} # define relevant_features by input @type = "pc" ? (@pc_relevant_features = input_pc.collect{|id,v| Feature.find(id)}) : (@pc_relevant_features = []) @type = "pcp" ? (@pcp_relevant_features = input_pc.collect{|id,v| Feature.find(id)}) : (@pcp_relevant_features = []) if input_pc == example_pc && input_core == example_core && input_coating == example_coating # unchanged input = database hit nanoparticle = Nanoparticle.find_by(:id => params[:example_id]) = input_pc @match = true @nanoparticle = nanoparticle @name = else # changed input = create nanoparticle to predict nanoparticle = nanoparticle.core = input_core nanoparticle.coating = input_coating = input_pc @match = false @nanoparticle = nanoparticle end # prediction output @input = input_pc @prediction = prediction_model.model.predict nanoparticle haml :prediction end