.. |date| date:: ============================================================= Read across toxicity predictions with nano-lazar ============================================================= .. class:: center Christoph Helma in silico toxicology gmbh .. image:: http://www.enanomapper.net/sites/all/themes/theme807/logo.png :align: center Requirements ============ - Nanoparticle characterisation - Toxicity measurements eNanoMapper data import ======================= .. class:: incremental - Nanoparticles imported: 464 - Nanoparticles with particle characterisation: 394 - Nanoparticles with toxicity data: 167 - Nanoparticles with toxicity data and particle characterisation: 160 eNanoMapper toxicity endpoints ============================== .. class:: incremental - Toxicity endpoints: 41 - Toxicity endpoints with more than one measurement value: 22 - Toxicity endpoints with more than 10 measurements: 2 Selected data ============= Protein corona dataset Au particles (106 particles) Toxicity endpoint: Read across procedure ===================== .. class:: incremental - Identify relevant fragments (significant correlation with toxicity) TODO list of fragments, number - Calculate similarities (weighted cosine similarity, correlation coefficients = weights) - Identify neighbors (particles with more than 0.95 similarity) - Calculate prediction (weighted average from neighbors, similarities = weights) Future development ================== - Validation of predictions - Applicability domain/reliability of predictions - Accuracy improvements: - additional data - feature selection - similarity calculation - predictions (local regression models) - Usability improvements: - additional data (extension of applicability domain, additional endpoints and chemistries) - inclusion of ontologies - descriptor calculation directly from core and coating chemistries Webinterface ============ https://nano-lazar.in-silico.ch/predict Your recommendations? Source code =========== https://github.com/opentox/nano-lazar